14 minute read
Becoming their number one supplier
intermittently with specials-that is part of our sales arsenal-but aside from those calls we are like clockwork and the weather-you can count on us.
We are consistent with our offerings. Just like advertising, our offerings to our customers should be consistent. Send them every Monday and Wednesday to one group of customers and Tuesdays and Thursdays to another. As with calls, we can send special offerings, but our normal offerings are consistent-you can count on us.
tflo nrrntN tuE number one supplier position with our I. accounts we must, above all, earn (and continue to maintain) their trust.
We are not just talking to our customers. We are asking for their money. We are asking them to take risks based on what we tell them. Sure, they may know what they are buying, but will we ship it on time? Will we ship it at all? What do we do when the market moves against us? How do we handle problems? These are questions that are essential to the sales process, which have more to do with our values than our salesmanship.
We have all known salespeople that are great at getting someone to say yes to them, but they don't (always) back up (everything) they say.We all make mistakes, but there is a dffirence between mistakes and patterns. A certain kind of salesperson always "forgets" a necessary detail, or needs a price adjustment, or an extra week, day, hour. They put pressure on the customer and their own organization. Things get done, but seldom smoothly. The salesperson's problems become their customer's problems.
These salespeople underperform vis-ir-vis their talent because they have to rotate through accounts; they get the hustle orders, but they never get the trust orders. They are never anyone's number one supplier. They have people who buy from them but few business friends or trusted business partners.
Simple, but in the heat of battle, not always easy , to earn trust, we do what we say we are going to do
Gonsistent and Persistent
How can I earn a customer's trust? Whether customers are buying from us or not our approach is the same. Consistent and persistent.
Same day/time. After our first contact with our new customer, we follow up within a week and continue to follow up on a weekly or bimonthly basis, on the same day at the same time.
We are consistent with our call schedule. We can call
We engage the whole account. We engage, learn the names of everyone we speak with at the account (yes, on the phone also). We become part of the fabric of their business. Gatekeepers and others who answer the phone often have great influence with the buyer.
Be cheerful. Not ha-ha-funny-as-a-clown cheerful, but professionally positive. We are a positive, upbeat, professional part of our customer's lives-you can count on us (to always be upbeat.)
Make asking for the business part of the relationship. "I sure love Jack. He is consistent with his offerings. He is always upbeat. He does what he says he is going to do."
"And he sure wants to do business with me" must be added to this sentence. We must maintain a consistent, persistent attitude about doing business. We are not just consistent with the service part of the relationship; we are consistent and persistent sellers also.
Full Disclosure Selling. Full disclosure selling is a series of questions that lead to an open, trusting way of doing business. If we know the answers to the full disclosure questions, we are selling the account as a partner, if not... something less.
Where are you in your buy cycle? What do you currently have on the ground? What do you have on order? How much of that item do you use per month? What is your average cost? What is your buy-back (replenish) point? (How low do you let your inventory go before you buy?
Many sellers find it difficult to 'i set this information from their customers. These questions are trust-testers. These are reasonable business questions. Our customers' answers will tell us where we are on the road to becoming their top supplier.
James Olsen Reality Sales Training (503\ s44-3572
Pre-Colored ACQ Treated Lumber
A Finished Proiect From The Start
The DesignWood colorant* is pressure impregnated with ACO preservative, giving color and protection in one step.

Eliminates the need for initial$aining, saving time and money. ldeal for structural-framing lumber, docks, bridges, pole'type buildings, fence posts, decks, and landscaping.
Proven Soluble Gopper Preseruative
. Preserve@ACff heated wood meeb ttn strinqent idwtry ffia6 of the Amrican Wod hotectim Association (Alt|PA), the leading authority on wood preservation science.
. The lnternationalCode Council's committees recognize AWPA Standards directly in the model hdldirq codes (lBC and IRC) for residential and commercial applications.
. Preserve@AC@ improves the durability of exterior wood for sustainable building; field-tested & proven-to-last.

