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He Finally Got Him on The Spot

The Jew and the Scotchman had been in a speakeasy for two mortal hours talking, each one trying to jockey the other into inviting him to have a drink, and it was like a pair of skilled boxers, was this battle of the wits. The score was about even and neither was showing signs of just breaking down and ordering a drink, when the Scotchman asked:

"Abe, did I tell you about the grand hunting trip I was on Iast week?"

"You did not, Sandy," replied Abe. ,,What did you kill?"

"I came upon the grandest laddie of buck deer I ever saw in my life," said the Scotchman. ..I drew careful aim with my trusty rifle, and fired, and what do you think? I hit him right between the yours."

"You hit him where?" demanded the Jew.

"f hit him right between the yours," declared the Scotch_ man.

The Jew scratched his head and thought.

"What's yours?" he finally asked.

"Whuskey, Abe, and thank ye," said the Scotchman; .,an' what's yours?"

Announce Cargo Rates to Structural Redwood Used in State Stockton Hlghway Bridges

In anticipation of the opening of the port of Stockton to deep water navigation the Pacific Coastwise Lumber Conference has announced rates and ,conditions on lumber and/or lumber products from Coos Bay, Columbia and Willamette River, Grays and Willapa Harbors, puget Sound and British Columbia ports (not North of powell River) to the following ports, to-wit:

Shipments to Antioch but not beyond Antioch, as now in effect, minimum for any one port to be not less than 250,000 feet BM, at $4.50 per M ft. BM; and for ports above Antioch to Stockton, but not beyond Stockton, minimum to be not less than 400,000 feet BM, at 50c per M feet BM over Antioch rate.


A. J. Morley, manager of the Saginaw Timber Co., Aberdeen, 'Wash., manufacturers of the well known ,,Saginaw Brand" red cedar shingles, was a recent visitor to San Francisco and Los Angeles for a few days, after which he left for the East on a business trip.

Calls On Association Members

David T. Mason, manag'er of the California pine Associ. ation, recently returned to Portland after visiting the Association's California members.


R. F. Pray, sales manager of the Red River Lumber Co.. San Francisco, traveled to and from Spokane by plane to attend the Pine sales managers' conference held there December 7.

Redwood structural grade lumber amounting to 55O,000 feet will be used in the construction of the Kern River bridge, and 120O Redwood piling will be used, half of which will go under the concrete piers and the other half in the approach spans. Frederickson & Watson Construction Co. of Oakland are the contractors, and the Union Lumber Co. is supplying the lumber.

The Pacific Lumber Company is furnishing through the Bakersfield Sandstone Brick Company 250,000 feet of Redwood structural grade lumber to be used in two bridles being constructed over Watkins and Caliente Cre&s. about 50 miles east of Bakersfield.

Hutchinson Mill To Be Rebuilt

A. H. Land, president of Feather River pine Mills, Inc., successor corporation to the Hutchinson Lumber Co., Oro_ ville, Calif., announces that this company is now assembling machinery for the purpose of rebuilding the mill destroyed by fire in 1927.

Homer Maris Visits Northwest

llomer B. Maris, of the Maris Plywood Co., San Francisco, returned recently from a visit to the Northwest to confer with the Harbor Plywood Corporation, Hoquiam, Wash.

Lumberman Settles In Berkeley

Austin N. Bennett, Nebraska lumberman, formerly of Omaha, Neb., recently came to Berkeley to make his home. It is said that he plans to enter the lumber business again.

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