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Llstings are often submitted months in advance. Always verify dates and locations wrlh sponsor before making plans to aftend.

Jensen Distribution Services - Sept. 10-12, fall market, Convention Center, Spokane, Wa.; (800) 234-1321 ; jensenonline.com.

Los Angeles Hardwood Lumberman's Club - Sept. 11, meeting, The Filling Station, Orange, Ca.; (626)445-8556; lahlc.net.

Northern Utah Home Show - Sept. 12-14, Davis Convention Center, Layton, Ut.; (888) 433-3976; www.acshomeshow.com.

Hoo-Hoo International - Sept. 13-16, annual convention, Flamingo Hotel, Santa Rosa, Ca.; www.hoohoo.org.

American Architectural Manufacturers Assn. - Sept. 1,f-17, fall conference, Westin, Westminster, Co.; www.aamanet.org.

American Wood Protection Association - Sept. 14-18, fall meef ing, Portland, Me. ; (205) 7 33407 7 : www.awpa.com.

Ace Hardware - Sept. 17-19, fall market, Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Fl.; (630) 990-7662; acehardware.com.

North American Rail Shippers Assn. - Sept. 18-19, regional meet ing, Seattle, Wa.; (972) 6904740; www.railshippers.com.

Pacific Logging Congress - Sept. 25-27, Live in the Woods show, Molalla, 0r.; (425) 413-2808; www.pacifi cloggingcongress.org.

Universal Forest Products - Sept, 26, annual golf tournament, Temecula Creek Inn Golf Course, Temecula, Ca,; (951) 82630'l 1 ; hbromley@ufpi.com.

Los Anqeles Hardwood Lumberman's Club - Oct. 2, Alan Bohnioff Memorial Golf Tournament, Black Gold Golf Course, Yorba Linda, Ca.; (626)445-8556; lahlc.net.

North American Rail Shippers Assn. - Oct. 2-3, regional meeting, Hyatt Regency, Phoenix, Az.; (972) 6904740; railshippers.com.

Mountain States Lumber & Building Material Dealers Association - Oct. 2-4, tall conference, Sonnenalp Resort, Vail, Co.; (303) 793-0859; www.mslbmda.org.

Material Handling Industry of America - Oct. 5-8, annual meeting, Rancho Bernardo Inn, San Diego, Ca.; (704) 676-1 190; mhi.org.

Westem Building Matedal Association - Oct. 7, human resources workshop; Oct. 8-9, estimating workshop, Kincaid Learning Center, Olympia, Wa.; (360) 943-3054; www.wbma.org.

Building Component Manufacturers Gonference - Oct. 8-10, Charlotte, N.C.; (608) 27 44849: www.bcmcshow.com.

Black Bart Hoo-Hoo Club - Oct. 10, golf tournament & BBQ, Ukiah Valley Golf Course, Ukiah, Ca.; (707) 542-5091; www.blackbarthoohool 81.org.

True Vafue Co. - Oct. 10-12, lall market, Colorado Convention Center, Denver, Co.; (773) 695-5000; truevaluecompany.com.

Southern Galifornia Hoo-Hoo Club - Oct. 15, meeting, Los Serranos Country Club, Chino Hills, Chino, Ca.; (323) 559-1958; www.hoohoo117.org.

Do it Best Corp. - Oct. 18-20, fall market, Indianapolis Convention Center, lndianapolis, In.; (260) 748-5300; www.doitbestcorp.com.

Association of Millwork Distributors - Oct. 19-23, annual convention, Tampa, Fl.; (727) 372-3665; www.amdweb.com.

DeckExpo - Ocl 22-24, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, Md.; Oct. 22-24, North American Deck & Railing Association annual meeting; (866) a75-6495; www.deckexpo.com.

Remodefing Show - Oct.22-24, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, Md.; (866) 475-6495; www.remodelingshow.com.

Greenbuild Expo - Oct. 22-24, sponsored by U.S. Green Building Council, New Orleans, La. ; (800) 7 95-17 47 : www.usgbc.com.

West Coast Lumber & Building Material Association - Nov. 6-7, annual convention, Miramonte Resort & Spa, Indian Wells, Ca.; (800) 2664344; www.lumberassociation.org. Building-Products.com

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