Theatre Group Set to Thrill with New Show Next Month!
THE MARKFIELD and Thornton Theatre group are excited to bring a four-night run of an original ‘Black Comedy’, named ‘Billy’s Bunnies’, to the Thornton Community Centre Stage this 1st-4th March.
Written by talented local Muriel Walker, she had this to say about her most recent work to grace the stage:
“Those of you who have kindly shared my writing adventures over the years, will know that I like nothing better than devising a group of characters and creating a setting in which they intermingle and develop. However, this is the first time I’m venturing into the realms of ‘Black Comedy’. We all know how, sometimes, in the darkest and saddest moments a smile will come unbidden to the lips and a laugh will bubble up inside. It is that juxtaposing of the comic and tragic that amuses by being unexpected.
I have always liked plays where the characters are isolated by some trick of fate, and we wonder how they will fare without outside interference. There are many examples of how this device is used to dramatic effect! So, I make no excuse for the landslip and road collision which threaten the safety of the characters.
A cast of thirteen has made the convolutions of the plot interesting to say the least; my biggest problem has not been in writing dialogue to bring them to life, but in how they can all fit on our tiny stage!”
All are welcome, however we feel that this play is not suitable for children.
Opening night is 1st March and the play will run nightly, ending on 4th March. Doors are 7pm with curtain up at 7:30 at the Thornton Community Centre, LE67 1AH. Tickets are £6 and can be purchased from Thornton Corner Shop, LE67 1AJ (cash only) or via card by contacting mttg. or 07983669689.
The group has been working hard for months to put on a fantastic show and hope that you will be entertained and amused. Your support to the local group is greatly appreciated.
Booking boost in Bagworth
MEMBERS of the Bagworth Community Centre Trust (BCCT) who are responsible for the running of the Community Centre have introduced a new way of booking in.

If you are interested in hiring a space at the Centre then you will need to go to the website where you will find an up to date calendar and information about how to book that space. The webpage is www. You can check that the space is available on the time and date that you require, before making the booking. This will result in a request to hire the space.
A member of BCCT will then email you with a confirmation of your booking. BCCT would like to thank Phil for the work that he has done on this.
This is the first step in a new website for the Centre.
shape the future of Markfield village!
MARKFIELD PARISH COUNCIL are looking for local volunteers to form part of a sub-committee to review and refresh our Neighbourhood Plan.
The sub-committee will work with all stakeholders to progress this work. Please note that this sub-committee will focus entirely on the Neighbourhood Plan. If you are interested, please email: admin@
Friends of St Peter’s fund-raising events Fab Event in February
The next Friends of St Peter’s fund raising event is the Clear Out Sale on 25th February from 11 am until 2 pm, at the Community Centre Thornton. Entrance 50p per adult. Bargains galore. With 22 tables full of once loved items to unwanted Christmas gifts and everything in between. Enjoy games, bacon and sausage cobs, cheese rolls, hot drinks and much more.
Mega Event in March:
On the 11th March the Friends are holding a Ceilidh at the Community Centre from 7.30 pm. It’s a ticket only event, so if you would like to come along for an evening of pure enjoyment, please email thorntonvillage@ Hope to see you there!
The Friends of St Peter’s Fundraising Group
Thornton Tea with a Twist – 3Ts
Wednesday 22nd February and 8th and 22nd March 2 to 4 pm
Hope you will be able to join us Wednesdays at Thornton Community Centre for a cuppa, cake, a warm and time to chat. Everyone is very welcome.
All the usual activities will be availableJigsaws, and board games, books, and the jigsaw ‘library’. And, of course, a small play area for young families.
Demand for rental property has never been higher, whilst the risk to landlords is increasing in these uncertain times Place your property under full management with us and receive free rent guarantee and tenant eviction protection for 12 months*

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Three decades on, A FERRARI’S LEGACY continues to change the lives of people throughout Leicestershire

IN 1988 A Swiss entrepreneur, purchased a Ferrari P4 for the record price of £5.5 million from David Clarke, a well-respected local business owner, racing car driver and railway enthusiast. The sale of this stylish, iconic vehicle, which was owned by David of Clarke Boxes in Mountsorrel, became the key to Mr Clarke establishing the Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation, a unique charity which provides wellbeing and educational opportunities to adults living with an illness or disability from its picturesque base in the heart of the Charnwood Forest.

The Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation’s unique values and ethos were progressive at the time. Through the provision of his charitable trust, David’s wish was to ensure that no individual became increasingly vulnerable or isolated. In the decades since David’s passing, the Foundation continues its valued work in the local community, and in 2023 it pledges to progress further with their founders pioneering vision.
Since 1989 the charity has welcomed over 300,000 visitors and, in recent months it has seen a significant increase in requests for activities and services. Today the Foundation provides a varied range of drop in and organised activities in a personalised, home from home setting.
Helen Baxter, of the Foundation said, ‘Our comprehensive timetable of activities and support sessions are heavily subsidised, making them accessible and affordable to enable our visitors to remain connected and engaged in a safe and supportive setting’.

She added ‘The Foundation facilitates a wide range of wellbeing sessions include seated mindfulness, relaxation, and meditation, as well as yoga, tai chi, and Pilates.
‘In addition, our monthly support groups bring together people who are going through or have gone through similar experiences. The Foundation’s calm and relaxed setting, makes people feel confident and comfortable to share their feelings, helpful coping strategies, and first-hand information about their diagnosis and treatment options’.

The Foundation also works in partnership with local learning providers to provided SEN student placements and work experience opportunities to younger people in the local area. These placements are invaluable and enable the students to develop new skills and make new friends.
It is amazing to think that the sale of the Ferrari P4 has been integral in making a difference to the lives of so many people in the local area and beyond. A truly amazing car, with a legacy to match.
Ulverscroft Grange tearooms and charity shops are located on Whitwick Road, Ulverscroft, LE67 9QB (close to Copt Oak) and are open to the public from 10.00am – 4.00pm Monday – Friday.
Come to the talk on 1st March
If you would like to learn more about the history and work of Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation, a talk will be provided on Wednesday 1st of March from 10:30am at Ulverscroft Activity Centre, Priory Lane, Markfield, Leicestershire, LE67 9PH. If you would like the Foundation to provide a talk to your group, this can be arranged by contacting emailing us at
For more details about the Foundation or to book a place for the 45-minute presentation in March, please visit the website www., or call Helen Baxter on 01530 244914.

Hard floor
The Herald
PO Box 8, Markfield, Leics. LE67 9ZT
Tel: 01530 244069
All the latest from Markfield WI
From Lynda OwenThe Herald is a monthly local magazine delivered free to approximately 4,000 homes and businesses in Markfield, Field Head, Stanton under Bardon, Thornton and Bagworth. Contact Mike Wilkinson with your articles, news items or advertising enquiries.

Printed by Norwood Press in Ellistown.
The opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the Herald Production Team. The inclusion of any group or organisation in this publication does not necessarily imply a recommendation of its aims, methods or policies.
The Herald cannot be held responsible for the information disclosed by advertisements, all of which are accepted in good faith.
Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information in this magazine, but no liability can be accepted for loss or inconvenience caused as a result of error or omission.
The Herald reserves the right to amend, shorten or refuse to publish articles and/or advertisements submitted for publication.
All contents © The Herald. None of the articles or adverts contained in this magazine are to be reproduced in any way without first obtaining written consent from The Herald.
OUR PROGRAMME for the new year got off to a wonderful start with a talk by author Rachel Greaves about her creation Ruffle the Railway Dog. Ruffle is an Airedale Terrier who has adventures on a steam railway. Rachel brought Ruffle along to the talk and it’s fair to say we all fell in love with him.