Big John's Back in Colorado
Three years after economic conditions forced the closure of Big John's Ace Hardware in Glenwood Springs, Co., owner John Lindsey is re-opening the store at a new location.
"The economy just wouldn't support it," said Lindsey of the past closure. "That was one of the most difficult things I've ever had to do."
The new store opened Aprrl29, at a location formerly occupied by a Subaru dealership. A 12,000-sq. ft. steel-frame building on the property was converted into a hardware store.
"I like the fact thar it's an old garage; I think it really adds to the character of a hardware store," said Lindsey of the new location, which is about 2,800 sq. ft. larger than the old store, minus the lumberyard.
To maintain this character, the old garage-bay doors were retained during the remodel, but new energy-efficient heating and lighting systems were installed.
The new store won't offer lumber or building materials, but will carry full lines of hardware, fasteners, electrical, tools, plumbing, paint, lawn and garden, and an array of cleaning and houseware products.
"It's just nice for people to be able to park by the front door and walk into a store that's well-stocked." Lindsev said. "It's just easier to shop and fini what you need, and you can't beat the customer service of a place like this."
Northwest Hardwoods for Sale
Northwest Hardwoods, Tacoma, Wa., has been put on the sales block by its owner, private-equity firm American Industrial Partners. Goldman Sachs Group will handle the sale.

