5 minute read
Wholesale Lumber Association
San Francisco Ofice: 26O California St.
F. J. O'Connor, Prcr. ind Gcn. Mgr. ' Phoac GArficld 5Ol5 Lor Aqieles Office: Petroleum Securitiec Bldg.
. M. S. Loper, Dirtrict Menagcr ' Phonc PRorpcct 270til MEMBERS
IV. R. Cbubcrtln & Cq ..'...Sen Fnncbco ud Loe Angcla Cc Bay Luber Co .."....San Fnncicco ud Lo Anjclcr Dowu Lmbcr Co. ....'.....'........'..."..'Su Fnnchco md Lol Angclcr
Eutcn & Westem Lmber Co.... .',..'...,...... ..Portland and Su Frucirco
Hlmod Lubcr Co. ........San Fnncirco and Lc Angclal
J. R, Hanify Co. .'.....'.'." ..San Fnnclgco and Lc Anrelcr
Hrrt-Wood Lubcr Ca .........S- Fmcirco
C. D. Johm Lubcr Co. ....San Franciro ud Lc Angclce
Alvi! N. Iafrrcn .."...'Su Franci*o MacDGld & Haningto .....Sln FnncLo and Lc Angclcl
A. F. Mahmy Lmber Co. """Su Frucis
Che R. McComic& Lmber Co. ...............SalFruciroaldLoe A4cla
W. J. Mulligu & Co. .......'.. 'Su Fmcbco
Chulea Nello CG ..........'.. SuFnnclrcorndlsArydcr
Pmino Lmber Cc .....""'San Franclro
Suta Fe Lmber Co. .'.....""Su Flands
Sud&n & Chrietosd .......,!lan FIucim and Lo Algplcl
Wcndling-Natbar Co. ....' ......................Su Fmciro ad lc Arydc
R o. wiln & so .."""" " su Franci:co
E. K. llfod Lumber Cq ....'.........-i.......Su Fruds ud Lc A4rtcl
Hilt & Morto, Ine ....'....... """'Od'hrd
Blcdcl-Dmwan Lmbcr Milb "'l.oc Antclc
Broo&r Lmbcr Co ..LoArsGb' hme-Philipe Lmbcr Co ...".'...".-.'... ....!-otA4d"
E. L RclE Copuy .....'..""'LaArrclol
Tam Lubcr Setar Arocy ..........'...'.....'.....Tmmr ud Lc ADgGlo
TvoLy Lubcr CG "'Ld ADt'lc
SL Plrl & Trcmr Lmbcr Cc '....'..Tecoe
Where He Got His Title
, When he got home for Christmas he boasted that he had been an All-American end. They investigated and ,found out he was right-that is-all the Americans he played against, ran around his end.
A Little More
A little more smile, a little less frown, A little less kicking a guy when he's down; A little more "WE," a little less "I," A little more laugh and a little less cry, A little more fowers on the pathway of life, And fewer on graves at the end of the strife.
Difference Between Banana And Sausage
' "The bananas are great remarkable fruit," writes a Japanese boy in the course of an essay on the banana. "He are constructed in the same architectural style as sausage, difference being skin of sausage are habitually consumed, while it is not advisable to eat wrapping of banana.
"The banana are held aloft while consuming; sausages are usually left in reclining position. Sausage depend for creation on human being or stuffing machine, while banana are Pristine Product of honorable mother nature. In case of sausage both conclusion are attached to other sausage; banana on other hand are attached on one end to stem and opposite termination entirely loose. Finally, banana are strictly of vegetable kingdom, while affiliation of sausage often undecided."
Getting Nowhere
Cop: "Madam, didn't you see me hold out my hand?"
Woman at Wheel: "No, sir."
Cop: "And didn't you hear me blow my whistle at you?"
Woman: "No, sir, I didn't."
Cop: "Well, I guess I'll go on home. I don't seem to be getting anywhere on this job."
Guess Again
fn a fashionable restaurant a new multi-millionaire with no knowledge of French and no desire to expose his ignorance, pointed to a line on the menu, and said to the waiter:
"I'll have some of that."
