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California Building Permits for November

National Lumber Contumption and Stockt

In this, the second Monthly Supplement to the Quarterly Analysis of Lumber Consumption and Stocks of the Lum' ber Survey Committee to the Department of Commerce, the months of October and (preliminary) November are covered, with a seasonally computed forecast for December. This Supplement is reported by a Sub-Committee of the Lumber Survey Committee wl-rich finds that October continued the increases in lumber consumption of each fall month over the preceding; that November will show some decline from October but less than the seasonal average. Mill stocks are declining. In most species and items, they are still sufficient to take care of the large building and industrial requirements, including Defense needs. In some species and items they are inadequate. In some regions Government orders are voluntarily being given priority.

Troop housing requirements have now been largely contracted. Private housing seems to be losing some momentum, partly seasonal and partly because of resistance to higher prices and costs. The large projects for housing of defense workers and of the families of enlisted men in various parts of the country are expected to keep residential construction at a high level during a large part of 1941. Materials for shipbuilding and ordnance facilities, aircraft plants and factory expansions predominate in current national defense purchasing.

It is norv indicated that 1940 consumption including exports of lumber will approximate 29 billion feet, with production about 27.3 billion, a probable decline in mill stocks of 900 to 1,000 million feet and imports of approximately 700 million feet. ,National lumber stocks at the mills on December l, 1940, were about 6,750 million feet, compared with 7,161million on October 1, and 7,577 million on July 1. 1940.

The Sub-Committee of the Lumber Survey Committee consists of Wilson Compton, Secretary and Manager, Jrlational Lumber Manufacturers Association, and Phillips A. Hayward, Chief, Forest Products Division, Department of Commerce.

"Caldor" HoldsAnnual Christmas Party

The employes of The California Door Company, Los Angeles, and their wives on Saturday evening, December 21, gathered around beautifully decorated tables at the Chapman Park Hotel to enjoy their annual Christmas party and turkey dinner.

Gifts were exchanged and there lvas much merriment. "Father," as the employes call Resident Manager Glenn Fogleman, was presented with a radio and a beautiful zipper brief case by them.

Out of town guests were C. G. Price of Diamond Springs, general manager of the company, and Mrs. Price.

Each employe was presented with a check by Mr. Fogleman based on their share of the year's profits, and announcement was made that duri.ng 1941 they will be given a vacation with pay.

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