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16 Calilornic StreeL Scm Fr<mcisco Telephone GArlield 6881
Announces Personnel Changes
The Red River Lumber Company, Westwood, California, announces that in the absence of T. S. Walker, vice-president and manager of the lumber division, who has accepted the commission of Lieutenant, senior gfade, in the U' S. Navy Reierve, the management of the Westwood operation will continue under the general management of the president of the company, Archie D. Walker, who u'ill divide his time between'Westwood and Minneapolis, the former principal office of the company.
C. E. Priest has been promoted from the position of assistant manager, lumber division, to acting manager, lumber division.
Kenneth R. Walker has been promoted to the managership of a new department to be known as the resources department with jurisdiction over logging, cruising and land departments, and the Susanville sawmill operation.
Major Chas. J. Schmitt, U. S. Army, was a recent visitor in San Francisco, where he has many friends. He attended the Christmas Party of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39' December 18. Major Schmitt was formerly associated with the United States Plywood Corporation, San Francisco, before volunteering his services three years ago.
Los Angeles Visitor
John F. Drescher, Houston, Texas, lumberman, spent a few days in Los Angeles last month while enroute from the Northwest to Houston.
L. A. Woodworking Plant Specializes in Precision Custom Milling
Busy with work connected mainly with furtherance of the war effort, part of which is remanufacturing of aircraft lumber, Western Mill & Moulding Co., 5941 Western Avenue, Los Angeles, has a fine experienced crew of men headed by Hugh L. Donner, the mill superintendent, one of the best men in the millwork business, who has been in the game for about 35 years.
"We are open for more custom milling work of the type that calls for the greatest precision, and would like to add another shift to our operation," said M. O. Parrick, owner of this business, recently to a representative of this paper. The plant is equipped with the most modern machines and has capacity for a large volume.
Mr. Parrick was in the U. S. Air Corps in World War I and saw service in France. He is naturally much interested in the increased use of wood in the construction of aircraft.
Asks Conventions In 1943 Be Canceled
Washington, Dec. l5-Joseph B. Eastman, director of defense transportation, today requested all organizations to cancel annual conventions next year which involve intercity travel.
In a few cases, Mr. Eastman said, such meetings might be deemed essential to the war effort, and any organization which believes its meeting would serve that purpose may go ahead with convention plans.