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Markfield Medical Centre

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Markfield Parish Neighbourhood Plan: Referendum Version

Policy M12: Markfield Institute of Higher Education


New buildings that will be used for educational, administrative, residential and recreational/ sport purposes associated with the educational use of the Markfield Institute of Higher Education will be supported subject to the following: 1. Built development does not extend beyond the developable area shown on Map 14 and the Policies Maps; 2. Residential development should be restricted to occupancy by staff and students of the Markfield Institute of Higher Education; and 3. There is no access to Pinewood Drive for vehicles, cycles and pedestrians.

Markfield Medical Centre

5.9. Markfield Medical Centre on Chitterman Way is open weekdays 8:00 to 18:15 with appointments available from 8:00 to 16:30. There are 7,135 registered patients and the practice is accepting new patients. 51% of respondents to our 2019 Questionnaire Survey rated healthcare services as good or adequate.

5.10. NHS West Leicestershire Clinical Commissioning Group works closely with its practices to identify the likely impact of any proposed developments and applies for S106 Healthcare contributions to support increased healthcare services on all significant new developments.


Markfield Parish Neighbourhood Plan: Referendum Version

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