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ttlV alutolilk Stuul

Bv guaranteed---Some /@aA 5,ion*tc I have told for 2O yets---Some Less

Just Excess Baggage

Barry York came along with this one. I tried it on several friends, and it brought a belly laugh, every time. Here it is:

In one of the big military hospitals in this country where they are working on thousands of shell-shbcked and otherwise nerve-hurt soldiers from "over there," one of the doctors has devised a fake operation cure that has worked wonders with many suffering boys in uniform.

Recently they brought him a case, and he said to the young soldier:

"Soldier, I've been doing an operation on a lot of boys in your condition, and have found that it works wonders, and I am sure I can cure you very easily. I'11 just give you an anaesthetic, take out your brain, fix it up and put it in good order, and put it back in, and you'll be as gcoC as new."

So he gave the boy a very light treatment of ether so that he was out for d couple of minutes, made some light scratches on the back of his neck so that he could feel a little soreness, then put a big bandage on the back of his head and neck. He was soon out of the dope, and the doctor said to him:

"Soldier, I took your brain out, and found it is not in bad shape at all. Come back day after tomorrow and I'll put it back in, and you'll be as good as new."

Two days passed, and the soldier did not return. When a week had passed they sent an orderly out to find him, and he was brought in. The doctor said to him:

"Soldier, I took your brain out Tuesday, and I told you to come back Thursday and I'd put it back in. I've got it all fixed,'and it's as good as new. Why didn't you come back?"

Ahd the boy said:

"Doc, I dont need it! I've got me a Government job!"

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