Rachel gives talks to various groups using puppets and props which she had mainly made herself which she also brought along.
Some of Ruffle’s stories have been written for local and national charities to raise awareness of their work including one featuring a child with hearing aids who teaches Ruffle to do a trick and another featuring first aid. She has also written a book with a WW1 theme highlighting the contribution of Airedales and other animals during the war delivering messages and aid to the front lines (and wearing gas masks).
Rachel was an excellent speaker and we thoroughly enjoyed the evening and were as enthralled as any of the children hearing the talk in assembly. Our speaker in February will be Bill Haley talking about Life on the Royal Yacht and as always we welcome visitors and new members.
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Lots going on at St Peter’s Thornton!
JANUARY was a busy month for St Peter’s for many reasons.
During the Christmas Tree Festival, which was a wonderful event (thank you everyone) the main entrance door handle kept coming off in people’s hands! Dave Morris, a local blacksmith, has kindly repaired the handle and latches on the inner and outer doors. Thank you Dave.
Another of our wonderful beech trees very sadly had to be felled. Meripilus Giganteus, a fungus that rots beech tree roots, was in plenty of evidence. Without its felling the tree could have fallen at any time. The advice from the HBBC tree officer was that it should be removed as soon as possible as it was close to housing and a wellused public footpath. Thank you to everyone who donated money in exchange for wood to help pay for the felling. A local woodturner,
Chris Ford, is using some of the wood to make items for St Peter’s. Chris is also repairing the lid of the font which has quite a bit of death watch beetle and wood worm damage.
Twelve new saplings
In December and January churchyard working party volunteers planted twelve sapling trees including Rowan, Crab, Bird Cherry and Alder, and 30 metres of hedging which included Hazel and Hawthorn. All these were very kindly donated to the church by HBBC.
New bench installed
Thanks to the fund raising of a local resident, we are well on the way to having a bench properly installed part way up the public footpath that runs through the churchyard. I am sure it will prove a welcome stop on the way up this steep path.
Roof repairs carried out recently will hopefully stop the few leaks the church continues to experience. We live in hope that we now have a watertight roof! All the gutters have been cleared once again. It is a job that needs doing at least 3 times a year. I am very grateful to our window cleaners, Chris and Dave, who carry out this task.
A new piece of wood has replaced the rotten threshold into church. It also had suffered from a beetle attack!
As many of you know, despite the fully operational heating system, it is really difficult to satisfactorily heat our much loved, ancient church. So church services during the winter months are being held at Thornton Community Centre.
Thank you to you all for your support for St Peter’s Church.
Shirley Garlick

Improving the planning system
IWANT TO START by saying thanks to those who have reached out to me since I announced I was standing down in May. This included a nice letter from the former ‘Vicar’ of this Parish Geoffrey Willett, somebody who I admire greatly.
As I am standing down, I thought I would use some of my final articles to give some thoughts and opinions on the local challenges we face and how these might be addressed.
I will start with the subject of planning – something that I have written about more than anything else in my 28 years and which will continue I believe to be a hot topic moving forward.
The development of Markfield and Stanton as communities has been an ongoing process over many centuries. Mostly slow organic growth over many years reflecting the needs of the local community, until the 70’s when this growth accelerated, especially the housing growth associated with the various Fitchett developments. It has never been a surprise that people would want to live here, especially once the M1 was built, giving fast access to the UK’s road network. It’s always been a good place to live, close enough to key population centres but also right on the edge of the Charnwood Forest, and as a result it will always be attractive to developers.
For the majority of my time on the Borough Council the pressure from developers was largely managed by a combination of national and regional planning policy and effective local government at both a Borough and County level. Housing targets while always contentious were never as toxic as they are today. The reason for that toxicity was that the current Government increased by a significant number the requirement for new houses in local authority areas, ‘build! build! build!’ was the mantra. It also increased the burdens on Councils to deliver this housing whether in the right places or not. At the same time funding pressures in local government meant that resources to manage the planning process dwindled and planning and highway functionality was impaired.
So toxic had the increased housing targets become, that the present Government has now changed tack and is pushing for
the abolition of them. I cannot help but think this has more to do with the rank unpopularity of the present Government, but it is at least helpful and if implemented will allow for a period of much needed reflection. We do though face a housing problem in England, that can be seen in the increased prices for land and homes, which means home ownership is more out of reach for people today than it has been for decades. This is sadly combined with the fact that social housing provision is inadequate and that council housing (once a genuine housing option for local people) is slowly disappearing, denying local people a genuine choice.
Developers’ resources

Sadly today, housing policy has largely been outsourced to major housing developers who have the resources to drive policy in the direction they choose to maximise their own profits. This was made clear to me when I attended and spoke at the recent planning appeal hearing against the prospective developers of the land north of Ashby Road. I was struck by the huge resources the developer was throwing at this appeal to the Governments inspector. It was an abundance of resource that in reality, Hinckley and Bosworth could never match in defending its correct decision to refuse the developer planning permission.
So I believe most people can agree that things need to change, the present solutions do not work as they undermine local communities and encourage speculative developers such as we are seeing on Markfield Road in Field Head. So for what it’s worth, this is what I think should happen.
Discount for locals

Firstly I do think we need a more robust understanding of housing needs and not just the need to own a property but also an ability to socially rent at an affordable price. This need should be identified down to local communities in a fair and transparent way. We need to ensure local people who grow up in a local community have an ability to remain in that community with decent housing. One way of doing this is to ensure that when new housing is built in a community, those living and with roots in that community should be given the best incentives like a 15% discount to be able to purchase or rent these new houses.
I do think that local communities should be tasked with identifying where it wants any development to take place to meet its own local demand but also some general population growth. Should a local community like Markfield or Stanton identify and set that out correctly, that should be it. No other development should proceed for as long as that process remains valid. And it must be longer than 2 years or even 5 years as proposed. So in essence I believe in local neighbourhood plans with even stronger and longer lasting protections than we have today. And neighbourhood plans that can cross authority boundaries if in doing so it clearly relates to the community in question.
Greater confidence
If every community in England was tasked with doing this, we would go some way to addressing the problems we face and we would involve many more local people in doing so. We would also give much greater confidence to local communities that the planning system was working with them and not against them. Such plans would also be able to influence the type of housing required and support the development of new Council houses for local people.
Another major concern today that I fully share, is that new housing simply does not deliver enough mitigations to compensate communities. It can mean a struggle to get children into local schools, bigger class sizes or a longer waits to see a GP, this cannot be right. It also appears far too easy for developers to wriggle out of promises they make. This needs tightening up with proper penalties for failing to deliver for communities and ensuring new housing is not a burden. I think local communities would be more accepting of new development if the gains were more transparent and up front from the beginning.
Alongside those local community plans, we need proper regional infrastructure planning so that roads and public transport match up to the developments, so that things actually work and people can get to where they need to be. It cannot be right that cash strapped local authorities are effectively bidding for money from developers to fund road improvements that barely improve matters and do not substantially plan ahead. We shouldn’t always be accepting second best.
New settlements
My final suggestion would be that we cannot simply expect to keep squeezing more housing onto established settlements and changing the very nature of them. If we are to seriously address the need for more housing on the scales suggested, we urgently need to build more new settlements which can be purpose built with infrastructure to match. That is what happened the last time the UK was faced with a major housing crisis following the Second World War. New settlements will not drain existing resources and can be designed to work with the local landscape and features.
Planning will always remain controversial. What we need to do is find a way of ensuring broad community support for development that ensures future generations have quality places to live. The system as it stands will not deliver that, it is just building up resentment, unaffordable properties, and an absence of choice for local people. I think that some if not all the suggestions above will help address these problems which is why being cynical for a moment they probably will not happen. Still the refresh of the Markfield Neighbourhood plan is soon to get underway and a call for volunteers to help in this, is being made. Its an opportunity in a small way to help shape the future for the community.
Botcheston WI News from Sheila Flatt
WE HOPE that the New Year has started well for you all and that you have weathered the cold spell.
As I write, we have just had our January meeting that was unfortunately cut short! We had a visit from the watch at Market Bosworth Fire Station – 3 very nice guys came to talk to us about fire safety in the home and regale us with anecdotes of life as a fulltime and retained fire fighter. From stories of a cat (who turned out to be a squirrel!) stuck up a tree

