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Yard For Sale
Modern Yard for sale in Los Angeles County. Town 8,00G--one other yard. Total investment $25,000.0Gmortgage $5,000.00. Will discount balance 5O/o. Address C. C. Frye, 237 East Anaheim, Long Beach, Calif.
Wants Position With Sawmill
All round lumberman with sawmill experience wants position as yard foreman, shipping clerk, etc. Thoroughly familiar with all kinds of work around a mill. Can furnish references. Married. Will go any place. Address Box C-464, care California Lumber Merchant.
National Directors' Meeting
(Continued from Page 25) the united lunlber industry should seek, when tariff legislation is again before Congress, resulted in unanimous action on a resolution calling for appointment of a representative sub-committee to study all phases of the question, discuss it with the regional associations, and.report to the Directors at the Annual Meeting in 1933, or sooner if the situation in Congress requires.
Vacancies on National Board Filled
'fhe four vacancies in the Board of Directors of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association were filied by the unanimous election of the following:
Carl L. Hamilton, General Timber Service, Inc., St. Paul, Minn.; Ernest L. Kurth, Angelina County Lumber Co., Keltys, Texas; Paul V. Eames, Shevlin, Carpenter & Clarke Co., Minneapolis, Minn.; Robert Hixon, Chicago, Ill.
Other Matters
Plans in connection with the present wording of the law with respect to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and how those provisions may be applied to the benefit of the lumber industry were stated to the Directors. The Secretary-Manager also reported or, the present status of the cooperation of the natural resource industries in seeking suitable modification of the anti-trust law along the lines of present law respecting agriculture.
George W. Dulaney, Jr., reported on the favorable condition of the Lumbermen's Blue Book and the need of continuance of credit rating service by and for the lumber industry.
Sales Managers Conference
For. two days preceding the Directors' meeting and in one joirrt session with the Directors, twenty-five sales managers representing all groups in the indu.stry met for further discussion of problems conSidered at the first general sales managers conference in April, 1932, and of new matters pertaining to lumber distribution and selling. At the joint session of Directors and Sales Managers Harry T. Kendall,
Wants Office Position
Young man with several years' lumber experience in Los Angeles office wants position. Expert stenographer and typist and familiar with all kinds of office work. Can furnish references. 26 years of age. Address Box C-463, care California Lumber Merchant.
Chairman of the Sales Managers Conference, presented eight important conclusions and recommendations of the Sales Managers Conference, which were endorsed by the Directors.
The most important recommendation of the sales managers was a statement of terms of sale and sales policies rvhich, if put into effe,ct by the individual manufacturers rvould, it is believed, benefit all branches of the industry and the lumber consumers. The opinion was expressed that before many of the things that need to be done to bring about better conditions within the industry are adlancecl. a firm foundatioh of standardized trade methods and practices must be laid. The conference stated that the voluntary adoption of a uniform statement of terms of sale and sales policies will promote confidence, eliminate hidden competition, stabilize industry methods and practices, assure fair and equitable dealing and give further evidence of the ability of the lumber industry for self-regulation.
Trade Promotion Gets Results
Efforts of the representatives of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association and National Lumber Manufactureis Association in California and in Washington, D. C., to obtain approval of the use of creosoted piling for the new San Jose post office have finally been successful, and in .r'iew of the considerable saving that can be made it appears certain creosoted piling will be used instead of competing materials.
Institute Has Three New Members
C. R. Buchanan, secretary, East Bay Lumbermen's Institute, reports that the following Oakland firms have recently joined the Institute: Lamb Lumber Co., Bay City Lumber Co.. and Boulevard Mill & Lumber Co.
Returns From World Trip
Ralph Baconf salesman for Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland, returned recently from a leisurely trip around the rvorld which occupied six months, and took him to many countries in Europe and Asia and included a visit to the Egyptian Pyramids.
Mr. Bacon was welcomed home at a dinner given in his honor at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, by the staff of the Strable Hardrvood Co., November 26.
3*b*,tbrna For yorrr cons rderab r on thd'home'beauti Ful. lhe very la[es[ rn modern home consbructron.
Note lhe atLracbrve bemace bhe entry,rvibh large closeL Jpacrorus ,lrvrn$ room, .sunny breaPrast alcove, compacc bitchen and ubilrbv sh6wer bath. All ol these teiL,,rres are housedwibhrn a most pleasrng exberior.
Plans for this attractive home can be furnished by the Lumbermen's Service Association
Fay Building' Los Angeles