6 minute read
'sGhronated Zlnc Ghlorldett
Pressure Trea Teid Lumber
Now Treated and Stocked at Out Long Beach Plant for Immediate Delivery to Lumber Deden
Odorlcrc Paintable Termite end Decay Rerirtent Firc Retardant a a
Buy "BAXCO" for Servicc
Pmpt .hbnetr fro u rtocL
Excbrnlc cnicc4alar'r utrcetod lurrbcr ftr cr Ctmtcd Zhc Chlorid. rtocl pfur cLu3c fc trcadrr.
Tmtio3 dolg/r cn lubcr-nlll rhp EeDtr to ru dodr c lnrclr lotr fm ddcdr yard.
Brclurivc Selcr Agcnt ia Crlifornie for WEST COAST WOOTD PNESENYING CIO. Seettlc, Vaeh.
J. II. Baxter e, Go.
333 Montgomry St SAN FRANCISCO
Phonr DOugler 1863
H"ppy Mr Year and
Prosperous One For 1939
You ccrn pleose your customers during the coming yeqr by furnishing their requirements in Colifornio Sugor Pine. We recommend Sugor Pine Selects for pottern and finish use qnd Shop Lumber for sosh ond door monufqcture.
The Guy Who Stubbed His Toe
Did you ever maet a youngster who had been and stubbed his toe,
An' was settin' by the roadside just a-cryin' soft and low, A-holdin' of his dusty foot so hard and brown and bare, And tryin' to keep frorn "his eyes the tears a-gatherin' there? ,.' .-'::..i,.,,
You hear him sorta sobbin' tte, an' snuffin' of his nose, You stop an' pat him on the head and try to ease his woes; You treat him sorta kind like an' the first thing that you know
IIe's up an' off a-smilin', clean forgot he stubbed his toe.
Now, long the road of life you'll find a feller goin' slow, An' like as not he's some pore cuss who's gone an' stubbed his toe;
He was makin' swimmin' headway til he bumped into a stone,
An' his friends kept hurryin' forward an' left him there alone.
He's not sobbin', he's not sniffin', he's just too old fer cries, But he's grievin' jest as earnest, if it only cotnes in sighs, An'it does a lot o' good, sometime, to go a little slow, An' speak a word o' comfort to a guy who's stubbed his toe.
You see you're not so sure yo'ur.self, and there ain't no way to know
Just when its comin' YOUR time, to slip an' stub your toe. Today you're bright and happy in the world's sunlight and glow, iAn' tomorrow you're a-freezin' an' trudgin' through the snow.
The time you think you've got the world the tightest in your grip,
Is just the time you find that you're the likeliest to slip. So it does a lot o' good sometimes to go a little slow, An' speak a word o' comfort to the guy who's stubbed his to€.
Bacon said: "But little do men perceive what solitude is, and how far it extendeth. , For a crowd is not company, and faces are but a gallery of pictures, and talk but a tinkling cymbal where there is no love."
The prospective dog buyer was pretty particular.
"I want a dog with a fine pedigree; that's the first essential," he said to the dog store man.
The dog store man brought out a pooch, handling him with much respect.
"ffere's just what yo'u're looking for, Mister," he said. "This dog is so blue-blooded that if he could talk he wouldn't even speak to you."
His Diary
The life of every man is a diary in which he means to write one story, but writes another; and his humblest hour is when he compares the volurne as it is, with the one he had hoped to write.
Viewpoint Feminine
"I have a friend I want you girls to meet," young man to the bevy of youthful femininity. they rose to the bait.
"What can he do?" asked the athletic girl.
"flow much has he?" asked the chorus girl.
"What does he read?" asked the literary girl.
"Who are his people?" asked the social girl.
"What church does he belong to?" asked the girl.
"Where is he?" asked the old maid.
AMER;;* ,r"t"
"Name?" asked the immigration official.
"Sneeze," replied the Chinaman.
"Is that your Chinese name?" asked the official.
"No. Melican name," said the Chinaman.
"Then what is your Chinese name?"
"Ah Choo," said the Chinaman, proudly.
wB weiB, *r ,"rr"
said the Quickly religious
And when we have done our work on earth-of necessity, of labor, of lover, or of duty-like the silkworm that spins its little cocoon and dies, we too depart. But, short though our stay in life may be, it is the appointed sphere in which each has to work out the great aim and end of his being to the best of his power; and when that is done, the accident of the fesh will affect but little the immortality we shall at last put on.
Red Cedar Shingle Bureau Plans 1939 Program; Annual Meeting )an. 12
Trvo additional field rerpresentatives, R. L. Harvkins of Little Ro,ck, Ark., and Sam Olsen, Seattle, Wash., have been adcled to the field stafi of the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau. Both are college trained men with a splendid backgrouncl of education and experience. Mr. Hawkins is the son of L. M. Hawkins, secretary of the Arkansas Retail Lunrber Dealers' Association, and will be stationed in the Missouri 'r'alley region r,vith headquarters in Kansas City, Mo. Mr. Olsen is a graduate of the College of Forestry, University of Washington, and will cover the New England territory, supplementing the work in that region of the Bureau's veteran representativd, .W. D. Richar.dson.
