8 minute read
"A New High Quality Flooring"
_ The followrng is from a beautiful folder just issued by the Weger- haeuser Sales Company, regard,ing thei,r fopular end-matched Hem- loch Flooring. The lamphlet zws profusely i,llustrated, in colors, and contai,ned, besid.es the follozling information regarding the product, c-omflete instructions and inf ormation on the proper manner- of lay- ing, finishing and caring for the material.
One of the most important of recent developments in the manufacture of materials for .the home is -a new, high quality, inexpensive flooring that has come into the mark-et from the great timber-producing region of the Pacific Coast.
It is a clear flooring of exceptionally fine manufacture and remarkably pleasing appearance-end matched as well as side matched-made in exactly the same way that all the more expensive floorings are made, and available in 9I?9!ly the same size and shape, namely, a Zfu-inch face, l3116ths of an inch in thicknesi
The equivalent in both manufacture and appearance to the most expensive grades of hardwood floorihg, this new flooring offers the builder of a small house a distinctive, beautiful and serviceable floor at a remarkably reasonable cost.
With 60 per cent of this flooring eight feet or longer, as is the case in the highest grade, it can be laid more quickly and at less cost than the ordinary short length hardwood flooring such as is available today.
A Weyerhaeuser product, it is typical of the high quality workmanship characteristic of this manufacturer.
Weyerhaeuser Pacific Coast Hemlock Flooring-edge grain, end matched-is the result of applying the best in manufacturing processes to a wood with exceptional qualifications for flooring uses.
Pacific Coast Hemlock, unlike the Hemlock of the eastern and lake states, grows to great size and produces a large amount of tough, straight-grained, fine, even texture wood that is uniform in color and remarkably pleasing in grain effect.
Improved methods of air seasoning and kiln drying render it immune to any tendency to warp. It stays straight and works readily to a square edge without splintering.
To the natural wear resistance of the wood the manufacturer has added expert selection and edge grain sawing, while the most modern and precise machinery known to the business of flooring manufacture insures faultless dressing and perfect matching on both the ends and the edges of each piece.
The result is a product so pleasing in appearance, so perfect in manufacture and so remarkably fit for its purpose as to render it a suitable flooring from every standpoint for every room in the house.
It is rendering more than satisfactory service today in scores of homes in various parts of the country. On the Pacific Coast, where they know it best, they are also using it successfully in stores and public buildings-a strong testimonial to its wearing qualities.
The service that can be expected from any flooring material is naturally limited, to some extent, by the manner in which it is laid, finished and cared for. For this reason these points are briefly treated in this folder.
The instructions for laying a floor apply alike to all of the high quality floorings on the market today and consti- tute nothing more than the code of correct building practice familiar to all good carpenters everywhere.
Weyerhaeuser Pacific Coast Hemlock Flooring has this advantage over ordinary flooring-it requires no scraping. The perfect matching and satiny finish, characteristic of this new flooring, make any further surfacing by hand unnecessary. This means that a floor of Weyerhaeuser Pacific Coast Hemlock can be laid more quicklv and economically than the ordinary flooring-an aduanlage that appeals to both the home-builder and the contractor.
The directions for finishing included in this folder are merely an effort to guide you in bringing out to the fullestadvantage the natural beauty of the wood.
This New Flooring in Three Grades
Weyerhaeuser Pacific Coast Hemlock Flooring-edge grain, end matched-is manufactured exclusively by the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company mills at Everett, Washington.
The highest grade, which is the one described here, is known as "No. 2 CIear and Better Edge Grain." For less exacting uses, or where a still lower priced flooring is wanted, it is also made in the grades of "No. 2 Clear and Better Flat Grain" and "No. 3 Mixed Grain." It is all end matched and the standard size in each grade is the same.
Swelled Head
If anyone working for you gets a "swelled head," just call him in and tell him this story, as narrated by Merwin B. Massol, of Lee S. Smith & Son Manufacturing Company, Pittsburgh, Pa.
It concerns a chap who conceived the idea of becoming a tight-rope walker.