to statistics – only 20% of their call outs are to fires, this being down to the smoke alarm (that should be tested weekly). Unfortunately half way through the evening they got a call and had to depart, promising to come back another time.
We had 3 guests this month who hopefully will become members. Our next meeting is on Thursday 23 February when we will be having a talk on the Life and Times of Agatha Christie – the competition is entitled ‘An Old Book’.
Our Craft and Coffee mornings in February are on the 6 and 20 at Botcheston Village Hall starting at 10.00 a.m. and winding up at 12.00 noon. Bring along your knitting, embroidery or whatever you partake in, or just come along for a chat – a very informal morning – Knit and Natter!
If you would like more information about Botcheston WI, or WI in general please contact our secretary on 01455 821228.

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Being married is like having a best friend who doesn’t remember anything you say.
The Hinckley & District Parkinson’s Group
THE CLOSING POETIC words of the Christmas Pantomime performed by and for the Parkinson’s Group Sunday afternoon gathering in January seemed to sum up what this group aims for and achieves - and also passes on thanks for the support of this magazine and its readers.

“We would like to say a huge thank you For your support and friendship too. Now, can I remind you of all we do That we have on offer to help support you?
On Monday there is a monthly ‘caff’ we meet to chat and have a ‘laff’; On Tuesday come along and exercise
Strengthen your muscles and tone those thighs; Or maybe a monthly Nordic walking group
Improves your balance and posture as you troop?
On Friday move to music and singing, you’ll find Friendships, fun and laughter. No obligation of any kind”
Church Services
Try to read this with the odd shout of ‘He’s behind you!’ or ‘Oh yes there is!’ to put it into context!
Our meetings continue throughout 2023 on the second Sunday of each month, at 2.30 on February 12 and March 12th at the Mary Forryan Centre; our ‘Challenge Parkinson’s’ weekly exercises at 3.00 at the St. Francis Centre; Movement to Music at 2.30 and Singing for Fun at 4.00 both on Friday afternoons at the Elmesthorpe Village Hall; plus our monthly ‘drop ins’ at Dobbies at Stapleton on the third Monday of the month, [February 20 and March 20] between 2.00 and 4.00 in the Restaurant Conservatory. We also have a monthly Carers Group on the third Tuesday each month at the same time as the exercise class. Nordic Walking resumes in March at Burbage Common.
For further information on any of our activities please contact Janet Kavanagh on 07932615233.
So don’t let Parkinson’s dictate how you live your life, come along and join the Hinckley Group and see the benefits for yourself.
Robert A. LeakeMarkfield Congregational Community Church NEWS
WECONTINUE to thrive and offer events to the community. Our minister, Rev. Dr. Rob Hunter, created an amazing traditional Burns Night when we were fed and entertained. Forty of us thoroughly enjoyed the evening.
At our BREW ABOUT YOU on Tuesdays 9.30 to 1.00, the atmosphere is amazing, and we continue to see new people coming in.
Light lunch is served at around 11.45pm when we then offer something warm ranging from home-made soup, hot dogs bacon butties, not all on the same day! This is a free event, but donation tins are on the tables for anyone wishing to support the event.
We are so grateful to Bizzle, Charlotte and Wendy who work alongside church volunteers chatting and serving our visitors. Charlotte continues to amaze us with the lovely cakes she makes for us all.
We are working with The Bridge Centre from Loughborough who will be using our room during the coffee morning offering help and advice for people with housing problems. They attend fortnightly but if you miss them, we can put you in contact. For anyone interested in joining us here are some upcoming events for the future.
• Sunday Services 10.30 till 11.30.
• 17th March Friday - Flicks In The Sticks when we will be showing a film starting at 2.00pm
• Sat 25th March: Coffee Morning 10 to12.
• Sat 29th April: 7.30pm Ann Duggan a local singer who you may know is putting on a show, more details to follow.
• Sat 6th May: King Charles’s Coronation can be viewed on our big screen.
• Sun 7th May: Big Lunch 12.15. at Markfield Congregational Community Church Information will be on our notice board. For more details ring Angela Berry 07971 254165.
Everyone is welcome.
Groby Grob Gr y The
Welcome to David & Kate Joy of Edith James Catering who have taken over the kitchen at the Club, serving food from Thursday to Sunday! News updates are available on Facebook but please see the March issue of Glenfield Gazette for a full introduction of them.
We have SKY and BT SPORTS which are shown on our BIG SCREEN TVs and our 2 PROJECTOR SCREENS.

Februar y Entertainment
Satur day 4th: - Neil T imothy
Satur day 11th: - Le e Wainwright
Satur day 18th: - Rob Marshall
Satur day 25th: - John Holton
Have a Game of BINGO!
You might win yourself some lovely cash!
Saturday Nights from 9:30pm10:30pm & Sunday Lunch from 12:30pm-2pm.
oking forwar d to the fantastic... ekend!
King ’s CORONATION We ekend!
Ticket Only Night: Members:- £5, Non-Members: - £8. Tickets available from the Bar Staff from Monday 6th February 2023!

Bouncy Castle, Disco, Tribute Act, BBQ, Ice Cream, Fair Ride, plus more! More details to follow in upcoming issues.
Satur day 6th May (Evening): SHAUN E.B WITH HIS UB40 TRIBUTE
Sunday 7th May 2023: - THE AUSTRIAN STONES BAND!
From 3:30pm. FREE ENTRY!
• 700g mixed fresh blueberries, strawberries and raspberries
• 100g caster sugar
• 2 tbsp cornflour
• 1 tsp vanilla paste
For the topping
• 150g plain flour
• 100g salted butter, cubed
• 50g desiccated coconut or large flakes
• 50g soft brown sugar
• A pinch of salt
• 50g macadamia nuts, roughly chopped
Strawberries, raspberries and blueberries are a tasty way to get your five-a-day – and they make a wonderful addition to this scrumptious dessert sweet.

1. Preheat the oven to 200°C / fan 180°C / gas mark 6.

2. In a medium bowl, mix together the fruit with the sugar, cornflour and vanilla paste. Pour into a baking dish (approximately 20 x 30cm).
3. For the topping, mix together the flour, butter, coconut, sugar and salt in a medium bowl. Use your fingertips to rub the butter into the dry ingredients until it has a rough gravel consistency. Mix in the chopped nuts, then scatter it over the fruit. Bake in the preheated oven for 25 minutes or until golden and bubbling.
For more recipe inspiration, visit
The Awake Dreamer

In the world of dreams, inventors have discovered techniques to solve problems, scientists have conjured new medicines to heal the sick, artists have created poetry, plays, and songs. Many people have reported being visited by loved ones in heaven to bring messages of healing or warnings to prevent an upcoming disaster. Stories of precognitive dreams-some filled with wonder and hope while others foretell impending misfortunes--have been recorded for centuries.
The book is comprised of stories, research, exercises, and techniques designed to show readers a whole new side to what it means to dream, including how to:
• Receive and give ancestral healing through our dreams
• Find the treasures of selfdiscovery buried in these scary experiences
• Invite healing dreams into your lives and request assistance
• Practice lucid dreaming, astral travel, and past life dream recall
• Remember your dreams better
With these skills you can become a Soul Traveler who has dreams that are very different from the average dreamer.
ARE capable of causing immense insights, creative bursts, bringing messages from loved ones, and have tremendous healing potential.

