9 minute read
Insulate profi ts with
By James Hodgson Premier Buildins Svstems
IIJHILE North American design
Y Y professionals and builders have used structural insulated panels (SIPs) in place of stick-built construction for several decades, many contractors are still unfamiliar with them. However, as requirements for energy efficient buildings become more stringent, building material dealers and distributors can anticipate more customer inquiries about SIPs.
"The word is out on SIPs," said Scott Bergford,2009 Energy Value Housing Awards Builder of the Year by the National Association of Home Builders. "Customers are coming to me and requesting SIPs so much that I had to increase my staff just to keep up with demand, and I still have more jobs than I can handle."
SIPs are pre-manufactured wall, roof or floor components delivered to the jobsite ready to install. Designers can use them in wall, roof and floor systems in place of other structural elements such as wall studs and joists.
They are typically made with oriented strand board "skins" that are laminated and pressure cured to a rigid insulating foam core. The OSB and foam work together as both a structural system and for insulation.
SIPs are very strong and in most applications are structurally self-sufficient. Builders can incorporate SIPs into typical exterior walls, as well as shear walls to resist earthquakes and high winds. Extensive testing has proven that SIPs are appropriate for use in high-risk earthquake areas, including seismic zones D, E and F.
In roofs, SIPs can be used without an engineered truss system and can span long distances-up to 20 ft.
based on design parameters. As a result, they can help create open interior spaces by reducing the need for intermediate structural supports.
SIPs also work well in floors, typically in applications where an insulated floor system is required. This includes over crawl spaces, in threeseason porches, or above an unheated garage.
A key advantage SIPs provideespecially in the current building market of razor-thin margins-is their ability to dramatically reduce dry-in time. The large, single-piece panels (up to 8 ft.by 24 ft. long) enable contractors to install entire wall, roof and floor sections at one time. They eliminate the need for separate framing, insulating and sheathing work on site, and enable subs to start and finish work faster since walls, roofs and floors are plumb and square.
In addition, SIPs manufacturers pre-cut window and door openings, including curves, arches and complex shapes. Depending on an opening's dimensions, subcontractors don't need to spend time installing separate headers. The panels also come with pre-cut electrical chases, eliminating the need to drill through studs for wiring.
The design and construction process for a SIPs building is straightforward. The architect provides construction documents to a SIP manufacturer or dealer, who converts them into shop drawings that give each panel's specific dimensions. After review by all applicable parties, the manufacturer or dealer finalizes the shop drawings, makes the panels, and delivers them to the jobsite.
SIPs play an important role in ensuring quality interior finishes. Because they are made in a controlled setting and come in large sections, they allow for straighter walls than is possible with stick-built framing.
Straight engineered walls do not bow or warp like stick framed construction can, and they allow for faster, easier and higher quality installation of doors, windows, cabinets, millwork and other finishes. They also are important for homeowner and building owner satisfaction, especially in cases where artwork displays, intricate lighting designs and other architectural highlights could expose underlying wall flaws.
Building with SIPs results in fewer gaps than stick-built construction, creating a tight building envelope. This is a critical benefit for high energy efficiency and indoor air quality. "A SIP house has fewer joints, less complicated interfaces between conditioned and unconditioned spaces, and it is dramatically easier to make it tight," according to Sam Rashkin, national director of the EPA's Energy Star for Homes Program

Contractors can use SIPs to earn points for their projects under the LEED Green Building Rating System-up to 36 or more points in homes and up to 23 points in commercial construction. SIPs also integrate well with the NAHB's National Green Building Standard.
SIPs provide exceptional energy efficiency compared to stick-built construction for both cold and hot climates. The insulating foam is continu- ous across the panel, unlike fiberglass batts that come in narrow sections and typically leave gaps near framing members.
The R-Value of a SIP panel offers a greater energy efficiency rating than higher R-value fiberglass insulation.
The U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory found that a R-14 whole-wall value 4.5" SIP wall outperformed a2"x6" wall with R-19 fiberglass insulation. The lab also concluded that SIPs can help reduce a building's annual energy costs by 50Vo to 6OVo compared to more common framing methods.
"It only costs an average of $200 to $300 a year to heat one of my SIP homes," said Scott Bergford. "That's anywhere from one-fifth to one-sixth the typical costs for this region (western Washington State), so the savings are pretty significant."