"Sorryr" said the waiter, "f can't serve you that."
"Why not?"
"Well, sir, the fact is, the band is playing that."
The progress of the world depends upon the men who walk in the fresh furrows and through the rustling corn; upon those who sow and reap; upon those whose faces are radiant with the glare of furnace fires; upon the delvers in mines, and the workers in shops; upon those who give to the winter air the ringing music of the ax; upon those who battle with the boisterous billows of the sea; upon the inventors and discoverers; upon the brave thinkers.Robert Ingersoll.
Stand off by yourself in your dreaming, And aU of your dreams are vain; No grandeur of soul or spirit, Can man by himself attain.
It is willed we shall dwell as brothers; As brothers then we must toil; We must act with a com.tnon purpose, As we work in a common soil.
And each who would see accomplished The dreams that he's proud to own, Must strive for the goal with his fellows, For no man can do it alone.
A West Texas candidate for sheriff rnade out his expense account for the campaign as follows:
"Lost four months sleep and 20 days canvassing; lost 1,360 hours sleep thinking about the election, lost 40 acres of corn and a crop of sweet potatoes; lost two front teeth and a lot of hair in a personal combat with an opponent; donated one beef, four shoats, and five sheep to barbecues; gave away two pairs of suspenders, five calico dresses, five dolls'and thirteen baby rattles, kissed 126 babies; kindled 14 kitchen fires; put up eight stoves; cut 14 cords of wood; carried 24 buckets of water; gathered seven wagon loads of corn; pulled 475 bundles of fodder; walked 4,(XX) miles; shook hands 9,O80 times; told 10,000 lies; attended 26 revival meetings; was baptized twice by immersion and once by sprinkling; contributed $50 to foreign missions; made love to 9 grass widows; got dog bit 19 times; and got hell beat out of me at the election.
Ask thc "Handy Man" to Visit
There never was a person in an ordinary town who didn't like to monkey with a saw; perhaps he made a fizzle when he tried to use a chisel, but his hammer work was sure without a flaw. He likes to mend and putter-build a dresser for his daughter, and so long as HE has made it, it is good. And right here in your own city are a lot who have our pity, for they don't limow where to go to get their wood. Ask the "handy man" to visit and inspect your boards exquisite; let him feel the satin texture of your planks. Show him you don't mind the NUMBER-let him buy ONE piece of lumber-and you will get his f,noney and his'thanks.
Enters Insurance Field
Fred Golding is back in Los Angeles from the Malibu, and wishes all his old friends in the lumber business a Happy New Year. As vice-president of A. R. Phillips & Co., industrial insurance brokers and engineers, 1010 Lane Mortgage Building, he states that he is ready to test out his salesmanship against the heavy competition, and claims to have a special red ink eradicator for all his old friends.
As treasurer and director of the Patten-Davis Lumber Co., for many years, and later owner of the Fred Golding Lumber Co., he was widely known in lumber circles. His many friends predict that he will have a successful career in the insurance field.
Open Los Angelcs Offlce
D. G. MacDougall and R .A. Cole, formerly M4nager and Assistant Manager of the Wheeler, Osgood Company of California, have entered the wholesale door and panel business in Los Angeles with an office and warehouse at 2101 East 5lst Street, operating under the name of MacDougall & Cole. They have been appointed exclusive representatives for Southern California of the "Peterbilt" line of doors and panels manufactured by the Peterman Manufacturing Company of Tacoma, Wash. In addition to direct carload shipments from the mill at Tacoma, they will also carry a complete stock of doors and panels at their Los Angeles warehouse. Mr. MacDougall and Mr. Cole have been connected with the door and panel business in Southern California for many years and are widely known to the trade.
Back From Southland
Henry M. Hink, sales manager of the Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., San Francisco, returned December 17 flrom a lo-day business trip to Los Angeles and San Diego. While in Los Angeles Mr. Hink attended the Notre DameSouthern California football game.