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THE CALIFOR}IIA New Year Greetings

Sells Pcrrt Interest in Yard

Fred Anawalt, Jr., who for the past 2l yeats has owned and operated the Anawalt Lumber Company at 11060 Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles, recently sold part interest to his brother Howard. For the past three years HQward has represented the Johns-Manville Corp. in Arizona'

On January 1, he will become manager of the Pico Boulevard yard. He is well known in the lumber industry in Southern California, at one time having been associated with his father and brother in their yards at Montrose and Tujunga.

Pcrcilic Iogging Congress lcn. 10-ll

Portland-The annual session of the Pacific Congress, originally scheduled for Portland, will at Seaside, Ore., Jan' 10 and il'

Sacrcrmento Hoo-Hoo Club Christmas Pcrty

There was an attendance of 50 at the Christmas Party of the Sacramento Hoo-Hoo Club, held at Wilson's Confectaurant, Sacramento, on Wednesday evening, December 2O.

Leon Clare, presiclent of the Club, presided' Henry Gilbert was program chairman, and Charles Shepard acted as Santa Claus.

Additional Controls on Hcrrdood Lumber

Logging be held

WP,B requires mills producing 5,00O or more board feet a day, of any kind of lumber, to sell hardwoods only on certified orders. (Amendment to Direction 6 to Order L-335.) New demands for military and industrial programs have greatly tightened a supply of hardwoods which was "relatively ample" during the summer of 1944'


Wetdwood Adds



A scene like this is in your cusromer,s mind when he thinks of building.

That's natural. He expects mofe than just a house.

N7hat he's really buying is a home a pleasant environment for himself and his family.

More and more, Ifeldwood is heloing builders achieve that result.

And modern builders take advantase of the strucrural and decoratiue sop#_ ority of \Teldwood whenever porribl..

They know that $Zeldwood brings to lVaterprool Velduood, to marhed, it boaded uitb pbenol formaldebyde qrntbetic /erin. Otber typet ol uarerrerirtent lYelduood are runafactured. uitb utended tree reint axd otber apfroued oof,otng agetrJ, a modest home the durability and beauty formerly enjoyed only in a mansion.

Theyknow, too, rhatStreldwood gives their building dollar an increased investment value.

They know that a \Teldwood home is delightfully livable thar comfort and convenience are "built-in" features. That the.durable beaury of I7eldwoodpaneled walls appeals to everyone.

You'll find that customers appreciate . . and will buy the comfoit-, utility and charm that you offer them when you offer them $Teldwood.

WELDWOOD plywood

Velduood Plywood and plyuood prodzctt are manafactared and marAeted by UNITED STAIES PTYWOOD CORPORATION THE MENGEI, CO'TPANY Neu yorL, N. y. -r*?,fid4_ Dir'ibuirs tnitt in Boscoa- Br99kJ".n,. chicago, cincionati, at*rr o, ,J!!rliiit'h['n "o,n,, Los Angeles, N*trk' New york' oakrand' pr'iuaitprri", i"E;ir*iii" iii.I*o, seatite. atrc i.l.c.-Ti."i.iiirv."ods, rnc. distributiqg unia "t auiot , i"i[-ro;;ii;]il;;iil: i.il#dr."rr. Send inquides to ieuest point.

Lor Aageles 2l

1920 Eaet lsth Sr.

Slchnond 610l fltnt's mrY Yout cuslorERr WIII. WANT WEIDTYOOD:


Dri-wall construction ots building time r much as sixweks .,eliminates dangers-of warping, swell- Ing and cracking in srh and woodwork due to the tons of water in olaster walls. All standard -cmda of Douglas Fir plywood are made in Veldwood's giant west Loat plmts.

DECORATIVI FEATURES '!/eldwood . . in genuine mahogany, w-alnut, oak, Knotty prne, hgured gum, birch and lfeldtex (srriated rVeldwmd) , . . ach.ieves the warmth aod beuty of wood-paneled rooms ar unbelievably low cost. Modern stremlined production has made rhis possible.

Inexpensive \Veldwood Utility Panels, with satinsmooth hardwood faces. provide idal wall surfaces ior paper or painr never sh.ow checkiog or graintalse.


Final results balanced against investment show rVeldwood Plywood construcrion to give far more value pet dollar than oldfashioned naterialsBecaus NVeldwod can be installed rapidly. inside and out buildinr time is cut down, with reJultant savings in labor cost,


Weldwood Plywood Panels are crack-proof and are guaraoteed for the life of the the building. l?eldwmd walls are lrrmnent walls, requirrng no upktrp.

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