Stick-built construction also generates large waste volumes as builders cut stock boards to length. Framing a structure can generate thousands of pounds of scrap wood. By comparison, SIPs are manufactured in a controlled setting that allows for more careful material management than is possible on a jobsite. As a result, contractors can reduce waste by up to two-thirds. l:tm:ns
Many SIPs are l00%o recyclable, as well as have rigid foam cores made from a specified amount of recycled content. In addition, the OSB skins come from fast-growing, renewable trees. OSB manufacturing uses a high percentage of each log, making efficient use of natural resources.
SIPs can also play a significant role in improving indoor air quality. They provide a tighter building envelope than other framing methods, which helps reduce infiltration of common pollutants such as radon, molds, pollen, volatile organic compounds (VOCs),lead dust, and asbestos. Some manufacturers' SIPs also do not contain chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) or formaldehyde.
As more contractors look to use SIPs in their projects, dealers can serve as a valued information resource. Becoming a SIPs distributor can help tap into a growing, advanced building technology that many in the industry view as the future of framing.
- James Hodgson is general manaSer for Premier Building Systems, Fift, Wa. He can be reached at (800) 275-7086 or via www pbssips.com.
Grffith Lumber Co., Manhattan, Ks., has reopened after suffering $900,000 in damage from an April 24 fire that claimed two warehouses and extensive inventory ...
National Lurnber has relocated its Kitchen Views showroom in Newton, Ma., to its nearby yard and has added a new showroom in Mansfield,Ma....
Carolina Millwork & Building Supply, Hickory, N.C., has added a 2,000-sq. ft. design center and transitioned to SpruceWare.NET software
Vitlas Lumber Yard, Lower Township, N.J., was extensively damaged by a fire April 24weeks after new owners took over the business
Building Materials Reuse Warehouse has opened in Houston, Tx., specializing in lumber and other donated construction materials
Schappell Hardware, Topton, Pa., is closing after 99 years due to big-box competition
Hardware Hank, Onawa, Ia., closed May 30 after 4l years ...
MC Supply relocated its Berlin, Ct., branch May 16 to a more convenient location offering over 67,000 sq. ft. of showroom and warehouse space Send h frce sevice)
Have your recent expansion, promotions or other company changes published in the next issue of BPD.

Just Fax your news to 949.852-0231 or send by email to kdebals@buildingDroducts.com.
Tzeland Ace Hardware opened a second branch May 13, a 11,400sq. west-side store managed by Nick Visser to complement its smaller store in downtown Zeeland,Mi....
Menards opened a 162,000-sq. ft. home center April 14 in Sandusky, Oh.
Lowe's opened new stores May 29 in Jonesborough, Tn.; trday 22 in Middleburg, Fl.; Weaverville, N.C., and Indian Land, S.C., and May I in New Albany, Ms., and Clarkstown. N.Y. ...
Lowe 's expects a 4th quarter 2009 opening in Moberly, Mo.
Home Depot opened a 115,000sq. ft. store April 23 in S. Bronx, N.Y. (Stanley Pierre, store mgr.)* one of only five Depots set to open in the U.S. this year
Ace Hardware,Peoria, I1., was robbed Apnl29 by a l5-year-old who used a fake gun and was arrested less than 10 minutes after committing the crime
Hietala Lumber Co., Avrora, Mn., was destroyed by a $500,000 flre April 30
Mountain View Lumber, Motgantown, W.V., lost its 35-year-old sawmill in anApril2Sblaze
Sutton Brothers Lumber, Crandall, Ga., will rebuild its 21O00sq. ft. sawmill destroyed by an Apnl2 fire caused by lightning
As sociated Materials, Cuyahoga Falls, Oh., is phasing out use of the warehouse next to its downsized vinyl siding plant in Ennis, Tx.
DiPrizio Pine Sales, Middleton, N.H., received the Northeastern Lo g gers' As sociation's Outstanding Sawmill OperatorAward
MeadWestvaco Corp. sold 25,000 acres of South Carolina timberland for $49 million to investment funds Keystone Forest Investments and Sustainable Growth LLC ...
Huttig Building Products' Columbus, Oh., DC is now carrying Fiber Composites 'Fiberon composite decking and railing, expanding Fiberon's availability in Ohio, northern Kentucky, West Virginia, and eastern Indiana ...
BW Creative Wood Industries is showcasing its line of interior stair railing products on a new website, www.stairsimple,com ..
Railing Dynamics Inc., Egg Harbor Township, N.J., is celebrating its 20th anniversary by offering dealer and consumer rebates on its posts and railing kits ...
