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M. ADAMS clrohdo M,-.3.?
How Lumber Looks
In the rveek ended December 17, new orders for lumber r'vere 4O per cent above those booked in the corresponding week of 1937, according to the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association. Every reporting region sholved apPreciable'gain over last year.
Reported production rvas 31 per cent above the corresponding rveek of 1937, while shipments u'ere 44 per cent higher.
During the rveek ended December 17, 522 mills produced 185,717,W feet of softrvoods and hardwoods combined, shipped 186,846,000 feet and booked orders of 216,799,0N feet.
A total of 151 dorvn and operating mills Washington reporting to the West Coast Association, for the week ended December 89,911,322 feet, shipped 74,212,772 feet, and was 102,6O1,444 f.eet. The unfilled order file stood at 310,ffi7,177 feet.
in Oregon and Luml>ermetr's 10, produced nelv business at these mills
The same number of mills reporting for the n'eek ended December 17, produced 95,293,090 feet, shipperl 86,263,970 feet, and nerv business was 1O5,043,577 feet. The unfilled order file at the end of the rveek totaled 327,892,914 feet.
The Western Pine Association for the rveek ended De-
O. WILSON LBR. CO. MOVES TO OAKLAND cember 17, ln mills reporting, gave orders as 70,989,000 feet, shipments 58,479,000 feet, and production 45,020,000 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 231,373,000 feet.
O. Wilson Lumber Company moved January I to lloom 2O8 Ray Building, 1924 Broadrvay, Oakland.
I\[r. \\'ilson establishecl an office in the Fife Building. San Francisco, in February I9C9, and in 1931 moved to the Underwood Bldg. The new phone number is }ligate 5124.
The California Redu'ood Association reported production of 13 mills for the week ended December 17 as 7,216,ffiO feet, shipments 4,887,000 feet, and new business 5,582,000 feet. Production rvas 6 per cent greater and nerv business 7 per cent greater than for the same week last year. \\reekend orders on hand were 26.762.000 feet.
The Southern Pine Association for the lveek ended December 17, 122 mills reporting, gave ner'v business as 23,893,000 feet, shipments 24,763,@O feet, and production 27,630,00O feet. Orders on hand at the end of the 'iveek totaled 53.959.000 feet.
W. G. Bingham, district director of the Southern California FFIA, reports that rvhile a study of previotts years shon's, generally, a falling off in residential building in December, an increase 'ivas registered in the first week of this month over the same period the preceding month in number and dollar volume of mortgages accepted for FHA appraisal, covering new construction.
Frost Snyder California Visitor
Frost Sn1 der, of Tacoma, president, Vancouver Plywood & Veneer Co., Vancouver, Wash., and the Clear Fir Lumber Co., Tacoma, stopped at Los Angeles and San Francisco on his rvay home frorn a business trip to the Eastern States. He left San Francisco for Tacoma, I)ecember 20.