9 minute read
Siding Demand Continues Climb
U.S. demand for siding is forecast to rise 7.7Vo yearly to 103.5 million squares in 2018, valued at $12.1 billion, according to a new Freedonia Group study.
As is the case with many building materials, an expected rebound in construction activity will be the pri-
Quolity Wesfern
mary driver for growth. For siding, the link to new housing is particularly strong, given that nearly every home in the U.S. features exterior cladding.
Homeowners are increasingly turning to lower maintenance, more durable siding materials such as fiber cement, brick, EIFS and stone, though all siding products are expected to benefit from the anticipated recovery in new housing completions.
Also adding to gains will be continued growth in the key replacement market, which accounted for 57Vo of sales in 2013.
Vinyl will remain the leading replacement siding by far, but will continue to be challenged by newer materials with better performance characteristics
Among material types, brick, concrete and stone siding are expected to see the most rapid advances in demand going forward. Brick siding demand will be driven by increasing residential building construction in the South, where the material is most commonly specified because of its favorable aesthetics and long tradition of use in the region. Moreover, home builders across the U.S. are expected to increasingly install brick siding because of its desirable appearance, long lifespan. and fire resistance.
Concrete and stone siding is widely used in both residential and nonresidential structures. Concrete blocks can be utilized to provide functional yet durable exterior cladding, while precast concrete panels and synthetic stone veneers are specified to recreate the look of more costly siding materials*such as brick or natural stoneat a lower cost.
Vinyl siding accounted for the largest share of siding demand in 20 13. However, vinyl has seen its share of the U.S. siding market fall from 397o in 2003 to 27Vo in 2013. Vinyl has faced strong competition from other materials-such as fiber cement, stucco and wood-seen as more aesthetically pleasing.
Going forward, although it will continue to lose market share, vinyl will remain the leading material installed in the U.S. because of its low cost, long lifespan, and minimal maintenance needs.
Residential improvement and repair applications were the leading siding market in 2013, indicative of the low level of housing completions in that year. However, the new residential market is expected to regain its leading market position in 2018, as housing completions rise rapidly from their low base. Remodeling and repair demand for siding will exhibit solid growth, as homeowners who put off re-siding projects during the recent recession will do them going forward.
PRIZE WINNER: At its recent show, Lumbermens Merchandising Corp. president John Somerville (center) presented the first place award for best new product to Brian Betz (/) and Tom McEvoy (r), of Concrete Lumber Co., Flemington, N.J., manufacturer of a patented, stress+einforced structural cementitious comoosite substilute for wood. steel. composites, LVL and glulams.
LMC Dealers Assemble inFlorida
Lumbermens Merchandising Corporation met March 56 in Tampa, Fl., for its annual meeting.
Bob McNamara, Arlington Coal & Lumber, Arlington, Ma., was elected to the board of directors. William Wren, Manor Building Supply, Augusta, Ga., is the new vice chair, while three members were re-elected for three-year terms: Kyra Bishop, Berry Home Center, Abingdon, Va.; Hamid Taha, Alpine Lumber, Parker, Co., and Drew Orem, Alliance Lumber, Glendale, Az.
Best new products winners were Concrete Lumber, Fairless Hills, Pa., 1st prize; Trim Clip, Fairfield, Ct.,2nd prize, and Leatherneck Hardware, Danville, Il., 3rd prize.
LMC dealer Sanford & Hawley, Unionville, Ct., was recognized for 130 years in business; Koopman Lumber, Whitinsville, Ma., for 75 years.

For full pictorial coverage of the event, see pages 45-47
Ace Rolls Out 2 New Features
Ace Hardware, Oak Brook, Il., has launched a mobile app for iPhones that provides all of the features of the company's mobile website, along with some exclusive new benefits, in an easy to use application.
In addition to allowing consumers to conduct research, read reviews, and purchase all products available at acehardware.com, the Ace iPhone app also allows users to access helpful how-to videos and step-by-step project information whenever and wherever they have their mobile devices.
Consumers can also scan product barcodes and QR codes to review product information and reviews while instore, share product information through their social channels, and receive push notifications with special offers and content.
The co-op also announced a new in-store pickup feature that will allow customers to check their local store's available inventory on acehardware.com, go in-store to make their purchase, or place their order online and pick it up as soon as the same day.
USDA Supports Sustainable Wood Efforts
The USDA will invest $l million in the Softwood Lumber Board-funded WoodWorks program and up to $1 million for a tall wood building competition that will accelerate technology transfer and implementation of expanded uses of wood products for building construction in the U.S.
In addition, the Binational Softwood Lumber Council intends to provide an additional $1 million for the project.
"The Softwood Lumber Board is delighted to have USDA as a funding

