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Points for Dealers
Are^you busy r.vith a spring "Fix-Up and Paint-Up" campalgn t high time to fire the the CONSTRUCTION a lumber dealer, means the proper PEOPLE TO BUILD, rather than Have you a set of books, N[r. simply, and accurately what it If you haven't it is high time doubted mistake.
A rvise man has said,-"1t '. WRECKING CREW and put crew to work."
EQUIPN{ENT for tools for INDUCING raw material.
PROFIT for the dealer, and SATISFACTION for the buyer.
DON'T say YOU can't sell completed buildings. Your local contractor has been doing so for years, without even carrying a stock, or having a REAL investment. Why not YOU?
Dealer, that show plainly, costs you to do business ? that you rectified that un- business NOTHA certain way to escape criticism and evade troubles of all kinds is to-DO NOTHING-Say ING_BE NOTHING.
Don't say-"It can't be done in MY territory." It HAS been done in other territories, and WILL be done in YOUR territory bv SOMEONE.
Make it YOUR business to see that your customer gets what he WANTS for the money he wishes to invest, rather than to see that he buys what YOU desire to sell.
To properly merchandise tional rvork, trouble, and building material sorne grief, but means addithe result is
Dimmick Lumber Company
The CONSUMtrR, through proper ADVERTISING, must be taught that there is just one real source of satisfactory building SERVICE in his town, and that is the Building Merchant.
Conditions are changing fast. In hundreds of communities throughout the southwest and middle west, the consumer has already learned to come to the building merchant first. rather than to the contractor.
And whenever you get the notion that a huilding mer-
B. W. ADAMS, Mgr. Salee Dcpt. First National Bank Bldg; - San Francirco chant can't afford self with the fact seller succeeds in niss. to locate on a front street, shame yourthat every Dago fruit dealer or peanut getting there with HIS place of busi-
The very best business that you can get, is that which you GO AFTtrR, and GET, and DELIVER without competition. There will be no competition where you furnish the IDEA. It is only in raw materials that competition can arise.
When. you get the idea straight in your forehead, Mr. Lumber Merchant, that your only real competitor is the contractor who has been carrying all the local building prestige for years, you will have taken a long step toward building success.
If you do not see that every farmer in YOUR territory does the building and repairing this season that are necessary for properly housing his stock, his crops, and his implements, you are not only overlooking lucrative business, but you are failing in your duty as a citizen.
Take down the old "LUMBER YARD" sign from over your door, and put up a new one reading "BUILDING MERCHANTS"-"HOME BUILDERS"-"BUIILDING SPECIALISTS," or any one of a dozen other good descriptive names that mean so much more to the seeker after building SERVICE.
One of the first and best ways in which a business man can serve the Government today, is to line up with his business association, and co-operate with other men in the same line of business for the well being of the busines.s and the nation. The Government can't possibly do business with individuals, but it can with the Associations.