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Markfield Congregational Community Church NEWS
WECONTINUE to thrive and offer events to the community. Our minister, Rev. Dr. Rob Hunter, created an amazing traditional Burns Night when we were fed and entertained. Forty of us thoroughly enjoyed the evening.
At our BREW ABOUT YOU on Tuesdays 9.30 to 1.00, the atmosphere is amazing, and we continue to see new people coming in.
Light lunch is served at around 11.45pm when we then offer something warm ranging from home-made soup, hot dogs bacon butties, not all on the same day! This is a free event, but donation tins are on the tables for anyone wishing to support the event.
We are so grateful to Bizzle, Charlotte and Wendy who work alongside church volunteers chatting and serving our visitors. Charlotte continues to amaze us with the lovely cakes she makes for us all.
We are working with The Bridge Centre from Loughborough who will be using our room during the coffee morning offering help and advice for people with housing problems. They attend fortnightly but if you miss them, we can put you in contact. For anyone interested in joining us here are some upcoming events for the future.
• Sunday Services 10.30 till 11.30.
• 17th March Friday - Flicks In The Sticks when we will be showing a film starting at 2.00pm
• Sat 25th March: Coffee Morning 10 to12.
• Sat 29th April: 7.30pm Ann Duggan a local singer who you may know is putting on a show, more details to follow.
• Sat 6th May: King Charles’s Coronation can be viewed on our big screen.
• Sun 7th May: Big Lunch 12.15. at Markfield Congregational Community Church Information will be on our notice board. For more details ring Angela Berry 07971 254165.
Everyone is welcome.