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Housing Allocation
over the plan period. This will include small-scale infill development within updated Settlement Boundaries in accordance with Policy M17. 6.7. Taking account of the housing provision of 334 dwellings, this leaves a residual requirement of some 280 dwellings to be allocated in the Markfield Parish Neighbourhood Plan. 6.8. This development would be expected to: Help meet the local need for smaller family homes; Yield around 112 affordable homes to meet the housing needs identified by our 2018 Housing Needs Survey; Help retain local services and community facilities such as local shops, cultural venues and public houses without overloading key infrastructure; Provide around 6ha (or 30% of the site area) of dedicated woodland planting and green infrastructure; Generate developer contribution to support key infrastructure improvements; Markfield will benefit from the provisions of NPPF paragraph 14 which confers a limited protection on neighbourhood plans which plan for housing, from the presumption in favour of sustainable development where certain criteria are met; and Markfield will make a significant contribution to meeting the Borough’s housing needs.
6.9. Windfall housing development, mainly in the form of small-scale infill development within updated Settlement Boundaries, will continue in accordance with Policy M17.
Policy M15: Housing Provision
The housing provision for Markfield for the period 2020 to 2039 is a minimum of 334 dwellings.
6.10. 24 potential housing sites were put forward by landowners and developers. Most were identified by Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council in its Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA). They included three sites adjoining Markfield village but outside the Neighbourhood Area.