Markfield Methodist Church
Friday 10th March 7pm
John Parsons and Beate Toyko join us for what promises to be a wonderful evening. For more info about them please see our website. Tickets £12 adults, £6 children including a program and refreshments.
Please visit our website for tickets at:
Or message via our FB page or call 07979 607099

NEW YEAR, NEW START for Groby Sings after a very successful comeback in 2022.
The moment we’d all been waiting for finally arrived at the end of November with our first public performance for 3 years and with our new Musical Director, Simon Lubkowski. It was so good to be back and we are very grateful to Rev. Dr. Ed Bampton and all at Ratby Church for offering us the use of their beautiful building for our concert. The church was absolutely full and the acoustics were amazing. As well as family and friends of current singers, several singers from previous seasons were moved to say they would be coming back to join us when we restart on Wednesday 1st March.
Our theme for Spring/Summer 2023 is ‘At the Movies’ which we’re really excited about. As yet, the songs are a dark secret but we singers are really looking forward to finding out the selection on 1st March when there will surely be something to suit everyone.
We have another exciting reason to look forward to the new season. Groby Sings has always prided itself on being a fully inclusive community choir, embracing
people from all walks of life, all areas of Leicestershire (and beyond), people with various disabilities and those who just want to get together with others and sing. There are no auditions and no requirement to be a ‘good’ singer, although those who have been to our concerts will know that, together, we produce a pretty amazing sound! To further our aim to be fully inclusive, this season we are actively encouraging people who have been diagnosed with memory loss or dementia, as well as their friends and carers, to come along and experience the enjoyment of singing together. We at Groby Sings know that music and singing is uplifting for our mood and general wellbeing and this has been borne out by scientific studies. It has been shown to be particularly helpful to people with dementia and there are lots of dementia choirs and music therapy groups around the country. In 2019, the actor Vicky McClure (BBC’s Line of Duty) set up a dementia choir in Nottingham as a result of witnessing her grandmother’s experience of dementia. It was a lifechanger for the choir members, their families and the community. A series of 3 BBC programmes about the choir was broadcast at
the time but then, of course, the good work was cruelly halted by Covid. However, in October last year 2 more programmes called ‘Our Dementia Choir Sings Again’ were broadcast about the revival of the choir and the making of a record at Abbey Road Studios! (It’s a ‘must-watch’ on BBC iPlayer – tissues recommended.) So, we hope that people in our community with dementia and their carers will come along and share the good feelings that we generate at Groby Sings on Wednesdays.
How do I join Groby Sings?
Just come along to The Groby Club, Leicester Road, Groby, Leicester LE6 0DJ (ramps and disabled facilities available) on Wednesdays, term time only, beginning 1st March 2023. Adult singers: either 1.30pm – 3.00pm (pre-school children welcome in the care of their adult with a crèche area available) or 7.30pm –9.00pm. The Youth and Children’s Choir (7 years and over) is from 3.40-4.40pm. There is a ‘cake break’ in each session for a drink, a chat and ... cake! Enquiries via our website
Groby Sings is a Registered Charity no. 1180490

Busy community centre
More good news in Bagworth
THE MEMBERS of Bagworth Community Centre Trust (BCCT) who run the centre are delighted with the number and variety of groups who use the building.
These range from counselling and yoga, to signing, and singing and dancing with many more in between. Look at the calendar for all of our user groups. BCCT would like to extend their congratulations to Incy Wincy’s Preschool who have recently celebrated their first birthday. They have many happy and contented customers.
One of our more successful groups is Dance-tastic led by the very capable and brilliant Jo James. The extent of their success can be seen in the exam results from the exams they took back in December. Yet again it was 100% success rate with all candidates receiving the Highly Commended grade with marks of 86% upwards to the highest at 97%.
This is the third bi-annual session in a row where this has been achieved and they are looking forward to holding a Presentation Dance in February to celebrate this success and receive their medals and certificates from a surprise Honorary Guest. It will also be another chance to demonstrate their dancing to family and friends.
This follows an incredibly successful year of competing at Ballroom and Latin American competitions in the East Midlands and Whitby. From just 6 competitions there was an incredible haul of 308 trophies.

Congratulations to all of the dancers. This was a fantastic achievement. It has to be noted that it really is a family affair at Dance-tastic as the dancers range from 5 years old to retirement age and the children, parents and grandparents all have a go at lessons, exams and even competing, as well as being the biggest (and loudest) cheerleaders and supporters for all aspects of the ballroom dancing experience. Jo’s classes are held at Bagworth Community Centre and there is something for all ages and abilities, in a group or on a private lesson basis.
Please do not be one of those people who say that there is nothing to do in Bagworth. Come and look at activities at this very busy Community Centre.
Bob AustinChange in Hinckley and Bosworth Bulky Waste Collections
UPHOLSTERED furniture such as sofas and chairs will be collected and disposed of in a new way, due to a change in the law, which is now being enforced.
The Environment Agency and DEFRA have brought in legislation changes that aim to help protect the environment.
Currently there can be pollution and damage to aquatic environments when foam in upholstered furniture that contains a fire-retardant product, known as persistent organic pollutants (POP’s), is taken to landfill. The product, which is typically found in sofas, armchairs, upholstered dining chairs, office chairs, bean bags and upholstered/padded furniture, must now be incinerated and not taken to landfill.
Any residents booking a bulky item collection which includes upholstered furniture items will now see their upholstered furniture being collected separately from other large items.

For more information visit:
Leicester Oddfellows want to spread the love of friendship this February
WHILE MOST people’s thoughts turn to romance this Valentine’s Day, Leicester Oddfellows is inviting people to fix up a friendship date instead.
The friendly society, a non-profit group which hosts regular active and social events across Leicestershire says romance is great but it’s not the only way to make you feel more energised and valued.
When it comes to feeling loved and emotionally supported, forging strong friendships can help us to feel more fulfilled and satisfied with life.
Mike Harris Branch Secretary of the Leicester Oddfellows’ said: “Valentine’s Day always tends to focus on romance and grand gestures, but it is important to remember that love comes in many forms and is needed for more than just one day of the year.
“As well as providing us with social experiences that lift our spirits, friendships offer a vital support network for when times get tough, prevent loneliness, and perhaps most importantly, help individuals recognise their own self-worth.
“We also appreciate that if you’ve lost someone close, Valentine’s Day can be a difficult time of year. We say come and have a lovely time with us at one of our meet-ups. A warm welcome is waiting.”
Leicester Oddfellows’ friendship group has more than 850 local members, mainly older adults. It meets regularly for social get-togethers and offers support and advice when members might need it.

