2 minute read
Mr. Pep Says-
Are you FANNING or PLANNING, Mr. Lumber Dealer?
When you come down to the office in the morning, it is with a definite knowledge of some SPECIFIC things that you are going to accomplish that day?
Are you so enthused over the possibilities of CREATING something that day that you can hardly wait to get there, and get started?
Or do you come down simply to be present on the occasion, and to handle the afrairs that develop themselves for your attention?
In other words, are you taking the OFFENSM or the DEFENSM in your work?
Don't forget that there is SOME difference between the two. Do you start in the morning wondering who will turn up during the day that you can sell a bill of lumber to?
Or do you start with a clearly defined idea of a SERVICE, a FUNCTION, a COMFORT, a NECESSITY that you are going to bring to the notice of Bill Jones, such SERVICE, FUNCTION, COMFORT or NECESSITY being robed in the guise of a BUILDING oT a BUILDING IMPROVEMENT?
Consider for yourself whether your attitude toward your day's work is that of HOPE that something will turn up; OR DECISION TO MAKE SOMETHING TURN UP.
No one needs to tell you whether you are drifting with the tide, or swimming toward some chosen and definite goal.
You know that the successful wing shot is the man who shoots skillfully at a DEFINITE BIRD, trusting to CONCENTRATION, not SCATTERATION; trusting to AIM, not to luck.
If you are a GENERAL RESULT business hunter, quit it, and try the skillful hunter's method of getting business.
Have you in your office a list of BUILDING PROSPECTS of your territory? NOT a list of the folks who say they are going to build, necessarily, but a list of the folks who can afford to do some building, and who, in your opinion, have some definite building NEEDS.
THESE are the people you want to concentrate on. Handle at least one of them every day. Don't let the sun set on a day in which you have not made a diligent, intelligent, CONCENTRATED effort to sell a BUILDING SERVICE of some kind to some man who is NOT in the market for lumber.
Let the "other fellow" have the folks who are openly in the market for lumber and are seeking for competitive bids, and YOU take the many times larger list of people who have not yet arrived at that conclusion. THERE is where the money lies.
The first fellow buys building material at the very lowest competitive price. The latter buys SERVICE and IDEAS in a non-competitive way, and the IDEA is what gets the money.
Hitch your business to something DEFINITE, constantly.
Remember: It isn't LUCK that counts-it's PLUCK.
Opportunity is just a fancy name for HARD WORK.
Do your work DEFINITELY.
Do the building THINKING for your territory, and help make your town the kind of a building town that it ought to be.