7 minute read
Exterior Plywood Now Accepted bv FHA
New trends inresidential design and construction suddenly became apparent to lumber dealers, contractors, and builders, with the acceptance of F. H. A. of the Exterior grade of Douglas Fir Plywood in rproperties offered for mortgage insurance.
This acceptance followed revision of the standard grading rules for Douglas Fir Plywood, which provided for two classes of moisture resistance and for the grade-marking of panels. The revised Standard has been promulgated by the U. S. Department of Commerce, through the National Bureau of Standards, as Douglas Fir Plywood, Commercial Standard CS 45-38.
The grade-marking set forth in the Standard provides a ilreans of identification of Plywood. The grade mark applicable for Exterior use is "EXT-DFPA." Other marks are: "PLYPANEL-DFPA," the Standard panel grade, suitable for fine wall coverings, for built-ins, for interior displays: "PLYFORM-DFPA," the concrete form panel grade, manufactured rvith a special highly water-resistant glue and suitable for ,multiple re-use as form material; "PLYWALL-DFPA," the wallboard grade, suitable for interior walls and probably the most popular grade of all; and, "PLYSCORD-DFPA," the sheathing grade, suitable for exterior wall and roof sheathing, for subflooring and for similar structural ,purposes.
Cro83 Cirgulatton Kilns
ZJVo to 50y'o ror,ote capacity due to solid edge.to-edge stacking. Beaer quality drying on low tcnperatures sith a fast rcvcrtibtc circulation. Lower ctacking costs-just solid edge-to-edge stacking in the sirnplest form.
The actual grade marks are easily identified, and "EXTDFPA" and "PLYPANEL-DFPA" are edge-branded; "PLYWALL-DFPA" is shown in a square stamp on the back of each wallboard panel; "PLYFORM-DFPA" is identified by the diamond-shaped stamp on the face of the panel; and "PLYSCORD-DFPA" is scored at 16 inch intervals across the face of sheathing panels and is also marked in a circular stamp on the face.
The promulgation of the standards, and the provision for uniform grade-marking, had the immediate result of gaining FHA acceptance for Exterior Plywood, rvith certain limitations, for Exterior wall finish on conventional woodframed structures. These limitations are:
1. Every panel of plyrvood shall carry the grade-mark ..EXT-DFPA."
2. The grade ,marks shall be visible for inspection' Obliteration by paint or otherwise prior to inspection may be considered cause {or rejection of the material'
3. Thickness shall not be less than s/s inch'
4. All edges of every piece shall be thoroughly protected prior to erection with a paint filler consisting of 100 lbs' paste white lead, lsf gallons of raw linseed oil, and one pint of .l.y"t. If boiled linseed oil is used, t/2 pirtt of dryer is sufficient. This primer shall be applied as a heavy coating
(Continued on Page 30)
Moorekiln Paint Products for weatherproofing dry kiln and mill roofs.
Nort& Portlan4 Orc. Jactronvillc, Florida
When You Sell
Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir, the Association grade and trade mark certify to your customera the quality of the stock you handle. Builders quit guessing about what they're buying, and buy where tfiey know what they're getting.
Mrs. Maud Olivia Leishman
Mrs. Maud Olivia Leishman, wife of W. L. Leishman, founder of the Crown City Lu,mber & Mill Co., and mother of Lathrop K. Leishman, who is associated .ivith his father in business, and president of the Pasadena Tournament of Roses Association, passed away at the Huntington Memorial Hospital, Pasadena, December 22. She rvas 63 years of age.
Mrs. Leishman was born at Sutter Creek. Calif.. the daughter of California '49 pioneers. Mr. and Mrs. Leishman were married in Los Angeles in 1903 and made their home on Terminal Island where Mr. Leishman operated a mill for a few years. They moved to Pasadena in 1905, and shortly afterr.vards, Mr. Leishman established the Crown City Manufacturing Co., norv Crown City Lumber & Mill Co.
She was a member of the Pasadena Chapter of Eastern Star, Pasadena Shakespeare Club, and the First Congregati,onal Church.
Besides her husband and son, she is survived by two grandchildren, a sister, Mrs. Martin Wood of Covina, and a brother, George \\'. King of South Pasadena.
Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon, December 24, at the First Congregational Church, Pasadena.
Ralph Brindley
Ralph Brindley, vice-president in charge of production of the Wheeler Osgood Sales Corporation, died December 22 at Rochester, Minn., where he had gone for medical treatment, following a long illness. He had been associated rvith Wheeler Osgood for over trventy years having started rvith the company after graduation from the school of Forestry, University of Washington. He was recognizecl as one of the outstanding 'production men in the industry. Mr. Brindley was a Knight Templar, and past president of the Tacoma Lumbermen's Club and the Gyro Club. He had served as a Captain in Artillery during the World War and was a Major in the Reserve Corps. A .n,iclon.. son and daughter survive.
Edward H. Kienzle
Edward H. Kienzle, retired lu,mberman, passed arvay at Los Angeles, December 15, follorving a short illness.
