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Pacific Coast Fore st Products

Wholesale Lumber Car And Cargo

Old Growth Fir - Spruce - Hemlock - Shingles - Lath

Good assortment of stock at San Pedro available for immediate delivery.


Moves To New Location Barr Lumber Company Has Christmas Banquet

Bassett-Teachout Company of Los Ange l es wholesale distributors of Fir and Reza hardwood doors, is now loca t ed in its n ew offices and warehouse at 767 E. \Va shington B l vcl. The t e lephone numb er r emai n s the samePRospect 1860.

On Eastern Trip

E. E. Carriger, manager of th e Santa Cruz Lumber Co San ta Cruz , l ef t December 18 for a two weeks' \'aca t ion in the East. He attended a family reunion in E li zabet ht on. Tenn., over th e Christmas holidays, and will also v isit some c the eastern hardwood mills.

).fore than 200 emp loyees and guest s of the Barr Lumber Company attended its annual Christmas banquet at the l\Iaso nic Temple, Santa Ana, Saturday evening, December 18 \ Vilbur Barr was toastmaster and introduced the spea k ers and entertai nm e n t numb e r s.


Lumber Yard

E. K. \\' ood Lumber Co. ha s p ur chased the Sierra Madre Lumber Co. at Sierra Madre. J. S. Billheimer, who took O\·er the business ten years ago, will continue as manager.

Lumber Corporation, C D. __

& Sons , Inc., Jno W. ______

Lumber Co., Carl H. _

How Lumber Looks

and Oregon which o rder s on hand at th e e ncl of th e week totaled 124,210 ,000 reported t o th e \tV es t Coas t Lumbermen's A s soc iat io n for f ee t. the \Yeek ended December 18, t o taled about the sa me as * * * the amounts reported in r ece nt previou s weeks. Shipments

The California Red wood Association for the week ended rep o rt e d t o taled le ss than tho se in other rec e nt week s. December 11 reported producti o n of 13 mill s as 5,891,000

The production repor te d of 63.995,831 board feet by the se feet; s hipment s 4,548 ,0 00 feet; a nd n e w business 3,513,000 mill s indi c ates that the e ntire indu s try produced 40.2 per feet. Orders on hand at th e e ncl of the week t o taled 22,ccnt o f its average weekly cut during 1926-29. The change 75 8, 000 feet. in production from the previous w ee k was approximately * * * o ne million feet

The Southern Pine A sso ciati o n for the week ended De-

The n ew bu si ne ss reported taken during the week b y cernber 18, 100 mills report i ng, gaye new busin ess as 16 ,the se mills was 72.453 ,280 board feet, a decrease of ap- 592 ,000 feet; shipments 16,267 000 feet; and production 19_ proximately four million feet from the Yo lurne reported the 8 11 ,000 feet. Orders on hand totaled 42,163 ,000 feet. ' preYiou s ·week. Shipments were 56 ,351.097 feet. The un- * * * fill e d order file at the se mills stood at 268,889,910 feet. 535 mills reporting to the National Lumber Man..1facThe market outlook continues to be quiet. turers Association for the week ended Decemb e r 11 pro- * * * cluced 148,845,000 feet of hardwoods and softwood : co m-

The Western Pine Associat ion for the week ended De- bined; shipped 140,815,000 feet; and booked new b,isiness cember 18, 114 mill s reporting, gave new bu s ine ss of 46,- of 154,339 ,000 feet. Th e lumber indu s try during tl;e v ·eek 951 ,000 feet; shipments 37,757,000 feet; and production 31,- s tood at 44 per cent of the 1929 weekly average of prod u c151,000 feet. New bu s iness showed an increase of 3,251,- tion and 42 per cent of average 1929 /

Advertising is no respecter of commodities, territories, people, or times. It C'Joes its work § I just as thoroughly for one person as for another in exact proportion to the thsught, energy, § enthusiasm, belief, judgment, persistency, and accuracy, in any language, in, any place on § God's green earth, if backed up and followed up by honest, efficient service, all the time. Ad- § vertising is not a piker's or a non-believer's game. It is an honest-to-God r "'tying investment. § Jf:'JE:J, r

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