. Ponels
Riverside, GA 877-369-2327 partner for the WoodWorks program to provide technical support, education and resources related to the design of modern wood buildings to architects, engineers and developers." said Stephen Lovett, c.e.o. of the SLB. "We are equally enthused and supportive of the partnership between the USDA and the BSLC on the tall wood building competition."
Weston Picks Up Rosebank
Weston Forest Products, Mississauga, Ont., has purchased certain assets from Rosebank Forest Products. Markham. Ont.. which has exited the industry after more than 20 years.
As part of the deal, Rosebank v.p. and general manager Jeff Spellman has joined Weston.
r APP Watch
Produced by: Georgia-Pacifi c
Price: Free
Platforms: iPhone, iPad, Android
Georgia-Pacific Wood Products has launched an app for its structural panel products to deliver content in a convenient, on-demand, and easyto-read format.
"This app is perfect for answering customer questions and helping with product selection in the store aisles, on the job site, in the dealer yard, or at home," said G-P's Jeff Key.
The app is divided into two sections. An applications section introduces colorful dots indicating where each oroduct should be used on a home, while a products section allows users to navigate by brand.
Within each product area, users will find a short product summary and links to specs, installation tips, warranty info, sustainability facts, and third-party certification data. Another area shows how to read an APA grade stamp, which appears on nearly all G-P structural panels
Download from iTunes App Store or Google Play Store
Goated LSL
Trus Joist Timberstrand LSL rim board from Weyerhaeuser can now be protected with a Flak Jacket coating.
The factory-applied coating meets IBC non-combustible requirements for Type II (infill) multi-family construction. No special handling or storage of treated boards is required.
I wooDBYwY.CoM
(888) 453-83s8
Storm-Resistant Windows
Silver Line's new windows and patio doors are designed to help protect homes at or near the coast.

The impacfresistant products have vinyl construction for low maintenance and upgraded glass for impact resistance and energy efficiency.
Styles include double-hung, sliding, casement, and awning windows, plus sliding patio doors.
(80u 234-4228
Gustom Trim Fabrication
The Prol9 from Tapco Tools allows installers to fabricate custom trim and flashing for roofing, siding, gutters, windows, doors, and HVAC applications.
The device can handle thick metals such as copper sheet and coil, soft aluminum, and galvanized steel on the jobsite.
(800) s21-7567
Gypsum Roof Boards
National Gypsum's has launched a new line of gypsum roof boards: DEXcell.
The line includes two DEXcell glass-mat roof boards and a DEXcell cement roof board.
Both of the glass mat boards are produced in three thicknesses, in sizes 4'x4' and 4'x8'. One is suited for mechanically fastened roof systems; the other is designed for fully adhered roof systems.
The cement roof board is lightweight and resistant to moisture and mold, in sizes 4'x4' and 4'x8'

(704\ 365-1300
ffiaa$mk*y Wsffitec$
T.AN'l KO hls rlcsi!.rtctl Quick\1crrt to pr.opcrlv vcnlilutc lttlic spltccs. ti ltcn usctl in cort lrrrrctiorr riith srrllit rcnts.
'l-hc continuous-riclgc vent is nlrilc ol nt'lon nlrtlir lur(l clur l)c instrrllcrl ri ith l nrril grrn. lt plor irlcs clltctive shingle-o', cr r crr t ilrlion.

(rJ(x)) 6-11 -169 t
{': i *'*. 6{r::" r :iu,i. ;t fit 4,"}y$p"%nx w Ccrtlirr-l'cccl c()ntailrs rr l'irc r-csislrrnI opt iorr t() ils ]inc ol Easi Lilc r\ psunr boarcls.
Irusi I.ite 30 is nrurlc of r,r p tc'r 99'1 rccrelccl rnltcriul und is LJIclrrssifictl lilr l'irc resistunce. l1 is
iclcul lirr cornnrcrcirrl builcling corlc applicir{ions r,, hclc u singlc-luvcr'. onc-horrr l'ir-c nrtrns is not rcc;uirccl.
I clltt-f AI NTITED.('oN,l (8(X)) 133 rJ990
Intcgrity' rloublc lrunl lcplacc nrcnt vn inrlou s l'r-ont NJtirr in Wirrrlorrs & Doors conrbinc thc str.cngth ol [Jltlcr pultrrrderl
I'iht'r r'l11rr rr. itlr tlr.' ht'lrulr,rl rr ootl.
For- casy r-cpluccrncnt. thc riintlou s urc irr lr ilablc in lr'(r-1" inctcrrrcr.tts ri ith u .l- l/-1" r'cplaccrnerrl lrarrc lirr tlrloush-.j lrnrb installltion. [)Lurl opcluting sushcs all()\\' cithcr-thc uppcl or' lou'cr sush to bc opcnccl ancl rcnrorctl lirl clcuning. r\n o1:rtionlrI contr-ol opcning tlcvicc pr-cvcn(s lalls.
I I NTrr(;RtT)'\\' I ND( )ws.Co\1
( 88,! ) -l l9-(X)76
Fluid-Applied Barrier
StoGLrrrlrl lluirl upplictl \\L-uthcf burricr rcportcclly is lirstcr antl casicr.to apply' tl-ran trlrlitional houscri raps. Thc lou-V(X' proclucl can bc slr'ayccl on ol applictl with a roller. u ith no ldclitionll breuthing al)l)unrtus of spccial hancllirrg.
'fhc coatirr! lullv lrll'rcrcs without nrcchanicir l attachnlcnt. rcducing opportunitics lirl nroisturc untl air intlusion.
I st'( )Rtls lt)llNTlAl-.coN,l
(J00) 22r 2197
Engineered Slate Roofing

