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Markfield Parish Neighbourhood Plan: Referendum Version

7.26. Planning permission for the extraction of 132 million tonnes of mineral from an area to the east of the original Bardon Hill Quarry, was granted in August 2011. This quarry extension has been in production for 2/3 years and approximately 51Ha of it lies within Markfield parish. Safeguarding Mineral Resources 7.27. Mineral resources of local and national importance should not be needlessly sterilised by non-mineral development. Leicestershire County Council is responsible for minerals planning in Leicestershire and its Minerals and Waste Local Plan was adopted in September 2019. 7.28. Minerals Consultation Areas (MCA) covering the resources within Mineral Safeguarding Areas have been defined. The MCA also covers the safeguarding of mineral sites and associated infrastructure. Much of the land to the north, south and west of Markfield village is in Safeguarding Area. This has been considered in the allocation of potential housing sites and Leicestershire County Council has been consulted. Home Working


7.29. Planning permission is not normally required to home-work or to run a business from home, if a house remains a private residence first and business second.

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