N{r. Kienzle had been active in the lumber business {or over fifty years. lle was born in Muscatine, Iowa, where he obtained his first training and experience in the lumber business established by his father. He was general manager of the Roach and Kienzle Sash and Door Co., Kansas City, Mo., and later associated with the American Sash and Door Company. I{e and his brother, Fred E. Kienzle, operated the Roanoke Lumber Company, having several retail yards.
Five years ago he retired and resided rvith his daughter, Mrs. Harry Muir Kurtzworth, of Los Angeles. Besides his daughter, he is survived by his wife, I\{rs. Gertrude Baird Kienzle, a granddaughter, Constance. and a sister, Ernma Kienzle, of Minneapolis.
Exchuively Wholesale
Sas h- D o or s- Scr e ensG Ias s
Panel sWallb o ar dColumns
Cornplete etock now on hand of Armstrong's Temlok De Luxe Boards-PIank-Panels-Hardboards
The California Door Company
237-239-2ll Cenkcl trve., Los f,ngeles TRinity 7461
Oftice crnd Ytrrd
8th cnd Townsend Skeets
MArlret 8448
A million feet of jobbing stock for spot delivery on your truck or oufs
SAN FRANCISCO lSllll Army Street
ATwcter 1300
9th rtlvenue Pier
Hlgcrte 1346
A Real Opportunity
A well es,tablished progressive Line Yard Concern desires the services of a Manager for its Main Yard, located in County seat city within 100 miles of Los Angeles. This position holds almost unlimited possibilities for further advancement for the right man. Applicants will be rigidly scrutinized, therefore, unless you meet the following qualifications please do not respond. To qualify you must have had at least 5 years of Southern California experience in the Retail Lumber and Building Material business; be not over 42 years of age and married; thonoughly familiar with both Title I and II of F.H.A.; must have an outstanding personality and be a good mixer. We desire a man who has had executive and sales experience, preferably as Sales Manager; he must be sold on the idea of creative and promotional sales development in the Retail Lumber and Building Material business. In reply state fully and in detail your experience, qualifications and by whom employed during the past 10 years; give references, and state whether employed or not; if so by whorn and how long; present or last salary received.
Address Box C-732, California Lumber Merchant.
Exterior Plywood Now Accepted bv FHA
(C'ontinued from Page 28) rvithout further thinning so as to thoroughly fill all end grain. Any other material offered for edge protection shall be submitted to the Technical Division for determination of acceptability.
5. Plywood shall be securely nailed to the wood framing at each stud or bearing point. Joints shall occur at the center of studs or cut-in framing members provided where necessary. Nails shall be 6d flat head, preferably cement coated, and spaced not over 6 inches o.c. along edges and l2 inches o.c. at,intermediate bearing.
6. All butt joints of square edge material, whether exposed or covered by battens, shall be thoroughly filled rvith mastic.
7. The joints at upper a.nd lower edges of the ,plywood area shall be protected against moisture penetration, preferably by an overlapping moulding at the top and by thorough flashing at the bottom.
8. Corners shall be ,formed by solid wood corner boards placed over the plywood or with plywood butted against same. Plywood under corner boards shall extend full to the corner with all concealed snrfaces primed. Lapped or mitered corner joints of plyrvood are considered not acceptable.
9. Where horizontal lap joints occur, all surfaces in contact shall be primed before erection. Any special moutdings or shadorv strips proposed in connection lvith lap
Secretary Wants Position
Young lady capable of handling general office work (including bookkeeping) in lumber business seeks position. Has had several years experience in San Francisco. Excellent references. San Francisco Bay district preferred. Phone VAlencia 6272 or address box C-733 California Lumber Merchant.
Wholesale Lumber Salesman Wanted
First class salesman wanted by A-1 wholesale concern to begin activities immediately. Must be well acquainted with the trade in both Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys and one who can "Deliver the Goods." Address Box C-7 34, California Lumber Merchant.
Lumber Yards For Sale
Very fine Los Angeles suburban yard. Fine living conditions. Real estate $6,000 but could be bought on terms. Improvements and equipment $12,250. Inventory $10,000. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
joints should be submitted to the Technical Division for consideration.
With these limitations, which the FHA feels are in accordance with sound building practice, Douglas Fir Plywood grade-marked "EXT-DFPA" is considered the equal of other types of wood siding.
This acceptance may be considered as giving an impetus to a tremendous new field in residential buildins.
Visits California Offices
Peter Schafer, president of Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co., Montesano, Wash., spent some time in the early part of December at his company's Sa.n Francisco and Los Angeles offi,ces. He left for home December 15.
Charlie Buckner At Palm Springs
C. W. Buckner, Harbor Plylvood Company, is spending some time at Palm Springs, convalescing from an attack of pneumonia which kept him in a Tacoma hospital for some weeks.
Elected Club Treasurer
Richard Jones, Jones Lumber Company, Los Angeles, was recently elected treasurer of the Huntington Park 2G30 Club.
Visits Pacific Coast
Clinton G. Bush, Clinton G. Bush Lumber Companl'. Ne'uv York City, has been visiting the Pacific Coast. He stopped in Los Angeles and San Francisco for a few days and then called on the California Pirre and Redrn'ood mills and the Fir mills in the Northwest.