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Wcrcboulc: 1800 E" Wcrhnrtron Blv4 LOS f,NGEI.ES OBGANZITION


Appoint ed General Sales Manager Big Crowd Attends Lumbermen's Hi-Jinks

Announcement was made recently by the Hammond Lumber Company of the appointment of Alfred D. Bell, Jr., as general sales manager in charge of sales of the products of the Samoa and Eureka, Calif. mills of Hammond Redwood Company, effective December 5, 1940.

Mr. Bell was born in New York and moved to California in 192O. His lumber experience dates back to 1925 when at the age of 16 he worked in the Hammond mill at Samoa in his summer vacation.

He graduated from Harvard in l93Z and went to work for the Hammond Shipping Company, San Francisco, spending trvo years with this concern in various capacities. He was transferred to the Hammond Redwood Company,s Samoa mill where he was employed successively in the yard, at the sorting tables, in the planing mill, the shipping shed and of6ce, gaining during these 1,ears practical ex_ perience that was to be most valuable to him in the future.

In the fall of 1937 he left the mill and came to the San F-rancisco office as Eastern sales manager and held that position until the Eastern sales were taken over by Califor_ nia Redwood Distributors, Ltd. Since that time he has been active in the sales department in the San Francisco office.

Mr. Bell was married on September 28 to Miss Mariorie Blyth and they live in San Francisco.

Christmas Party For Neighborhood Children

A. J. Koll Planing Mill, Ltd., Los Angeles, had a Christ_ mas party Tuesday afternoon, December 24, f.or the children u'ho live in the neighborhood of, their plant. About 10O attended and they were presented with gifts. The company has been giving these Christmas parties for the children for the past twenty years.

The Lumbermen's Hi-Jinks, sponsored by Lumbermen Post No. 4A3 of. the American Legion, brought out a big crowd the night of December 13, over 300 attending. Fol_ lowing the dinner, there was a fine entertainment put on by a troupe of professional entertainers. The party was held at the Royal Palms Hotel, Los Angeles.

The Arrangements Committee included Fred Morehouse, chairman; Phil Lyons, I{ugh Satterlee, Ed Biggs, Sam Giesy and Maury Alexander.

At the December lOth meeting of the post, Col. Wayne Allen, of the l60th National Guard, was the speaker of the evening.

The Post will hold their next meeting Tuesday evening, January 14 at the Royal Palms Hotel. Russell Gheen rvill be chairman of the meeting.

Delense Housing Contracts Awarded

Washington, Dec. I2.---The Federal Works Administration today arvarded five contracts totaling $11,7@,500 for construction of 3900 units of national defense housing con_ struction.

It awarded jointly to the McNeil Construction Co. and the Zoss Construction Co., Los Angeles, a $9,020,00O con_ tract to build a 30Gunit housing project for industrial workers in the aircraft industries at San Diego, Calif.

The other four contracts were to house Army nrarried enlisted personnel at Forts Bliss and Logan.


Lee Canfield, Lumber Wholesalers, pasadena, did a lot of traveling during the past year, covering around 4O,00O miles. He traveled by automobile, train, and airplane, ancl was through every state in the country, and in Canada and Cuba.

Enlarges Lumber Yard

Geo. A. Swift, Geo. A. Swi,ft Lumber Co., Long Beach, has just built an attractive new home. He formerly lived next to the yard, and the house there has been moved away, and he will use this extra space in connection with his lumber business.




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