AIP acquired the company from Weyerhaeuser in 2011, for between $100 and $150 million, as the housing market struggled. With the market improving, analysts expect Northwest Hardwoods could sell for as much as $700 million.
Disabled Attorney Sues
Tahoe Area LBM Businesses
Tahoe City Lumber Co., Tahoe City, Ca.; Truckee-Tahoe Lumber Co., Truckee, Ca., and North Shore Ace Hardware, Kings Beach, Ca., were among dozens of area business recently targeted by a disabled lawyer, claiming they are violating the federal Americans with Disabilities Act.
Since November, attorney Scott Johnson has sued at least 45 businessBuilding-Products.com es. He typically sends companies a letter stating they are not complying with the federal law that requires a minimum level of access in all public places. His latest accusations concern improperly marked handicapped parking spaces, ramps that are too steep, and door handles that must be twisted, instead of pushed or pulled.
He usually demands between $22.000 and $25.000 per suit.
Officials File Wildfire Suit
Idaho officials filed suit against Potlatch Corp., Spokane, Wa., and related companies, alleging they share blame for a wildfire that killed a Forest Service firefighter and burned more than 300 acres in northern Idaho, according to the Lewiston Tribune.
The state filed the lawsuit in district court, seeking an unspecified amount in monetary damages for the cost of fighting the fire. The suit charges that a logging crew started the fire using equipment that didn't meet mandatory Forest Service standards.
Firefighter Anne Veseth, 20, died Aug. 12,2012, after being struck and killed by a falling tree while batrling the Steep Corner Fire near Orofino, Id.
The lawsuit also names Potlatch Land & Lumber, Potlatch Forest Holdings, Clearwater Paper Corp., and Kamiah, ld.-based logging contractor. DABCO Inc.
r DEALER Briefr
Orchard Supply Hardware, San Jose, Ca., declined comment on reports that it was behind a 37,000-sq. ft. hardware store with 11,300-sq. ft. garden center proposed for Napa, Ca.
The site, currently part of a private high school, was originally going to be anchored by a 1O-acre Lowe's, but neighborhood concerns persuaded the chain to scale back its plan.
Habitat for Humanity retocated its Garden Grove, Ca., ReStore discount LBM outlet April 17 to Anaheim, Ca.
True Value Hardware presented its annual "Best Hardware Store in Town" awards to 13 regional dealers, including Ransom Brothers True Value, Ramona, Ca.; Foster True Velue Hardware, Mariposa, Ca.; Billman's True Value, Cut Bank, Mt., and Ganon City True Value, Canon City, Co.
Sirrcc 195 1 u c i'c l.rccn l'nilkitlg qLrtiliry firrest protltrcts trsctl l-'r' ,.hstril trrirr-r, tlculcrs, lrtriklcrs, rcmttdclers, 't1l'1 illr-lr-1',.ltrrsclt.'t '
For,rvcr sirn'rcurs u,c hlivc lt,lkru'cel ti-r.- slunc princi1.l95; tltkc citt'e o1 thc lltlttl ltt.l it uill tirkc crrrc rrf 1,ptr; sfrir.,c fitr cxccllcpcc iulrl cflictcncv in uranLttrtctrtrittg; iill(l lrcllt lrll trll,pliers ,ttr.l cLlst()nlcrs thc u,ay vott rvt,rtl.'l likc t..t l'c trclrtetl'
Ganahl Expanding in LA, OC
Nine-unit Ganahl Lumber Co., Anaheim, Ca., is preparing to plant even deeper roots in Los Angeles, even as it also makes plans to expand in its longtime home base of Orange County.
Ganahl has acquired 18 acres in Torrance, Ca., where it will build a new South Bay yard within the next two years, to be overseen by Tom Barclay, currently general manager in Los Alamitos, Ca.
"We supply contractors, and we want to be where they are," Barclay said. "Currently, half of what we sell goes into the L.A. market, yet we only have one store in Los Angeles. The South Bay store puts us closer to our existing customers."
He said L.A. customers, who for small orders typically stop by one of the big boxes "on about every corner," have been asking for a lumberyard of their own. "Having a nicer. more conveniently located yard will get us some of the will-call business our Orange County locations enjoy," said Barclay.
Ganahl hopes to break ground by the end of the year and complete construction within 12 months. When construction begins, Barclay will move on to the project full-time and a successor will be named for him at Los Alamitos. The new location will hire a staff of approximately 100.
The chain began seriously looking for additional sites in the L.A. area after the early success of its threeyear-old location in Pasadena, Ca.
In addition, Ganahl has signed a long-term lease on 5.9 acres of land adjacent to its Costa Mesa, Ca., property, where it will build a new, larger replacement store.
"We had considered remodeling (the existing store), but with the traffic we have here, when the opportunity came up, we decided to build a new one and, when it's done, we'll switch stores," said general manager Brad Satterfield.
With an extra acre to work work, the new location will provide significantly more covered storage, a 30Vo larger retail store, and a longer lease.
Satterfield expects to obtain all necessary approvals in 10 to 12 months, with construction to take another year.
Interfor Proposes New Name
International Forest Products, Vancouver, B.C., has proposed for- mally changing the company name to its trademarked nickname, Interfor Co.p.
"The change will provide a direct link to our traditional trade name and build on the successful rebrandins efforts undertaken in recent yeari using the Interfor name and logo," said president/c.e.o. Duncan Davies. "The new name will also be consistent with the formal names of our U.S. subsidiaries, which now account for more than 5O7o of our production."
The proposal was to be put before shareholders at the company's annual general meeting May 6.
Rosboro, Springfield, Or., temporarily idled its plywood and veneer mills in Springfield, due to inadequate log supply. Lumber and laminate facilities remain operational.

_ Vancouver Specialty Cedar Products, Surrey,'B.C., hai acquired the land, buildings and machinery of Pac-Deck, Maple Ridge, 4.C., whicn will operate. under the name Valley Kiln & Pattern.
Weston Forest Products, Mississauga, Ont., is now distributing redwood from The Galifornia Redl wood Co., Eureka, Ca., across central and eastern Canada.
Arch Wood Protection moveo to new offices in Atlanta, Ga.
MoistureShield now offers deck builders a $1 rebate oer deck board for purchases through June 30.
Weyerhaeuser, Federat Way, Wa., launched a 15-part video series demonstrating installation techniques for Trus Joist floor and roof framing.
Fiberon has signed as a goldlevel sponsor of a new online video series on NextGenHomeTV, featuring Ty Pennington.
TSF Systems, Sacramento, Ca., has sold its Trakloc steel framinq svstem to ClarkDietrich Builiing Systems, West Chester, Oh., makin! it the worldwide manufacturer of the oroducts.
Nyloboard re-launched its website at www.nyloboard.com.

