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Modest expansion ahead for lJ.S, Iumber markets
Log exports to all countries are expected to top l l .9 million cubic meters for the year, up 247o. In 2Ol4, log and lumber exports should ease as domestic lumber prices rise and competition for logs increases. f T.S. LUMBER DEMAND strengthened lL,/ significantly in late 20l2learly 20l3 as home construction showed double-digit growth.
While home building slowed late in the year, residential repair and remodeling-the largest lumber market by volume-picked up the slack. R&R construction spending finished the year up an estimated gqa compared to 2012. Higher interest rates coupled with continued slow economic growth is expected to result in modest but sustainable gains in 2014.
Responding to increased demand, 20l3 U.S. lumber production increased an estimated 67o to 39.32 billion bd. ft., compared to 36.54 billion bd. ft. in 2012, according to WWPA. Lumber production in the West is expected to climb to 13.34 billion bd. ft. for 2013 and is projected to be 13.97 billion bd. ft. in 2014.
Lumber and log exports both saw gains. Lumber exports to the Pacific Rim should top 2.2 million cubic meters in 2013, with overall lumber exports finishing about 9Vo higher.
Log exports to China, predominantly Douglas fir and hemlock from the West Coast, are expected to top 6 million cubic meters in 2Ol3-a 457o increase year-over-year. Exports to Japan are also up by double digits. Building-Products.com