1 minute read
Which Bait Are YOU Using?
The retailer who says - "My Competitor'sprice is the highest price I can expect to get"-is a ro]tten slalesman. The lowest price he should $et - and the highest - regardless of his competitor or anyone else, is the RIGHT price, based onall facts and figures.
S,rppose Your Plant Should Burn Tonight
Would you be able to view the twisted, smoldering ruinq coneoled in your mirfortune by the sure knowledge that you are adequately insured, with ovcry condition on the policy fulfilld, so that there will be no gueation of thc arnount you will recover?
The time to tftink about this queetion is not after, but bcforc thc 6re.
The above are the three great considerations in ideal workmen's compensation insurance. It is remarkable how fully this association combines these three essentials.