4 minute read

"Let's Call lt a D"v"


I believe q lirst-class prayer for a scrle$nqn to begin the New Yecn with, would be*O lord, plecse help me to keep up ny LEG WORK in 1941."

A sclesncn told me the other dcy thct he bcd kept cr file ol our scles editoriqls during the pcrst severcl yecrs, but thcrt lhe oae thct helped hin the moEt wcs the one cbout "Leg Work " He Ecrid he wag convinced, dter trying everything through long yecrs of succesalul selling ihcrt the chiel ingnedient in selliag succeas wqs undoubtedly CONSTANT SOUCITATION. Aad, fur my boolc "constcmt solicitction" must be built princrily on'"Ieg Work."

So let's review thct "Iog Work" ide<r lor c lew moments, iust by wcy of stcnting the New Yecn off properln The bcsis of thqt theory is that sclesncrnship b 75% leE worlc cod 25% hecrd worls thct the cvercge scle$ncm uftq fe'ilg to mcke good selling a prop€r producL mugt blcrnre his fcilure on lhe lcrct that he has NOT met cr gufficient number of prospects, Icrce to lcrce. Leg work necols tbe crbility to lreep yoursell keyed cmd pepped up crnd going sbong, long dter your irstinctive sell hcg said to your other sell qt lecst c dozen tiures: "Boy, let's ccll it c dcy."

It's thcrt "let's call it c dcy" ehrff thcrt keetrre so mqny sclesuren hunting iobs, instecrd ot hunting orders. They get tired, wecrry', diagrusted, discourcrged, becquge the going is rougb. They mclce cr lew cclls, cod then the wee smcrll voice thcrt scys "let's ccll it cr dcy" gets stronger cmd slronger. At lirEt they know some mighty good cmawers to the suggestion, contrariwise. But the voice gets bigger cmd bigger, cmd the pro argunent wecrker cmd wecker, crnd pretty soon they blow the whistle-nentclly---crnd Suit the drive.

When thcrt hcppens, the sclesocn doesn't give the shorter hcrlf ol the scles pcrrtnernership--the 25% hecd work---c lair chcmce to mcrke good. This 25% is divided into severql very importcnrt depcrtments, such crs q tqcdul crpprocclr" c likcrble voice, c wcrm snile, cr lirm hcnd grrip, cur interesting mcmncr, cnd the cbility to tell your slory tersely and interestingly, cnd lecnre when you get through. The biggest single tbing in thcrt hecd work depcrrheai of selling is knowing whcrt you hcve to se[, knowing nore about whqt it mecrns to the proslrctive purchcser thcrn he does hinseU, cnd being crble to show how it ccoe serve hin, in new crnd novel wcrys il possible. Hecd work crrng ct crecrtive selling-not peddling. But cr plcin peddler who is skong on the leg worlc is very likely to outsell c brillicmt sclesman who cqlls it c dcry, too ecrly.

It looks like l94l is going to be primcrrily cr selling yecn And when the yecr ends there is little doubt ihat most oI the biggest plums will go to lhose sclemen who'depend on leg work cmd constcmt solicitction lor their best result$ Sellilg aucceEs ccn neve& will never be cr mcrtter ol hours ol senrice. Success ccrn only be interpreted in terms of results crchieved.

They tell the story of the trcin wreck. *a.*r.n they pulled the optimistic trcrveling sqlesnalr out ol the wreck he gcnn thcrt one oI his legs wcrs gone. "Well" said the optimistic strleemcn" -Thqntc God it wcrs the one with crthritis."

Colorad Prints Depict Beauty of Western High Quality o[ Construction With Low P:ne for Paneling and lnterior \(/oodworlc Grade Redwood lmpresres Sales Staffg

The added appeal of natural color reproductions over black and white illustrations is considered by many persons as striking as the introduction of sound movies in place of former silent motion pictures. Certainly there is a marked difference.

The Western Pine Association had this in mind when they released recently two full-color, Sfxll-inch lithographed prints. One shot shows an example of clear, pinepaneled walls and the other is an installation of Knotty Pine paneling. Both graphically depict the inherent beauty of W-estern Pines for paneling and other interior woodwork and show how these woods combine harmoniously with colorful, modern room furnishings. These attractive illustrations first appeared in the color-gravure section of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and, through the courtesy of this newspaper, have been released for general distribution in the form of lithographed prints. The photographs were taken on Kodachrome film by Clint Murphy of the newspaper staff.

Many retail lumber dealers, builders and interior decorators have indicated their intention to display these pictures and show them to prospective clients, believing that they bring out better, than by descriptive words, the beauty of Western Pines when used on interior walls.

Sample copies of these two colorful prints will be mailed on request to the Western Pine Association, 510 Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon, as long as the supply lasts.

Had Family Christmas Party

E. A. Blocklinger, Chiloquin Lumber Co., Chiloquin, Ore., and Mrs. Blocklinger, who are spending the holidays in Los Angeles, had a family party at the Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles, Christmas day' His nephew, Arthur Twohy, Los Angeles lumberman, and his family attended the party.

Elected President Of Lions Club

Lemoyne Blanchard, Blanchard Lumber Company, North Hollywood, has been elected president of the North Hollywood Lions Club'

A party of 24 sales managers and salesmen representing seven Redwood companies, and five of the staff of the California Redwood Association made a trip from San Francisco on December 21 to Fort Barry in Marin County. In this camp they saw new buildings for ternporary use of troops in all stages of construction in which No. 2 Common California Redwood has been used for framing, siding, roof sheathing and sub-floors.

The object of the trip was to impress the salesmen with the high quality of construction obtained with the use of low grade Redwood, and there was general agreement that the journey had been well worth while.

More than 10,000,000 feet of California Redwood has already been used in various camps for temporary barracks'

Franceschi Construction Company, San Francisco, contractors for Fort Barry barracks, stated they are well pleased with the prompt delivery of the lumber from the Redwood mills and that they are well ahead on their contract'

New Distributor of Teco Products Announced

Cincinnati, Ohio, January 1.-Incorporation of the Timber Engineering Company of Ohio for the promotion and sale of timber connector c"onstruction in the States of ohio, Kentucky and Southern Indiana, was announced by Arnold Neufier, president.

The company will supply up-to-date technical information on the use of timber as an engineering material to architects, engineers, contractors and others'

"Since the advent of the timber connector system of construction in the United States there has been a pronounced revival of heavy timber construction in all parts of the country," said Mr. Neufier in announcing formation of his "o*p"ny. "Because of increased economy and strength, *or" th"r, 20,000 structures incorporating this method of design have been built in the last seven years' Company offices are located at 1816 Central Parkway' Cincinnati.

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