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Columbia Vista specializes in kiln-dried Douglas fir 4 x 4s. high qualiry yet affordable alternatives to pine and cedar posts. Available in 8-, 10- and 12-foot lengths, our 4 x 4s are produced by skilled, dedicated people during a single shift for maximum consistency.
Our commitment to the 6nest extends beyond the mill. Mills are consistently upgraded with state-of-thc-art Wc'rc oroud to be cenified to ISO 14001 standards 3-D scanning systens, mechaniad lumber-handling md by the EPA for cnvironmcnt-friendly practiccs, slstems, andmore. including thc use ofnon-polluting murces ofclcctricity. ' Employee-friendly workplacc mcans our pcoplc takc
Columbia Vista ensures quality in many ways. pride in their work md products,
Posts m carefully kiln-dried for immediate u*.
To getthe fincst in Douglas {ir 4 x 4s, just call