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Aberdeen Lunb€r & Shtnale Oo, Abertleen, Wash.
Amerlcan Mlll Oo., Aberdeen, 'Wash.
Iloqulam Lumber & g|..lnglc Oo. Ifoqulam,
The many lumbermen friends of George B. Waddell were shocked to hear of his sudden death on December 22. Mr. Waddell was connected rn'ith the lumber industry in the Bay District for many years and at the time of his death was owner of the Waddell Lumber Co. of Alameda. Prior to his going into business for himself he was the manager of the Oakland yard of the E. K. Wood Lumber Co. Funeral services were held on Wednesday afternoon. December 24, at the Grant D. Miller chapel- in Oakland and the funeral services were held under lhe auspices of the IVlasonic Order. He is survived by his wife Emma F. Waddell. Mr. Waddell rvas a member of the Hoo Hoo and was extremely popular among the lumber fraternity. A large number of lumbermen attended the funeral services.
Rochelie In With Lumber Cargo
Oakland, Dec. 1S.-The British lumber carrier Rochelie came in and discharged several hundred thousand feet of lumber at the dock of the Strable Hardwood company yesterday. The Rochelie came in from British Columbia ports. She is orvned by the Kingsley Navigation Co., Ltd., of Victoria. ts. C.
Seattle Initiates 181 Kittens
Follou'ing the first session of the Eighth Annual Shingle Congress, at Seattle, on December llth, the Hoo Hoo of the District met at the Olympic Hotel 7rd formed the Seattle Hoo Hoo Club, with one hundred forty two charter members signed up.
This was followed by a monster Concatenation, with 181 Kittens, and 74 Reinstatements.
Secretary Henry Isherwood was in attendance at the meeting.