Deanna Roberts from Leicester who has been a member of the group for 4 years, added: “After losing my husband I felt very alone so one of my friends asked me if I’d like to come along to a meeting to get out a bit. I was apprehensive at first but I needn’t have worried as I was made to feel welcome from the start. I have made many new friends and we’ve had lots of fun and lots of laughs along the way! Everybody looks out for each other and it makes you feel good to have that support and be able to help someone in return, after all that’s what friends are for.”
To find out more about the Leicester Oddfellows, or to find out about other upcoming events, contact Jo brown on 0116 2543106 or email
Further information about the Oddfellows can be found at www.
A fortune-teller tells a frog: “You are going to meet a beautiful young girl who will want to know everything about you.”
The frog says: “This is great! Will I meet her at a party, or what?”
“No,” says the fortune-teller, “In her biology class.”
Lawyer: “Now that you’ve been acquitted, will you tell me truly? Did you steal the car?”
Client: “After hearing your amazing argument in court this morning, I’m beginning to think I didn’t.”

Ticket Prices:
Friday 5th May 2023
Ticket Prices: Members £5
Members: £5
Non-Members: £8

Non-Members £8
See Bar Staff to purchase your tickets

See the Bar Staff to get your tickets
SATURDAY 6TH MAY From 8.30pm
Saturday 6th May 2023 from 8:30pm

SUNDAY 7TH MAY From 3.30pm
Sunday 7th May 2023 from 3.30pm
The main problem with my selfies is that all of them are pictures of me.CATHOLIC CHURCHES OF ST WILFRID OF YORK AND HOLY CROSS
53 London Road, Coalville, LE67 3JB – 01530 832098

Saturday 6 pm – Holy Cross Church Whitwick*
Sunday 9 am – Holy Cross Church, Whitwick*
Sunday 10.30 am - St Wilfrid’s Church, Coalville
* Holy Cross Church, Parsonwood Hill, Whitwick, LE67 5AT.
Monday 10 am – St Wilfrid’s Parish**
Tuesday – No Mass
Wednesday 10 am – Holy Cross Church
Please see the Newsletter on the Parish website for more details.
** St Wilfrid’s weekday Masses are held in the Oratory. Please access via the front door of the Presbytery, beside the Church.
Sacrament of Reconciliation: You can book an appointment with Fr Gabriel to celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation. Please call the presbytery to book an appointment – 01530 832098.

Parish Priest: Fr Gabriel Offor 01530 832098
Parish Website:
St Clare’s RC Primary School, Coalville: 01530 837747
De Lisle RC College, Loughborough: 01509 268739
Holy Cross School, Whitwick: 01530 832 799 www.
Sunday 19 February at 10.30 am – St Michael’s Parish Church, the Green.
7 pm at Markfield Congregational Community Church, Main St.
Tuesday 18 April – week after Easter Week
Village Contact: Margaret on 01530 243292
I GUESS MANY of us love wildlife documentaries. David Attenborough’s “Frozen Planet II”, Chris Packham’s “Dogs in the Wild”, and of course “Winterwatch”.
We love seeing the wonderful variety of wildlife… but the patience of the naturalists and camera crews, watching and waiting, is also remarkable.
On 2nd February, the Church celebrated “Candlemas”- Jesus being presented in the Temple at 8 days old, and being recognised as the Messiah not just for the Jews, but for everybody. This story also features two elderly prophets, Simeon and Anna who, like the wildlife camera crews, watch and wait. Jesus, Mary and Joseph would not have stood out in the crowd, but because Simeon and Anna had watched, waited, prayed and listened, they recognised who Jesus was.
Perhaps we can learn from Simeon and Anna. Perhaps, as we watch and wait, through tough times, we will notice people who show us God’s love, and that (to quote a song from Les Misérables) “Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.”
Perhaps also we will notice what wrongs we can help to put right, and people whose lives we can brighten with our love. May we watch and wait like Simeon and Anna- and bring light to the world.
LincolnMinister, Trinity Methodist Church, Markfield Website:
FaceBook: Markfield Methodist Church
Planning Apps
• Two storey side and rear extension, single storey rear extension and detached double garage to driveway - at 283 Leicester Road, Field Head, Markfield, Leicestershire LE67 9RH
• Erection of a conservatoryat 184 Ratby Road, Groby, Leicester LE6 0BT
• Proposed conversion of garage to office and bedroom with en-suite (retrospective) - at 11 Wallace Drive, Groby, Leicester LE6 0GQ
• Proposed two storey side extension and single storey rear extension - at 13 Marston Drive, Groby, Leicester LE6 0DY
• Proposed external access ramp with steps to the rear Thornton Community Centre and conversion of east corner of open space into additional parking - at Thornton Community Centre, 175 Main Street, Thornton, Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1AH
• Two storey side and rear extensions, detached garage and new boundary front wall - at The Homestead, Thornton Lane, Markfield, Leicestershire LE67 9RP
Time for some good news?
IF YOU CAN’T bear to watch or read the news, you’re not alone.
Newly published research shows that more than seven out of ten news publishers are concerned about increasing levels of ‘news avoidance.’
More and more people are turning away from the news because it’s just too difficult to take.
The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism has published its ‘Journalism, media, and technology trends and predictions 2023’ report, based on a wide-ranging survey of 303 news leaders in 53 countries. It explores the latest developments in journalism and the priorities for the year ahead.
One area of deep concern was increasing levels of ‘news avoidance’ with 72 per cent of publishers worried about the phenomenon. Many readers and viewers were avoiding news, especially, says the report “around important but often depressing topics like Ukraine and climate change.”

What goes around comes around ... Become a litter picker –and earn money!

LITTER PICKERS will be able to make about 20p per can or bottle from a new deposit scheme in England and Wales, according to an environment minister.
From 2025, bottles and cans will include a deposit, likely to be 20p, that can be reclaimed when containers are returned to reverse vending machines at designated sites, according to a recent government statement.
As one environment minister explained, “There will be an opportunity for people to go around collecting up litter and so forth, and taking it back, and receiving the deposit, which we think might benefit a range of charities and individuals.”
The scheme will include all polyethylene terephthalate plastic bottles and cans up to three litres in size, meaning households will have to take their rubbish to a recycling point instead of leaving them on the kerbside for collection.

Councils will be able to cash in on any bottles and cans left in the recycling by collecting the deposit. The exact amount of the deposit will be decided by a new quango that will run the scheme, which was first announced in 2017.

The scheme is expected to save local authorities around £35 million a year by reducing the amount of recycling they pick up. The UK uses 14 billion plastic drink bottles, and nine billion drink cans every year. The country already recycles around 70 per cent of these.

(Editor’s Note: Not such a new idea. I remember taking bottles back to the shop for a deposit many years ago ... )

