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.llstrngs are often s.ubmitted months in advance. Always verify dates and locations wrfh sponsor before making plans to att6nd.

North American Wholesale Lumber Assn. - April 10, regional meeting, Vancouver, B.C.; (847) 870-7470 www.nawla.org

West Coast Lumber & Building Material Association - April 10, golf tournament, Black Gold Golf Club, Yorba Linda, Ca.; (800) 266 4344: www. lumberassociation.org.

Home & Garden Show - April 11.13, San Mateo Event Center, San Mateo, Ca. ; www.worldclassshows.com.

Transfoad Distribution Association - April 12-14, conference, Hilton, Rosemont, ll.; (503) 6564282: wrriiw.transload.org.

Western Forestry & Gonservation Assn. - April 16, access & easements workshop, Springfield, 0r.; www.westernforestry.org.

National Wood Flooring Aqgn, - April 16.19, wood flooring expo, Music City Center, Nashville, Tn.; www.woodfloors.org.

Black Bart Hoo.Hoo Club - April 26, annual poker toumey & BBe, Burgess Barn, Healdsburg, Ca.; (707) 542-509j; wviw.blackbarthoohoolSl.org.

Western Building Material Association - April 29.30, yard/delivgry managers workshop; May 1, emerging leaders'seminar, WBMA Hq., Olympia, Wa.; (360) 943-3054 www.wbma.org.

Moulding. & Millwork Producers Association - April 29-May 2, annualmeeting, Mansion at Forsyth Park, Savannah, Ga.; (530) 661 -9591 : www.wmmoa.com.

International Wood Gomposites Symposium - April 30, May 1, annual symposium, Red Lion, Seatfle, Wa.; (800) 942-487A; ww.woodsymposium.wsu.ed.

West Coast Lumber & Building Material ,Association - May 1, 2nd Grovth meeting, Buena Park, Ca.; (800) 266-4i44i www. lumberassociation.org.

Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association - May 3. 7, annual convention & exhibitors showcase, Loews portoiino Bay Resort, Orlando, Fl.; (8af 680-3500; www,mheda.org.

American Wood Protection Assn. - May 4.6, annual meeting, Maniott, Newport Beach, Ca.; (205) n3-4077 i'www.awpa.com.

Tacoma-Olympia Hoo.Hoo C-lu! - May 6, Old Timer's Night, La Quinta Inn, Tacoma, Wa.; (253)531-11134.

National Hardware Show - May 6.8, Las Veqas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nv.; (888) 425-9377; wdw.nationalhardwaresnow.com.

North American Retail Hardware Assn. - May 6.8, convention, Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nv.; (800)772:4424; nrha.org.

Paint & Decorating Retailers Assn. - May 6.8, Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nv.; (800) 737-0107;www.pdra.org.

Southern California Hoo.Hoo Club - May g, Don Gregson Memorial Golf Tournament, San Dimas Go[Codrse, San Dimas. Ca.; (323) 559-1958; www.hoohool 17.org.

Do it Best - May 17.19, spring market, lndianapolis Convention Center, Indianapolis, In.; (260) 748-5300; www.doitbestcorp.com.

Comp.osite-Paqel A-s-qq.-; May 18.20, spring meeting, puerto Vallarta, Mexico; (30 I ) 670-0604 ; www, cohpo-sitepanet, com.

Hardwood Ptywood & Veneer Assn, - May 19.21, annual convention, Waldorf Asloria, Naples, Fl.; (703) 435-2900; www.hpva.org.

Western Hardwood Assn. -,May 19.22, convention, Airport Holiday Inn, Portland, Or.; (360) 835-1600; www.westernhardrivood.com. -

Pacific Coast Wholesale Hardwood Distributors AssociationMay 22-23, annual meeting, St. Regis Monarch Beach, Dana Point, Ca.; (602) 272-1213: wrvw.pcwhda.com.

PST is locoted in Weed, CA, the historicol hearl of the West's timber country ideolly situoted on lnterstate 5 to seruice oll of Colifornio lnd the Westem U.S.


Nolurewoodo brqnd ACQ treofed produch :

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