Engineel'ccl slatc loofing llom Pll Gcrn is nrolclccl fronr ncarlr 1009t rccyclecl rnaterials.
TIrc shing.lcs hitr c clccp shrdorr lines ancl chisclcd eclgcs likc nututll slate, but alc lighter rieight lnrl eas) to instlll ri itlr irrclcntccl nail l'langes.
'I'hcy arc also tcstcd to r.rithstlLrtcl vuirrcl up to ll0 nrph. as ucll as s()llball-sircd hailstones.
Natural slate is aclclccl l'or lirur authcntic colors: sugcbrush. browrtstone. l)c\\'ter unrl charcoal.
(8[38) 97-5-9-+-16
$mart Gedar Shingles
Ecoshel's SmarrShingle System automatically offsets shingle joints over two courses, providing an installation that prevents leaks-even in extreme weather.
The system also includes a built-in, ventilated rainscreen to eliminate trapped moisture that causes cupping and decay in conventional installations.
The premium-quality l8" KD, R&R sanded western red cedar shingles are offered factory pre-finished in an array of semi-transparent and solid colors.
Q01\ 310-6247
Easy to Open Knobs
Push-Pull-Rotate doorknobs from Hampton Products International are built on a cylindrical chassis normally used in commercial applications. Each entry, privacy and passage unit can be installed with a Phillips screwdriver. Matching deadbolts are available, in polished brass, satin nickel, and Tuscan bronze.
(800) 562-5625
Hardwood Under Foot
Johnson Hardwood is introducing two new premium engineered hardwood flooring lines.
Pacific Coast hickory follows the wide with plank trend. It comes in four different color stains and in random length planks to easily accommodate a variety of room shapes.
The value-priced Frontier series features 5/8"-wide planks with an I l-step aluminum oxide finish.
(800) 910-3047
Hi-bor' brand treated wood is a borate treated

' product desimed for interior house framing in Ha *ili-bor' trealed wood resists attack by Foimosan subterranean termites and numerous hbusehold as well as fungal decay.
".S?irepn0' brand interior fire retardant is the construction -' industrv's newest and most advanced fire protection system for wodd. The unique FirePro chernistry is a paent peirding formulation thal coritains no phosphoroubhased comfounds. lllid*
'dq "borate pressure treated lumber for ioists. mrils. roof tnrses. raffers. bear :rio'r framing ind siU plab applibatio
Baffled Ridge Vent
Benjamin Obdyke's Shark Vent XLP extracts heat and moisture from residential attics.
The externally baffled ridge vent has the rigidity of a sectional vent. but can be installed with a nail gun.
Available in 25-ft. rolls. the product has internal and external baffles with l/8" vent holes that protect attics against rain. snow. and infiltration by insects.
(800) 523-5261
Power Up
Stanley's new power inverter allows users to power and charge cell phones, laptops, DVD players, gaming devices, and more. The 14O-watt Powerit includes two electrical , household-style outlets and a USB port. An easyto-install bracket can be mounted inside a vehicle.
Also included is overload and short-circuit protection, fault interrupter technology, and LED power and fault indicators.
(800\ 262-2161
Send uo your news!
Promote your recent expansion, new hires, product intros, or other changes on the news pages of The Merchant. Send to karen@ building-products.com.

WESTERN WOOD Products Association held its annual meeting March 24 in Portland, Or. [1] Steve Swanson, Crystal Swanson, Chris Swanson. [2] Butch Sager, John Branstetter. [3] Art & Shauna Andrews, Robert West. [4] Tom Cochran, Doug & Cherie Hanson, Jack Greene. [5] Gregg Andrews, Ron Holen. [6] Chuck Roady, Dan Claridge. [7] Russ Tuvey, Ellen & Charlie Phillips. [8] Mark Myhvold, Kenzie Church, Bill Briskey. [9] Russ Vaagen, Maurice
Vialette. [10] Jim Moses, Gayla Belden, Kip Burns, llene Young. [11] Russ Hobbs, Hector Dimas. [12] Joshua Tyler, Jeff Herscovitz. [13] Scott Elston, Sabrina Bloss, Michael Pritikin, Grant Phillips. [14] Ted Roberts, Cyndee Johnson. [15] Adrienne & Kevin Binam. [16] Maurice Vialette, Jamie Trenter, David Rix. [17] Matthew Goughnour, Gary Snider. [18] Rock Belden, Brad Hatley. (More photos on next page)