IWANTTO START this month’s update by expressing my thanks to Matthew Lay for his service to the villages over many years. Although our politics differ somewhat, we have always had a collaborative and constructive working relationship; putting party politics aside in the interests of our residents. I wish Matthew well as he recharges his batteries after many years of service on the Parish and Borough Councils.
AS OUTLINED in last month’s article the County Council is currently working through its budgeting process which looks set to be the toughest yet. I know from speaking with the four Parish Councils in my electoral area that they are reviewing their own precept rises.
In recent months there has been considerable instability on Markfield Parish Council with only one of the original councillors, elected at the last election (May 2019), still in post.
It is not for me to wade into the ‘differences’ that have caused this situation, but I do know that the Parish Council’s focus should be on refreshing the Neighbourhood Development Plan. Without this protection the village will be vulnerable to the “free for all” approach of developers as they seek to build on every piece of land available.
With fresh sets of Parish and Borough Council elections coming up I would strongly urge anyone who would like to serve their community to consider standing for Parish Council.
Local Planning Matters
IN DESFORD there is much concern about the outline proposals for 120 dwellings at Ashfield Farm, Kirkby Road, Desford. I understand that the Borough Council is unlikely to finalise its plan until 2024 which exposes villages to ever increasing speculative applications. Sadly this lack of an up to date Local Development Plan at Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council means that speculative applications such as this are likely to continue and indeed increase for some time to come.
As a County Councillor I have no direct powers over planning matters, however I have written to HBBC expressing my concerns about this latest application; particular since it is not one of Desford’s ‘preferred sites’, and will likely have highways safety implications in the village. Another reason why it is imperative that Markfield’s Neighbourhood Development Plan is refresh as soon as possible.
Forthcoming Events at Little Markfield Farm
26th Feb - 4.30pm onwards
The Desford Bomber
All are welcome but please book for catering purposes
24th March - at 7pm
Please book with Brenda
8th April 11 - at 2pm
EASTER EGG HUNT £3 per child
23rd April
Please book your vehicle in with Brenda
26th May - at 7pm
Please book with Brenda
11th June - 10.30 to 4pm
AS MANY RESIDENTS will know, there is a local historical connection with Reid & Sigrist’s ‘RS4 Bobsleigh’ also known as “The Desford (bomber)”. The plane was until recently stored in a hanger with limited ability for members of the general public to view. In order to preserve this important piece of local heritage the County Council transferred it to Newark Air Museum. I was privileged, alongside Desford Parish Council Chairman Colin Crane, to visit the Museum to see the plane its new home. Having never visited the Museum before I was impressed with the craft on display and the educational material on offer. I would certainly recommend a visit!

I continue to work with residents on a range of local issues and if I can be of assistance please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Best wishes, Peter
(County Councillor for Markfield, Desford & Thornton)
E: or T: 01455 824733
For More Information Call Brenda On 07774 047571

If so, please send details of what you do, when & where you meet, etc. and we’ll give you a FREE MENTION in The Herald.
Everyone in the area of coverage will get to know about your group, and you may attract new members. TREMENDOUS!
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ON THE 9TH JANUARY, Dove Bank Primary School visited Birmingham World Resorts Arena to join the World’s Largest Children’s Choir.

We sang with 6500 children from across the country and learnt some brilliant songs including a Trolls Medley and a song called Rockstar.
It was brilliant watching the Beat Box music and Urban Strides dance but the highlight was singing with Heather Small.
Well Done Dove Bank!

Mrs. A. Fletcher Head of School
You’ll need photo ID to vote at polling stations from 4th May
FROM 4TH MAY 2023, voters in England will need to show photo ID to vote at polling stations in some elections.
This will apply to:
• Local elections
• Police and Crime Commissioner elections

• UK parliamentary by-elections
• Recall petitions

From October 2023 it will also apply to UK General elections.
If you don‘t have accepted photo ID, you can apply for a free voter ID document, which is known as a Voter Authority Certificate.
The deadline to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate for the local elections in England on 4 May 2023 is 5pm on Tuesday 25th April 2023.
You need to be registered to vote before you apply for a Voter Authority Certificate.
When you register to vote, you’ll be asked whether you have photo ID or if you want to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate.
Apply for photo ID to vote
It’s free to apply. You’ll need:
• a recent, digital photo of yourself

• your National Insurance number

You can still apply if you do not have a National Insurance number.

You’ll need to provide other documents to prove your identity, for example a birth certificate, bank statement and utility bill.
Voting by post
YOU DON’T NEED PHOTO ID TO VOTE BY POST, so you don’t need to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate if you choose to vote this way.
I could do great things if I weren’t so busy doing little things.
Borough Councillor
Andy Furlong’s
READERS MAY recall that one of my first scribblings on these pages described a behind-the-scenes tour of the Cliffe Hill quarry complex operated by Midland Quarry Products (MQP).
This was back in October 2019. Having reread my article, I note that a decision on the planning application to extend the quarry towards Markfield was expected by the end of 2020.

That was two years ago. Naturally, residents have been wondering what’s going on, particularly because the Department of Transport has opened a consultation on the proposed closure and rerouting of Cliff Hill Lane, with notices landing on the door mats of local residents shortly after Christmas. Armed with a list of questions, I attended last month’s Quarry Liaison Committee meeting to hear a progress report.
Community support?
First off, why the slippage? You’ll win no prizes for guessing that the COVID-19 emergency threw a spanner in the works. The pandemic, combined with the dire state of the UK economy due to Brexit, derailed MQP’s plans. Nonetheless, the project remains alive and under active consideration by Heidelberg, MQP’s German parent company. A formal application to extend the quarry was lodged with Leicestershire County Council in July 2022. This was validated in August, triggering a public consultation which resulted in four written objections from local residents. At the same time, a range of comments and suggestions were received from the ‘statutory consultees’ - bodies like Markfield Parish Council - with no fundamental objections raised. As things stand, there appears to be community support in principle for the continuation of an industrial activity that has been going on in and around Markfield and Stanton for over a century.
Community compensation
In 2019, along with Cllr Matthew Lay, I called for establishing a community fund, paid for by MQP, to compensate for the increased inconvenience caused by moving extraction closer to Markfield. This would be in addition to the usual ‘planning gain’ windfalls associated with a successful planning application. Such a fund could be used to support local community projects. MQP are dragging their feet, but we’ll keep pressing.

Road rerouting
Coming back to the closure and rerouting of Cliffe Hill Lane, I received assurances that the new road will be completed before the existing one is closed. Steps will be taken to ensure that access for those affected by the construction work will not be compromised.
This week I contacted the Minerals Planning Team at County Hall to get an update on the application’s progress. At the time of writing, no date has been set for the application to come before Leicestershire County Council. As ever, the wheels of progress turn slowly, and the application remains stuck in the planning queue, pending answers to many pressing questions.
Unanswered questions
I have seen a letter from the County Council to MQP’s agent SLR Consulting dated 14 December. Concerns have been raised around several issues, including:
• Weaknesses in the Ecological Impact Assessment and a failure of the application to demonstrate a significant net gain in biodiversity
• Doubts as to the effectiveness of the proposed screening earthworks
in hiding the new working from the view of residents living on the western side of Markfield.
• Worries around road safety and traffic issues relating to the proposed diversion of Cliffe Hill Lane.
There is a lack of clarity on many other matters, including tree removal, the impact on groundwater, the fossil record, and the archaeology of the National Forest.
After all this time, you might have imagined that the paperwork would be sorted out, but it seems not! It is said that time is money, but given that Heidelberg turned over more than £3 billion a year last time I looked, I guess they have deep pockets. Still, their loss is ultimately Markfield’s gain, and residents will be spared the inevitable disruption that goes with a project on this scale for a while. In any case, construction work is unlikely to commence until 2026. If MQP gets the go-ahead, quarrying could continue until 2042 with all of the attendant noise, vibration, dust and traffic problems that local people are familiar with.
Report bad driving
One particular bugbear is the poor behaviour of drivers in MQP-branded trucks travelling to and from the quarry site. The company was at pains to point out that the drivers are generally contracted, but this does not let them off the hook.
MQP is legally responsible for the health and safety of its operation, whether the culprits are directly employed or not. As such, action can be taken against dangerous or inconsiderate driving, but we need details of the incident, date, time and the vehicle’s registration number. Please send your reports directly to the MQP MD, Mr Rick Green, via annette.mabe@, remembering to copy me in. It’s tough at the top, but if he wants a quiet life, then he needs to do a better job of keeping his drivers in line.
And finally
I FINISH on a sad note. Thank you to all those who have offered condolences following my mum’s death on 13th January.
She passed away peacefully in a nursing home in Pembroke at 87. Now that I’m living a lot closer, I was able to spend more time with her in her final days. Rest in peace, mum.
Andy FurlongKeep in touch on 07881 922293 or via andy.furlong@hinckley-bosworth.

