2 minute read
Hi-boro brand treated wood is a borate treated
I product deslsned for interior house framine in Ha i,^Hi;bor" treaied wood resists attack by Fofinosan termites and numerous household
Shaker-Style Doors
The three-panel Shaker-style door from Masonite has flat panels and crisp definition.
ADA-compliant, the molded doors come in 6'8" and 7' door heights-in regular and bi-fold stylesand have l-3l8" and l-3l4" hollow core ootions,
(800) 663-3667
Goated Steel Studs
ClarkDietrich now offers ProStud steel studs with a DiamondPlus conosion-inhibiting coating, which penetrates into the zinc-coated substrate to form a permanent bond and fill voids, cracks and pores.
(800) 543-7r40
#rePRO'brand interior fire retardant is the construction induslry's newest and most advanced fire protection s'vstem for wuid. The unique Fir€Pro dremistrv ii a oalent peirdins formulaion that coritains no phoqphoroubbased com]nundsl
:d', jorate pr,essuri triated hrio{b, sril$ mdhrsses, rd :rior &amlng and sill glate.al
P.O. Box 75 McMinnville, OR 97128 Phone: 503-434-5450 FAX: 888-TSO-WOOD (888-876-9663)
Cavbdal and seeJust utbat Rqtal Pac-tfc Industrles
i"r"roroofing Gompound
W.R. Meadows' new waterproofing compound reportedly will not shrink, has low odor and VOC content, and will not crack in extreme cold or soften at high temperatures.
Hydralastic 836 protects against water intrusion on concrete and asphalt surfaces. It can also be used to waterproof plaza decks and planter boxes, and to seal parapets.
(847\ 214-2100
Organizing the Pros
DeWalt's Pro Organizer offers heavy-duty storage with a see-through lid for visibility of small parts and tools.
Six removable inner cups address specific storage needs. The impact-resistant lid seals out moisture and can be locked in place to prevent spillage. A side lock allows several units to be stacked together, while a carry handle allows maximum portability.
(800) 433-9258
Luxury Underlayment
LuxWalk underlayment from MP Global Products is designed for use under luxury vinyl flooring in residential and commercial projects.
Made with 3l70 post-consumer recycled content, the product limits sound transmission and is LEEDcompliant.
(888) 379-9695
Durable Gharger
Stanley's 8-amp, high-frequency battery charger is sealed to prevent corrosion from dust, oil and moisture.
The product is fully automatic; simply connect to battery with the included clamps. It's light and compact for easy storage, use and travel.
(860) 827-5480
Portable Workshop
DeWalt's multi-level workshop can transport and store large tools and otherjobsite necessities.
Four levels deliver 90 lbs. of load capacity and 22.2 gallons of storage space. Large power tools can be stored in the oversized bottom bin, while hand tools and smaller items can be stored in the middle or top bins. The middle section includes eight compartments with removable dividers, for customization of storage.
Other benefits include a single pull-up latch for easy opening, heavy-duty 8" rubber wheels, and ballbearing slides for smooth opening of the cantilever system.
(800) 433-9258
Natural Gas Trucking
Peterbuilt Motors now offers a new powertrain option for several of its natural gas vehicles.

The new option provides an automated transmission with intelligent shift-selection software and a 700Vo natural gas engine powered by either CNG or LNG.
(800\ 473-8312

CANYON OAKS Country Club, Chico, Ca., was the site of Western Woods' recent golf event (continued from previous page) Ul Mario Barajas, Rich Graham, Kevin Matteri, Jerry Tucker. [2] Brian Johnson, Patrick Cardoza. l3l Dave Sorenson, Brendan Roseta. [a] Jeff Squires, Chris Luccetti. [5] Ken Dunham, Steve Bortolazzo [6] Lee Burgess, Ken Carter, Bruce Burton. [7] Kevin Richter, Chris Richter. [8] Chris Karabinus, Jerry Dennis [9] Tim Murphy, Dennis Furry, Josiah Clark, Ted Shreve [10]
Whether grade marking, nail pattern marking or company logo marking, Matthews specializes in equipment and inks specific to the wood rndustry. Our Drop-on Demand (DOD) ink-jet printers w thstand even the toughest, harshest environments, keeping up with the demands of the wood industry. Matthews' systems run at faster line speeds than the competitron. Many of Matthews' inks are specific to wood products and are approved by the Engineered Wood Association. Water based, fast dry and VOC free inks are avarlable!