2 minute read
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* ol Lumbernon ln Al,med Torees 1
Robert Perkins, Lounsberry & Harris, Leland Parker, Lounsberry & Harris,
***** Hollywood. Navy Hollywood .. ...Army
Kenneth G. Conway, Holmes Eureka Lumber Co., Los Angeles .... ..Army Air Corps
William H. Marmion, San Gabriel Valley Lumber Co., Arcadia..... .....Army Air Corps
Orrin Wright, Jr., West Coast Screen Co., Los Angeles .... .. ...Army
George Loveday, Loveday Lumber Company, LosAngeles.... ....Marine Corps
Joseph W. Tardy, Jr., E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Hollywood .Army Air Corps
Charles Orr, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Long Beach..Army
Ernest \lllatcrhouse, E. K.Wood Lumber Co., Long Beach ... .Army Air Corps
Walter Wolf, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Long Beach. Navy
Joe Hernandez, E K. Wood Lumber Co., Long Beach ....Army
Orville Zahn, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Ontario
Grady Peterson, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Riverside ..Army
Charles K. Morrell, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Riverside .....Army
Odine Gaston, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Riverside. ..Army
R. H. Meyer, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., San Pedro....Navy
Allen R. Brush, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Pasadena ......Army
N. A. Thompson, Thompson Lumber Co., BellGardens.... .NavalAirForce
Grant Thompson, Thompson Lumber Co., BellGardens....
Commissioned Second Lieutenant
Don Gow, Hammond Lumber Company, Los Angeles, has been commissioned a Second Lieutenant in .the Army Air Corps and has received his wings. He is an instructor at Albuquerque.
Balsa Wood lmportr Affected by
WPB Order
San Francisco, Dec. 8.-Importers of balsa wood on the Pacific coast today'were advised that imports under existing contracts are prohibitied unless the material had been prepared for shipment to the United States.
The War Production Board stated that aero-grade balsa wood, even if prepared for shipment, may not be imported without specific permission.
Balsa wood was brought under import control on June 10. But shipments under contracts then existing were unaffected.
Today's action was taken to prevent the contracts which remain out-standing from conflicting with the governmental program to obtain balsa wood from Ecuador and other South American countries.
Balsa wood is used in the manufacture of airplane parts, buoyant life-saving apparatus, and other important products. f ts sale and use is governed by Order M-177.
Back From East
Kenneth Smith, president of the California Redwood Association, San Francisco, retdrned Decenber 10 from the East where he had spent a month on the business of the Association. He visited Washington, D. C., New York, Chicago and Madison, Wis., where he called on the U. S. Forest Products Laboratory.
G. R. (Roy) Bleecker, manager of the big Westfir Lumber Compauy's mill at Westfir, Ore., is spending the Christmas and New Year holidays in San Francisco, where he has many friends. He is accompanied by Mrs. Bleecker and they expect to attend the East-West football game Januarv l.
Spent Christmas Holiday In Southland
Sergeant A. D. "Tony'f Smith, who is stationed in the Aleutian Islands, spent the Christmas holiday with his parents. He is the son of Bert Smith; The Red River Lumber Company, Los Angeles.