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suDDEIt & CHRISTEI$S0I{, II[G. Lumber and Shipping
7th Floor, Alcska commercicrl Bldg., 3r0 scnsome street, scn Frcrncisco
Christmas Party Big Success
More than 200 sat down to dinner at the annual Christ_ mas Party of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39, held at Hotel Leamington, Oakland, on Friday evening, December 1g.
President George Clayberg presided and turned the handling of the entertainment over to Vice-president D. Norman Cords, who was responsible for the excellent program that was presented.
Present as guests of individual members of the Club were 20 sailors and marines who are recovering from wounds at the Oak Knoll Naval Hospital. A number of other Service men, former members, were in attendance also as guests of members.
Reginald Smith, chairman of the Christmas Committee. reported a record in collections for the Good Fellowship Christmas Fund. Checks may still be sent to him, c/o Smith Lumber Company, 19th Avenue & Estuary, Oak_ land. Shares in the Fund are $1.50 each.
The 13 acts of vaudeville were enjoyed by the large crowd.
A big feature of the evening was an auction of packages conducted by Past President Lewis A. Godard. Most of the packages contained Victory Stamps. Half of the qol:y raised was given to the Mayor's (Oakland) Hos_ pitality House for Service Men, for Christmas dinn"r., and half to the American Women,s Volunteer Services.
The successful bidders at the auction were: Miland Grant, Western Door & Sash Co., Oakland, $5.@; John S. Moore, Moore Mill & Lumber Co., San Francisco; $2.00; Frank H. White, Hammond Lumber Co., San Francisco.
Upon the Threshold
By Grover C. Orth
The Old Year is dead; the New Year is born. Humbly, fearfully, we sink to our knees, and slowly, in answer to our prayers, comes back something of the old faith of our childhood, and we rejoice that we are granted one more New Year's day on which to ..begin again"-net in our childish way, with utter disregard of the past, but trustingly, patiently, knowing that we must ever carry with us our past, and rejoicing that, with God's help, we may make the future better because of the past. Then, as we rise from our knees, we look bravely forward to the veiled figure that stands at our threshold; we know nothing of what it brings. We know only that it is God,s New year. May He bless it to us all.
$10.00; Henry M. Hink, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., San Francisco, $15.00; Fred Holmes, Holmes Eureka Lumber Co., San Francisco, $10.00; Ed La Franchi, Hill & Morton, fnc., Oakland, $10.CI; Wm. Chatham Jr., Loop Lumber & Mill Co., Alameda,910.00; Leo Cheim, Cheim Lumber Co., San Jose, $10.00; George Gerken, piedmont Mill & Lumber Co., Piedmont, $10.00, and Larue Woodson, Wheeler Osgood Sales Corp., San Francisco, $10.00.
Builds New Shed
Gamerston & Green Lumber Co. recently completed construction of a large shed for the storage of rustic, flooring and plywood at their Oakland yard, 2001 Livingston Street.