Skyreach Moving to Bigger Western Base
Skyreach L&S Extrusions Corp. is preparing to move its U.S. headquarters from Orange, Ca., to a larger, 92,000-sq. ft. warehousing, fabrication and distribution facility in Rancho Cucamonga, Ca.

The move will allow Skyreach to meet growing demand for its window and patio door systems and to develop new building products, such as fencing, fiber casement siding and boards, moulding, trim and non-fenestration custom profiles.
"We're in a position to introduce and supply products that have been specifically designed to meet the habits, tastes and requirements of the western USA market," said general manager Gavin Taylor. "We'll continue to build on a strong foundation and expand our efforts within the fabrica- tor and window and door dealer channel across the West."
Skyreach also operates manufacturing operations in Chicago, Il., and Vaughan, Ont., home of its Canadian headquarters.
Koppers Buying Osmose
Koppers, Pittsburgh, Pa., has agreed to acquire the wood preservation and railroad services divisions of Osmose Holdings for $460 million.
Griffin, Ga.-based Osmose Wood Preserving provides such preservatives as MicroPro micronized CA, Nature-Wood ACQ/CA, Advance Guard and Hi-Bor borates, and FirePRO FRTW. It expects to "continue to operate as it has with very little visible change to customers and markets."
Quolity Wesfern Cedqr Products
Remodeling to Ease Later in Year Following Strong Start
Solid growth is exPected in the home remodeling market this year, but momentum should begin to moderate in the fourth quarter, according to the latest Leading Indicator of Remodeling Activity from the Remodeling Futures Program at the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University.
Sluggishness in the housing market, and specifically in home sales, may result in a deceleration of home improvement spending from doubledigit annual growth through the third quarter to a year-over-year gain in the high single digits by the end of the year.
"The housing recovery has at least temporarily lost some of its momentum," said Eric S. Belsky, managing director of the Joint Center. "As a result, remodeling spending is expected tofollow suit and see slower growth beginning later this year."
"Home improvement sPending has already recovered a significant share of its losses from the downturn," added Kermit Baker, director of the Remodeling Futures Program at the Joint Center. "As spending moves into the next phase, we expect to see recent double-digit growth tailoff to its longer-term average in the mid-singledigit range."

LB Ainsworth Extend Deal
As the companies continue to work with antitrust agencies on both sides of the border, Louisiana-Pacific Corp., Nashville, Tn., and Ainsworth Lumber Co., Vancouver, B.C., agreed to extend the outside date for completion of the proposed acquisition by LP of all outstanding common shares of Ainsworth.
The extension, from APril 18 to June 2, results from continued discussions with and reviews bY the Canadian Competition Bureau and the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. The deal allows either company to further extend the outside date for another 45 days, if required to obtain certain regulatory approvals.
Closure of the sale remains subject to various conditions, including the expiration or termination of the waiting period under the HSR Act and the receipt of other regulatory approvals and clearances including under the Canadian Competition Act.
Artistry in every detail.
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To create your masterpiece, visit AZEK.com/deckdesigner

Distributors Predict Warmer Weather Will Reiuvenate Sales
Despite the negative weather impact on first quarter sales growth, building material distributors remain optimistic that recovery is nigh, according to the North American Building Material Distribution Association quarterly Executive Trends Index.
Weather has been the largest driver to the slower sales growth for distributors, with 36Vc who experienced a five point or greater sales decline in January due to weather' Ho*euer, distributors see opportunity to push through cost increases and expect profit growth to remain strong, up 8% in2}l4vs.97o growth in 2013.
Manufacturers also have high hopes for 2014, expecting sales to increase l17o for the year. About 23Vo of producers have increased their full-year 2014 forecasts over the last 90 days. In addition, 50Vo of manufacturers forecast an increase in headcount over the next 90 days and nearly SOVo plan to add distributors during 2014.
$1 Million to Promote Wood Use