Lo ui siana - P ac ific, Nashville, Tn.,launched a voluntary recall of Veranda, WeatherBest and ABTco brand composite decking produced from 2005 to mid-2008
Ainsworth has launched a free online seminar about using its concrete-forming panels
Fasco America, Muscle Shoals, Al.. has been selected to exhibit its Scrail collated fasteners in the Smart Solutions section of PCBC June 17-19 at the Moscone Center. San Francisco, Ca. ...
Anniversaries: Sacft Lumber, Aurora, Ne., 110th lackson's True Value Hardware, Kittery, Me., 100th ... Umber's Do It Best Hardware,Waynedale, In., 65th ...
Housing starts in April dropped 12.8Vo to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 458.000 units single-family starts rcse 2.8Vo to 368,000, while multi-family units plunged 46.IVo to 90,000 permits fell 3.3Vo to a record-low pace of494O00.

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Listings are often submitted months in advance. Always verifi dates and locations with sponsor before making plans to anend.-'
Southern Forest Products Association - June 9-13, mid-year meeting & expo, New Orleans, La.; (504) 443-4464.
Forest Products Machinery & Equipment Expo - June ll-13, Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, La.; (608) 231-1361
Eastern New York Lumber Dealers Assn. - June 12, golf, Eagle Crest Country Club, Clifton Park, N.Y.; (800) 292-6752.
Mid-America Lumbermens Association - June 12, Kansas Sunflower Shootout golf tourney, Salina, Ks.; (800) 7 4j -6529.
Central New York Retail Lumber Dealers Association - June 15, golf outing, Pompey Country Club, Pompey, N.y.; (800) 292-6'752.
Twin Cities Hoo-Hoo Club - June 15, golf & picnic, Highland National Golf Course, St. Paul, Mn.; (612) 490-8583.
National Retail Federation - June 15-17, loss prevention conference & expo, Los Angeles, Ca; (202) 783-7971.
Construct 2009 - June 16-19, Indianapolis, In.; (301) 670-0604.
National Lawn & Garden Show - June 16-19, Hyatt Regency, Atlanta, Ga.; (888) 316-0226.
Forest Products Society - June 21-23, convention, Boise, Id.; (608) 231-1361.
Midwest Hardware Association - June 22-23, annual convention, Wisconsin Dells, Wi.; (800) 888-1817.
Western New York Lumber Dealers Association - June 23, golf outing, Canandaigua, N.Y.; (800) 292-6752.
Temperate Forest Foundation - June 23-26, teachers tour, Duluth, Mn.; (503) 445-9472.
House-Hasson Hardware Co, - June 25-27, market, Gaylord Opryland Resort, Nashville, Tn.; (865) 525-04j1.
Missouri Forest Products Association - June 26-27. show. Show Me Center, Cape Girardau, Mo.; (573) 634-3252.
Rhode Island Lumber & Building Material Dealers Associ. ation - July 8, annual golf tourney/clambake, Green Valley Country Club, Portsmouth, R.I.; (8OO) 292-6152.
Illinois Lumber & Material Dealers Assn. - July 9, golf tournament, Tamarack Golf Course, Naperville, Il.; (800) 252-8641.
Construction Suppliers' Association - July 9-12, summer management conference, The Ridges Resort & Club, Hiawassee, Ga.;(800) 351-2255.
Mississippi Lumber Manufacturers Association - July 9-12, convention/show, Beau Rivage, Biloxi, Ms.; (601) 982-l'l3l
Oklahoma Lumbermen's Association - July 10-L1, convention, Tanglewood Resort, Pottsboro, Tx.; (800) 444-1771.
North American Retail Hardware Association - July 13-15, Marriott Rivercenter, San Anronio, Tx.; (317) 290-0338.
Western Red Cedar Lumber Association - Juty 16-18, cedar summit, Victoria, B.C.; (604) 891-1231.
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Eastern New York Lumber Dealers Assn. - July 20, summer outing, Wiley Bros., Schaghticoke, N.Y.; (800) 292-6752.

New Jersey Building Materials Dealers Association - July 20, annual golf outing, Battleground Country Club, Manalapan, N.J.: (800) 269-9603.
Northeast Window & Door Assn. - July 20-21, summer meeting, Marriott Seaview Resort, Galloway, N.J.; (609) 799-4900.
Southeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association - July 2325, annual conference, Ritz Carlton, Amelia Island, Fl.; (404) 36t-1445.
Southern Building Material Association - Juty 30-Aug.2, summer conference & leaders meeting, Wyndham Oceanfront Resort, Virginia Beach, Va.; (704) 376-1503.
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