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ls it time to redesien your website? \.'
A STAGNANT website is like a .CLfaded, yellowing sign in your store window-it may deliver some useful information, but probably does more harm than good. It tells your customers that your business may be falling behind and doesn't thinking putting on its best face is worth its time or effort.
But, LBM industry tech experts argue, even modern-looking websites should be regularly updated and periodically redesigned to keep the clicks coming.
ordered a top-to-bottom overhaul ofits site less than two years after its initial launch. The motivation was that entering its primary product line, "poplar + bark + siding," into Google, Yahoo or the other top search engines directed searchers first to its dreaded rival. Parton's site showed up four pages and dozens of matches later.
Even though Parton was happy with the look of its old site, a small local design firm, Zurv, recommended starting from scratch. The designer, said Andy Parlon, "wanted to write the code himself, to redo the website from the ground up, to become 'search engine optimized."'
"Websites should be search-engine fiiendly so that potential customers who use the main search tools on the Web can find them," agreed Kimberly Brandner, Brandner Communications, Federal Way, Wa., which has redone websites for a host of major LBM manufacturers. "It's important to identify key terms or phrases a company wants to be associated with-and that a user would identify the product type withand to clearly use those throughout the website."
Within a month of its relaunch, Parton's site skyrocketed to between #3 and #5 on all major search engines.
"If we keep working with it, tweaking it, (our designer) thinks he can get us up higher. We want to be #1," said Parton. In the meantime, "there'll be small changes, we'll add news releases, change pictures. The website will continue to grow as far as page numbers and-hopefully- site rankings."
Search engine optimization, or SEO, was also a primary goal for redesigning Custom-Bilt Metals' site, according to Andrew Rogers, Purdie Rogers, Seattle, Wa.
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Redesign: www.custombiltmetals.com
Client: Custom-Bilt Metals
Desioner: Purdie Rooers
Goaii Segment the siie's tratfic by audience
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Changes: The company's full line of products is presented in detail, including expanded coverage of its green'cool roof" technology. Visitors can learn how it can cbntribute to Energy Star points and LEED credits. Additional pages round out the company's background and current achievements, and point visitorstoward local Custom-Bilt branches when they're ready to begin their projects.
He explains that factors contributing to optimal rankings include your website structure, authority site status, historic activity, relevance, depth of content, and key word density. In addition, inbound and outbound links from other authority sites, directories, associations, press releases, blogs and social media venues can dramatically improve organic search rankings. Activity breeds attention.
"Web users search hundreds of times a day, and it's important that your prospective customers can locate you easily," Rogers said.
He also recommends paid advertising on search engine results pages, with the cost typically based on the number of clicks, leads or impres- sions. "strategically engaging in SEM (search engine marketing) drives qualified traffic to a site," he noted. "It's highly measurable and typically has a good ROI."
The redesign boosted traffic to Custom-Bilt's site by 25Vo in six weeks and significantly increased qualified leads.
A new redesign of distributor Bluelinx's website aimed to make it easier for visitors to find the products and literature they need. Visitors can search for product lines-and the dealers that stock them in their area-by branch. The site also provides a foundation for future product catalogs and online ordering capabilities.
To keep visitors coming back, the site will post sales specials-updated every two weeks-tailored to each market and searchable by zip code.
"Increased access to our products and service offering will enable our customers to take advantage of our expanding portfolio," says Bluelink c.e.o. George Judd.
Similarly, A.E.R.T. simply wanted a better, hard-working site to promote its MoistureShield composite decking. "The main goals of our website redesign were to focus more on our target market (trade professionals), provide access to more tools and product information, and make it more interactive and user-friendly," said Brent Gwatney, v.p. of sales & marketing for MoistureShield.

A.E.R.T. worked with Brandner to make the website easier to navigate, while adding plenty of new features, including deck design and color visualization tools, more product details, a contractor corner of resources, and a dealer locator.
"A website should provide a clear path to purchasing the product," said Kimberly Brandner. "This could be through a dealer locator, a form for a visitor to request more information, or even purchase on the site itself. Without a purchase path, the site is an interactive billboard."
She advises clients to overhaul their sites about every two years, "depending on the performance of the site, new technology, and new design trends."
Ongoing updates, according to Rogers, can include new "product information, case studies, white papers, tutorials, installation instructions, industry domains, and customer reviews."
He added, "Another valuable feature of a company's online presence is a blog. They're quick and easy to update, and encourage two-way communication. If you blog, use Facebook or Twitter. Having RSS feeds from those sites on your company website integrates your online efforts and enhances online search visibility."
The key is keeping it fresh, to be constantly looking for ways to improve and add content to your site. "A website presence should be viewed as an ongoing process, not a project," Rogers advised. "Build a Web presence, not a website."
Redesign: www.bluelinxco.com
Client: BlueLinx
Designer: AtlantaSky
Goal: lmprove customer service by better connecting visitors to oroducts and info thev need
Chdnges: New features jnclude detailed listings of branch product offerings, sales specials customized by market, a com' orehensive-liierature librarv, and a nationwi-de search tool for iocatinq stockinq dealers.-Customers can more easily track order s-latus and invoices online, access MSDS sheeits and details on green product certifications, discover supplier inlormation-through direct links, and download daily news feeds and the company's FASTSuite software for EWP
Redesign: www.partonbarksid i ng.com
Client: Parton Lumber
Designer: Zurv
Goal: Showcase and draw traffic to primary product, premium poplar bark siding
Chinges: The hom-e page immediately grabs the attention of viewers with llash animation featuring a home covered in bark cladding, Other new features: a user'friendly interface, a portfolio of bark-sided homes and stuctures, a fascinating discussion on the historical aspects of bark siding, an exten' sive Frequently Asked Questions (FAa) page, and a quick, convenient Free Sample Request button.
Redesign : wwut. moistureshield.com
Client: A.E.R.T.
Desioner: Brandner Communications
Goali Provide a more interactive, user-friendly experience
Changes: The upgraded site leatures deck design and color visualization tools, a dealer locator, more product info, and tips and resources for building professionals.