The U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack' announced a $l million program that will provide training for architects, engineers and builders related to the use of advanced wood materials in U.S. buildings. The new pro- gram will be implemented by the U.S. Department ot Agriculture, in partnership with the Wood Products Council's WoodWorks initiative.
The training supports The President's Climate Action Plan goal of preserving the role of forests in mitigating climatethange and the objective of the 2014 Farm Bill to create rural jobs.
"The market for wood and other forest products currently supports more than one million direct jobs, many in rural America," said Jennifer Cover' executive director of WoodWorks. "As advanced wood products allow the use of wood in a greater variety of buildings-including wood high rises-we can increase the role of forests in mitigating climate change, while strengthening rural economies'"
Using wood from sustainably managed forests helps keep carbon out of the atmosphere because wood products require less fossil fuel to manufacture than other major building materials.
"We appreciate Mr. Vilsack's support of the WoodWor[J program," said Christopher Mclver, chair of the Wood Products Council board and vice president of lumber, sales and corporate development for West Fraser, Vancouver, B.C. "WoodWorks has the unique role of working closely with design and construction professionals to provide education and project support related to the use of wood in buildings."
ChOOSg RedWOOd. Redwood's reputation as building produet is well earned. It is strong, easy to maintain, and has a natural resistance to shrinking, warping and checking.

Jim Enright has been promoted to president and c.e.o. of Pacific Woodtech Corp., Burlington, Wa., succeeding Dave DeWitte, who is now chairman of the board.
John Martinez is new to sales at Thunderbolt Wood Treating, Riverbank, Ca.
Wendy Gonzales, ex-Direct Lumber, has joined Trimco Millwork, Denver, Co., as territory sales rep for northern Colorado, Wyoming and Nebraska.
Julie Castor, ex-Huttig Building Products, has joined the sales team at Boise Cascade Building Material Distribution, Lathrop Ca., managing the AZEK and TimberTech decking lines, as well as fasteners.
Chris Bailey, ex-Spokane Forest Products, is new to inside sales at Weyerhaeuser's Boise, Id., distribution center.
Bryan Ashbaugh, ex-Street of Dreams, is now heading outside sales and marketing throughout the Puget Sound region for Matheus Lumber Co., Woodinville, Wa.

Orville Shockey, ex-SierraPine, has been appointed mgr. of particleboard operations for Collins, Portland, Or.
Devin Stockfish, corporate secretary, Weyerhaeuser Co., Federal Way, Wa., has added the titles of senior v.p. and general counsel, succeeding Sandy McDade, who will retire in July. Kristen Sawin has been named v.p.-government relations, environment, health & safety. Sara Kendall, v.p.-corporate affairs & sustainability, has retired. Denise Merle, senior v.p.-human resources, will also oversee investor relations after KathY McAuley, v.p.-investor relations, retires in August. Elizabeth '6Bethtt Baum is now director, investor relations.
Doug Williams has been promoted to general mgr. of ProBuild, Aspen, Co.
Dan Sutton, plywood sales, retired April 10 after 38 years with Roseburg Forest Products, Roseburg, Or. Kevin Murray joined the plywood sales staff.
Steve Carbary has joined Screw Products Inc., Gig Harbor, Wa., as warehouse mgr.
Dan Weixelman, ex-Weyerhaeuser, is new to outside sales in western Washington and Oregon for Disdero Lumber, Clackamas, Or.
Dan Dieter is now territory mgr. for eastern Washington and northern Idaho with PrimeSource Buliding Products, Spokane, Wa.
Doug Mclalwain has rejoined Canyon Creek Cabinet Co., Monroe, Wa., to head its newly remodeled store and showroom in Spokane, Wa.
Shaina Sullivan, ex-Portland Metro Home Builders Association, has been named marketing director for the Green Building Initiative, Portland, Or. Thomas J. White is the new chief eneineer and Andrew "Andy" R-ocker, key account mgr.
Mike Molinar has been appointed v.p./corporate controller for Orchard Supply Hardware, San Jose, Ca.
Paul Casseri, ex-Larson Mfg., is now product mgr. for the residential shingle and underlayment divisions of Atlas Roofing, Atlanta, Ga.