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Flood Risk

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Local Roads

Local Roads

Markfield Parish Neighbourhood Plan: Referendum Version

4.51. Hydrogen fuelled vehicles that derive their electricity from on board fuel cells are now a reality but are expensive at present. If commercially successful, they could be refuelled in about 5 minutes at existing garage locations once the infrastructure has been developed.


Policy M8: Electric Vehicle Chargepoints

Development proposals that incorporate facilities to enable the charging of electric vehicles in safe, accessible and convenient locations will be supported. As a minimum: • every new dwelling with an associated dedicated car parking space within its curtilage must include ducting to facilitate the future installation of a vehicle chargepoint; and • residential development with communal parking areas, and nonresidential developments providing 10 car parking spaces or more, should include ducting to facilitate the future installation of one vehicle chargepoint for every five spaces. Flood Risk

4.52. The National Planning Policy Framework sets out how the planning system should help minimise vulnerability and provide resilience to the impacts of climate change. This includes demonstrating how flood risk will be managed, taking climate change into account. 4.53. The Hinckley and Bosworth Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) 2019 provides a comprehensive and robust evidence base on flood risk issues to support the production of the Local Plan to 2036. This is a high-level Strategic Flood Risk Assessment that can be used to inform decisions on the location of future development and the preparation of sustainable policies for the long-term management of flood risk. 4.54. The Neighbourhood Area has an elevated landform that slopes steeply away from the edge of Markfield village. There is no fluvial flood risk posed to Markfield. Surface water flow paths follow the topography from high ground to lower ground in the south. In the 30-year event, there is only one overland surface water flow route in the settlement, flowing south on Chitterman Way before draining into an unnamed watercourse south of London Road. In the 100-year event, this overland flow route is more accentuated and has additional flow routes joining it from Linford Crescent, London Road and properties between Chitterman Way and Launde Road.

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