P. W. Moffatt, Jr., is being transferred permanently into the Ohio region, succeeding the late Esker Fitzwater. He rvill work rvith the retail lumber trade in Indiana. Ohio. IlIichigar,, Kentucky, and Western Pennsylvania.
nfanager W. W. Woodbridge of the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau points to a larger and more intensive advertising program in 1939. The Bureau rvill again take an active part in the retail lumber dealer association annual meetings, and an attractive exhibit of unusnal design rvill be dislllayed at all tlie leading conventions.
The Bureau's annual convention l'ill be held January 12 at the Washington Athletic Club, Seattle, Wash., and will feature such prominent men in the industry as C. A. Pickett, secretary, Lumbermen's Association of Texas, J. E. Mackie, Pacific Coast representative, National Lumber Manufacturers Association; J. M. Wright, president. National Plan Service, Inc., Chicago, Ill., and the publisher of a nationally knorvn farm journal.
John Wesley Schouten
John Wesley Schouten of San Francisco passed alvay there on December 20. He rvas associated u'ith John H. IIcCallum in the retail lumber business in San Francisco from 1894 to 1915, u'hen he retircd to enter the insurance and loan business.
"Jack" Schouten lvas one of the best knon'n retail lumbermen in the Bay district. Born in Toronto, Canada, he is survived by his widow, Mrs. May Emma Schouten and his daughters, Mrs. Mozelle LaBlanc, Mrs. Verna Nevis and Miss Mildred Schouten. The latter is secretary in the San Francisco office o,f Hobbs, Wall & Company.
Ten Years Ago Today
From Jonua ry 1, 1929 lssue
E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, held a Christmas party on December 21. Professor Alfred Cookman gave an interesting tall< on "The Relation of Bird and Animal Life to the Lumber and Agricultural Industry."
"System" by Jean Orleans, an illustrated article reprinted from the Moreland Magazine, describes the modern and efficient methods of handling lumber shipments employed by C. Ganahl Lumber Co. at Los Angeles.
Frank R. Close, Sutter, increased the storage capacity his yard with an addition to the lumber shed.
L. R. Byers, Ventura retail lumberman, an active Kiwanian u,as elected Lieutenant-Governor of District 9 at the annual convention of the California-Nevada district. He was the first president of the Ventura Kiwanis Club, having been elected to the position at the beginning of. 1925, remaining as the Club's president duling 1926.
The McCloud River Lumber Co. has opened a Los Angeles office with L. S. Turnbull as their representative in the Southern California and Arizona territories. Mr. Turnbull has been with the company for some time, and prior to his coming to Los Angeles, was assistant sales manager in their Western sales office in San Francisco.
E. K. Wood Lumber Co., yards operated by the Black Thermal.
Los Angeles, has purchased the Lumber Company at Indio and
An extensive improvement program carried on over a period of more than a year has been completed at the plant of the EL Rey Products Company, Los Angeles. The program included construction of new facilities for storing and redistributing crushed slate, the installation of gravity conveyor systems, the remodeling of the rag cutting department, installation of new gas engines, and the modernization of the felt mill.
California Panel annual Christmas December 22.
& Veneer Company, I-os Angeles, held their party for all employees and their families for reeidencea-overhead type and rtandard dmrs for garagee-nodm md onventional dora for all typee of commercial buildinga. ft ie ieeued by the manufacturera of tf,e Country's Most Conplcte Lire of Dnrs and ontains inportant infornation, which will eave noney and time lor you. Write for yout Jree copy now! It will be mailed in the order in which the requeste are received. No obligation.
The D. M. Holsinger Lumber Yard at Yucaipa is building an addition to the warehouse to take care of the increasing lumber buiness.
Mr. and N{rs. George Wood are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter, Katherine Jane, at Santa Cruz, December 11. Mr. Wood is general manager of Wood Brothers Company.
James E. (Jimmy) Atkinson, San Francisco sporting a new Buick country club coupe.
Nae n Architxts: Thie catalog ie included in the 1939 ieeue of Swet's Architetual Catalog.
F*tory: Tannr, Washindon
GcncrC Sahc ll,ftrccs: 1Zl Sdrti ililhi8ln AvGnuc, Chicrgo, lllinois tl.uYoit. SanFrancisco. LosArgcl.3. D8flil .lY'tctita T*ara
Happy Iiew Year
To our friends in the lumber industry, we extend our best wishes crnd hope the coming yeqr will bring you Heqlth, Hoppiness ond Prosperity.