Services at Trinity Methodist Church Markfield

FB: Markfield Methodist Church
Sunday 12th February
10.30 a.m. Morning worship
Sunday 19th February CTiM United Service
10.30 a.m. Morning worship at St. Michael’s Parish Church
Sunday 26th February
10.30 a.m. Morning worship with Holy Communion 6.00 p.m. Taize Prayer

Sunday 5th March
10.30 a.m. Morning worship
Sunday 12th March
10.30 a.m. Morning worship
Music Cafe
Thursday 23rd February, 9th March & 23rd March 2.00 - 4.00 p.m.
Don’t be on your own - join us for a music-based afternoon of friendship & fun on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month. For more information please contact Linda on 01530 242607.
“Come for a Cuppa”
Every Wednesday 10.00 - 12.00
We welcome you to come to our “Warm Space” on Wednesday mornings. There is no charge for the refreshments and you can “swap a book”. Just come through the main church building and you’ll find us in the back room.
“Bistro Francais”
Saturday, 25th February at 4.00 p.m.
You are cordially invited to join us & enjoy a “French Bistro”- style evening with entertainment to celebrate Spring. There will be a 3-course meal with drinks.
Tickets are priced at £10 and are available from Ian Barrs who can also provide more information about the menu. Please contact him on 01530 243811.
Markfield Defibrillator Project

Mid-February Update
AS REPORTED IN JANUARY, the Project is gradually winding down, but things have still been busy behind the scenes and plenty remains to be organised and completed in the coming weeks.
The Village Map has been a real success. I am donating free A4/A3 laminated copies to organisations across the village. Please do contact me on markfieldaedproject@ if you want a laminated copy.
• ON MONDAY 30TH JANUARY, about 40 people attended Markfield Community Centre for a very informative and practical Talk on Defibrillators and Resuscitation from Richard Nevin, a Community Trainer at the EMAS Forest First Responders Team.

Many thanks to Richard - and Angela for her involvement. Richard’s experience of attending over 100 Cardiac Arrests was fascinating and he is keen to support Markfield with further talks in the future. Please feel free to contact him at Richard. , or I will gladly pass on a message.

As always please contact me at with comments, questions and suggestions.
FUNDING AVAILABLE for ‘shovel ready’ nature projects across the region
SEVERN TRENT has funding available for communities who want to boost nature across the region.

The water and waste company is inviting individual land managers, community groups and businesses to come forward for funding for projects to improve nature in the local environment.
This offer is available FOR A LIMITED TIME to help support nature projects across the region that may have been put on hold because of the cost-of-living crisis.
The scale of each project must be over one acre (that’s roughly half the size of a rugby pitch) and must be completed by FRIDAY 24 MARCH 2023.
Graham Osborn, Principal Ecologist at Severn Trent, said: “What’s good for nature is good for
water and we’re open to any ideas, but the more creative the better! For a bit of inspiration, previous projects have included hedgerow planting, wildflower meadow creation and habitat management for native birds and mammals.”
Graham added: “To qualify for this funding, the project must be completed by Friday 24 March 2023, so ideas and proposals need to be shovel-ready to ensure they are up and running by the spring to give the habitats and wildlife the best chance to thrive. We will also consider projects that have already started but weren’t able to be completed, perhaps because they ran into financial difficulty.”
The available funding is part of Severn Trent’s Great Big Nature Boost – an environmental commitment that is seeing Severn Trent revive 5,000 hectares of
land, plant 1.3 million trees and restore 2,000km of rivers across the Severn Trent region by 2027, allowing the company to give back to the communities it serves while helping to improve the quality of the water it treats and supplies to its customers.
To apply for funding, please email ecologymatters@severntrent. to express your interest as soon as possible. For more information, please visit stwater.
South Charnwood High School

Administration Officer

Ideally 30 hours per week, term time, plus 10 out of term days (3 of which are Teacher Days). Job share and part-time applications will also be considered.
Grade: 6 - Actual salary £15,565 to £16,203 per annum (or £12.75 to £12.98 per hour which includes holiday pay)

An excellent administrator and communicator is required primarily to offer clerical and reprographic support, in addition to providing whole medical support as part of the administration team.
We can offer you the chance to work with a fantastic team of colleagues with a strong, supportive staff development ethos.
Please see the school website at for an information pack and application form. Alternatively, telephone 01530 242351 or email:

As this job is designated as a ‘regulated activity’ an enhanced DBS check with Barred list check is essential

Closing date for applications: 9.00am, Monday 27th February 2023

Date for Your Diary St Mary & All Saints Church, Stanton Under Bardon
Spring Fayre
To be held in the Church on SATURDAY 1st April 2023
2.00pm - 4.00pm
Variety of Stalls, including Home Baking and Preserves, Craft, Tombola, Raffle.
Amazon to shed UK warehouses as it halts growth plans
AS REPORTED by Sahar Nazir in Retail Gazette, Amazon is looking to sublet some of its UK warehouses as it halts growth plans following its worst annual loss on record.
The online retailer was previously aiming to open more warehouse space across the UK as it capitalises on online spending. However, the retailer has noticed a decline for online orders in recent months.
It has lost around 30% of its value over the past year due to inflation concerns.
LinkedIn posts from the past year have suggested that one Amazon facility has been fitting out in Bracknell. The site is among those looking to offload.
Amazon is not expected to sublet warehouses it is currently using, but instead those which it had taken but had not moved into, The Telegraph reported.
The news comes after Amazon looks to close three warehouses in the UK, which will affect 1,200 jobs, Earlier this month, the fulfilment centres in Hemel Hempstead, Doncaster and Gourock, in the west of Scotland, were all been proposed for closure.
Message from Dr Luke Evans MP
SINCE I BECAME your MP in December 2019 my office has opened and worked on over 22,000 cases. One of the issues I’m contacted most frequently about is planning. But as an MP I have no say over local decisions, only national policy and framework.
Our area is a desirable place to live. We have beautiful rural countryside, excellent local transport routes, schools and amenities and are close to the city of Leicester. But the issue our community faces in this regard is that, without an up-to-date Local Plan –which is the job of the local Borough Council – we will continue to have a piecemeal approach to planning, which is open season for developers.
Because of these speculative developments we now have huge problems to solve in providing the infrastructure, amenities and services we need. Multiple groups across our area – including the phenomenal efforts of a hard working group right here in Markfield – have been instrumental in creating Neighbourhood Plans. These are important tools which enable the community to decide where new housing should go. But at crux of it, without an up-to-date Local Plan from the Borough Council, they’re being ridden roughshod over. I’ve been calling for stronger protections for these plans and hope to see the necessary policy improvements in upcoming legislation.
By now you’re probably wondering who is accountable for what when it comes to planning. Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council implement and update the Local Plan, decide applications and enforce against breaches. Leicestershire County Council assist with infrastructure. The Government sets national planning policy and puts in place a decision making framework for the Councils.
Member of Parliament for Bosworth • House of Commons

• London • SW1A 0AA
t: constituency: 01455 635741
parliament: 0207 219 4250
m: 07920 619812
twitter: @drlukeevans

I was very pleased to see the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill brings forward two big changes that will ease the current pressure our area is facing.
On the floor of the Chamber the Planning Minister confirmed to me that that the duty to co-operate and accommodate housing overspill – which would have forced thousands of additional homes onto Hinckley and Bosworth – will be replaced with a less onerous requirement.
Secondly, Local Authorities will have the power to decline to determine applications from developers who land bank. This is where they buy a plot of land, obtain planning permission but fail to build at a reasonable rate.
What I believe is simple: we need the right homes in the right places, with the right infrastructure and protections for our heritage and environment. There is undoubtedly a need for more housing in the UK, but it’s got to be done in the right way. We all want to see our sons and daughters own their own home and grandma and grandpa to have the right kind of house to downsize to. The key thing is, it must be right for our community.
New management for the Colliery Cafe in Coalville

