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Local Roads

Markfield Parish Neighbourhood Plan: Referendum Version

speed broadband, this is provided by Fibre To The Cabinet (FTTC) circuits, where the street cabinet is connected to the exchange via fibre-optic cable, then from the cabinet is via traditional copper lines. 5.43. An ultrafast (100Mbps or above) type of connection could be provided by BT using Fibre To The Premises (FTTP) circuits, here fibre-optic cable is laid directly from the exchange to the house, however this is not yet available from the Markfield Exchange. This should be encouraged for new developments.



5.44. New development will have some impact on the existing, and the need for new, infrastructure, services and amenities. Sometimes these impacts can be detrimental and so developers must expect to contribute towards the cost of providing additional infrastructure. 5.45. To enable new housing development to take place, there will need to be improvements to village services and facilities. The Education Authority and West Leicestershire Clinical Commissioning Group have already indicated that developer contributions may be required. However, the Neighbourhood Plan must be deliverable. Therefore, the developments identified in the Plan should not be subject to such a scale of obligations and burdens that their viable implementation is threatened. 5.46. There are also circumstances where contributions for affordable housing and tariff style planning obligations (section 106 planning obligations) should not be sought from small-scale and self-build development.

Policy M14: Infrastructure

Any locally determined element of developer contributions will be utilised for new or improved infrastructure relating to the following: 1. Improvements to the operation of the A50, the A511, M1 J22 and the A46/A50 and other highways; 2. The improvement, remodelling or enhancement of: a) Mercenfeld Primary School b) Markfield Medical Centre c) Markfield Community Library d) Markfield Community and Sports Centre e) Copt Oak Memorial Hall f) Jubilee Playing Fields 3. The provision of park, amenity greenspace, children’s play areas, facilities for young people, allotments and burial space; 4. Community infrastructure improvements including the provision of parish notice boards, seats, children’s play area equipment, bus shelters, litter bins; Public Rights of Way, Green Infrastructure; and

Markfield Parish Neighbourhood Plan: Referendum Version

5. National Forest planting in accordance with Hinckley and Bosworth Local

Plan Core Strategy Policy 21. Contributions are governed by the provisions of the Community Infrastructure Regulations 2010. To ensure the viability of housing development, the costs of the Plan’s requirements may be applied flexibly where it is demonstrated that they are likely to make the development undeliverable.

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