AS REPORTED in the Leicester Mercury, Coalville’s Colliery Cafe has new management.
The cafe, which sits at the heart of the revamped Colliery Park, opened in December 2020 and despite being affected by the pandemic, quickly became a popular attraction in town. The site sits next to the town’s Century Theatre - which has now been saved from the ‘At Risk’ register - and Snibston nature trail and helped secure the park a coveted Green Flag award in 2021. The site now has new managers, Grounds Cafe, who already have experience in the county, having run Hicks Lodge cafe, in neighbouring Ashby.
forget: Tell them you saw their advert here!
HERALD SMALL ADS Bring your Little Angels for an hour of fun!
• Gardenline 1800w ELECTRIC LAWN MOWER 43cm (cut). Excellent condition. Price: £25.00
Tel: 0781 866 5903 (Glenfield)
• MOBILITY SCOOTER, just been serviced, good battery. Dismantles to fit in the boot of a car. Price: £385.00
Tel: 0116 231 2531 (Glenfield)
• Self-propelled PETROL LAWNMOWER - very reliable. FREE for collection.
Tel: 0116 287 1939 (Glenfield)
•Two BAR STOOLS in pale grey, height adjustable and swivel, brand new. Price: £20 each.
Tel: 07745 356447 (Glenfield)
• Dansette Viva vinyl RECORD PLAYER - good condition.
Price: £20.00
• Set of 4 ALMARK LAWN BOWLS - hardly used. Price: £20.00
Tel: 01530 242309 (Markfield)
• Ladies Windsmoor FULL LENGTH GREY COAT, with fur collar. Size 16. Very good condition. Price: £90.00
• Ladies ¾ LENGTH LIBRA PALE BLUE WOOL COAT. Size 16. Very good condition. Price: £40.00.
• Halford AXLE STANDS - safe working load 1.5 tonne per stand. Boxed and unused. Price: £15.00 the pair.
Reasonable offers will be considered.
Tel: 01530 230933 (Thornton)
• MAHOGANY FURNITURE: Oblong expandable table, 6 chairs including 2 carver chairs, matching display unit sitting on 6ft. base with drawers and cupboards. Good condition. Price £200.00
• CRAFTS: Mainly white material, curtaining and cotton off cuts.
Price £25.00.
Tel: 01530 243750 or 07818515574 (Markfield)
• RedRing ELECTRIC SHOWER 8.6kW in full working order.
Price: £20.00
• Panasonic 45” FLAT SCREEN TV AND STAND - in full working order.
Price: £50.00
• Manual Metal ARC WELDING RODS, full packets, dry stored.
Price: £25.00/box
Tel: 0116 287 6715 (Groby)
• Panasonic 50 inch FLAT SCREEN TV, good condition.
Price: £50.00
Tel: 0116 232 1960 (Glenfield)
• HEINRICH PORCELAIN PLATES by Villeroy and Boch. Seven Flower Fairy plates all with Certificate of Authenticity. For sale separately or together. Price: £10.00 each.
Tel: 07790 420603 (Groby)
• Teak round DINING TABLE - can extend - plus FOUR MATCHING CHAIRS. Price: £20.00 if you can collect.
Tel: 0116 287 3596 (Groby)
• HEIN GERICKE 2 PIECE BLACK LEATHERS, zip together. Size XXL. Good condition. Offers.
Tel: 0116 224 8826 (Groby)
• Lindam 90cm tall STAIR GATE. Price: £5.00.
• Nutool cordless 136mm CIRCULAR SAW with SPARE BLADE AND CHARGER. Price: £30.00.
• Bosch Rotak 430 Ergopower ELECTRIC ROTARY MOWER. Price: £30.00.
• Black & Decker ELECTRIC LAWN SCARIFIER. Price: £15.00.
• WALL PAPER STRIPPER2000W. Price: £15.00.
• Black & Decker Auto select ELECTRIC STRIMMER.
Price: £25.00.
Tel 07941 260002 (Markfield)
• Horse Riding BODY PROTECTOR - Airowear. Size
L4 Long (37-39 inch chest). Very Good condition. FREE.
• Also, SPURS, FREE.
Tel: 07815 940871 (Groby)
• WHEELCHAIR RAMP - Price: £30.00.
• GARDEN VAC - used once. With leaf bag. Price: £40.00.
• Medium DOG CAGE - Price: £10.00
Tel: 01530 244681 (Markfield)
2/120cms. Cotton. Excellent Condition. Price: £10.00
Tel: 01530 243192 (Markfield)
• KING SIZE DOUBLE BED with base, including 4 drawers & headrest, mattress & cover sheet, fitted sheets (4), duvet - with 2 single size inside ‘ordinary’ double sheets (3).
Price: £200.00.
Tel: 0116 287 6674 (Groby)
2/120cms. Cotton. Excellent condition. Price: £10.00.
Tel: 01530 243192 (Markfield)
ARE YOU A parent, grandparent or carer of a baby, toddler or pre-school child? And are you and your child/children free between 2pm and 3pm on the first Thursday of the month during term-time? If so, we would really love to see you at our Little Angels group which meets at St Peter’s Church, Thornton.

Little Angels is a group for the benefice of Markfield, Thornton, Bagworth, Stanton and Copt Oak, but anyone is welcome to join us! The afternoon sessions are very friendly and informal –we have a short “worship” time, consisting of children’s Christian choruses, nursery rhymes, a Bible story and prayer, all with the simple message of God’s love for us all, and then we have time for the children to play and for the adults to chat and get to know each other. Juice and biscuits are available for the children, and tea and coffee (and biscuits!) for adults. There is no charge for these sessions. Lis and Helen have enhanced DBS clearance and have undertaken Diocesan Safeguarding training.
Meetings for the spring and summer terms will be on March 2nd, May 4th, June 1st and July 6th. Please do come!
“I have been bringing my daughter to Little Angels since she was 5 months old. It’s a very welcoming groupwith singing, story time and free play, and has been a great way for us to meet other parents/grandparents in the village” – Rachel.
“A friendly space to meet other local people with pre-school age children.” - Hannah.
“A great way for children to meet and adults to natter! Bring your little angels for an hour of fun!” - Debbie.
If you have any questions or wish for more information, please contact: Lis Muller, tel. 01530 231502, email or Helen Brown, tel. 01530 230532, email
• Good quality CHIPBOARD15mm thick. Various lengths. Ideal for DIY projects. FREE. Tel: 07565 110126 (Stantonunder-Bardon)
• Original, well loved, FISHER PRICE GARAGE. Price: £15.00. Tel: 0116 231 1602 (Groby)
IF YOU HAVE any household items which you’d like to advertise FREE in the Herald, please SEND DETAILS by post or email - sorry, we can’t take them over the phone. Maximum 8 items please.
Our postal address is: Herald Small Ads, PO Box 8, Markfield, Leics. LE67 9ZT or you can email details to:
PLEASE ENSURE that you put ‘SMALL ADS’ in the subject line, and INCLUDE YOUR FULL POSTAL ADDRESS (not for publication, just to know where you are).
We hope you enjoyed reading this issue of The Herald.
If you did, please pass it on to a friend or relative after you’ve finished with it. It’s good to share! Thanks.