He stretched a wire on the ground, and, equipped with a balancing pole, attempted to walk the wire. After a little bit he concluded that it was wonderfully easy. Before long he threw away the balancing pole and, much to his amazed delight, he found he really didn't need it at all.
Full of confidence, he stretched a wire about fiftv feet from the ground.
Climbing to the top of one of the across the wire.
As Mr. Massol expresses it. "The attended."
"Funerals" are being held every day away their balancing poles too soon.
posts he strrrck out funeral was largely for men who throw
Confidence is an asset, but over-confidence is a liabilitv.
He: "You look like Helen Brown.'r
She: "Thanks. I look even worse in rvhite."
And Vice Versa
"Marriage," said the Benedict, "is a preventative of suicide."
"And suicide," said the Bachelor, "is a preventative of marriage."
The Statesman

The statesman throws his shoulders back and straightens out his tie.
And says, "My friends, unless it rains, the weather will be dry."
And when this thought into our brains has percolated through,
We common people nod our heads, and loudly cry, "How truerf'
The statesman blows his august nose and clears his massive throat,
And says, "The ship will never sink so long as it's afloat." 'Whereat, we roll our solemn eyes, applaud with main and might,
And slap each other on the back, the while we say, "FIe's right."
The statesman waxes stern and warm. his drone becomes a roar, He yells, "I say to you, my friends, that two and two make foui."
And thereupon our doubts dissolve, our fears are put to rout,
And we agree that here's a man, who knows what he's about.
-Michigan Tradesman.
Be careless in your dress if you must, but keep a tidy soul.
-Mark Twain.
Said a well known philosopher recently: "There may be just as much happiness carried by a Ford as by a RollsRoyce." Sure ! And we offer long odds that there is much more happiness carried in Fords than in Rolls-Royces. The plural sure makes a difference.
A Lovely Christmas Prayer
Here is a true story, guaranteed. A friend of ours has a three year old girl. On Christmas Night she was saying her prayers at her mother's knee, and she ended thus: "Thank you God for all the nice presents I got, and I certainly hope your son Jesus had a h"ppy Birthday."
Christmas on the Road
F. Dana Burnet in "The Vagabond"
'Twas the gray o' Christmas mornin' when we struck the open road, Behind us in the wakin' town the lights o' Christmas glowed-
The little lights o' Christmastide, that stand among the trees
An'warm the hearts o'vagabonds across the seven seas!
Across the wide, wide seas, Laddie, where you and I ha' gone,
And de'il a light is lit for us adown the Christmas dawn: But all the road's a gift, Lad<!ie, and all the world is ours, ""0 .T::j1 *
*R when we rift the winter fr',"61rni", bo\ ,#*r*a mem,ry ror a tan, An\yourfiide is lemon-yaller, an' your pedigree is pale, But\ toda{ you'd be plumb precious-if you weren't so I blodmin' sad !-
'Cause it's Christmas, Laddie, Christmas, an' you're all f ever 'ad.
It's Christmas on the road, Laddie, so kick your heels an'go-
The little lights o' Christendom are shinin' on the snow; The lights are on the trees, Laddie, Lor' how the windows gleam!
An' all I've got's a yaller dog, to keep the Christmas dream.
The rich they set their candles on their blinded windowsills.
But all the Light o' Christendom is streamin'from the'illsAn' you an' I shall trail it to the twilight-or beyond, So Merry Christmas, Yaller Dog-you precious vagabond !
The rich are none so gay, Laddie, they bear a weary load, But yaller dogs and ragged men, they walk the open road. So turn you to the dawn, Laddie, and kick your heels an' go-
The fairest Day o' Christendom is shinin' on the snow !
A New Version
There's many a man can be happy and gay With a lass, and a glass, and a song, But the man that's worth while Is the one that can smile
When he's got the old lady along.
Buchanan Lumber Co., Inc., Open San Francisco Office
The Buchanan Lumber Co., Inc., have opened offices at 24 Calif.ornia Street, San Francisco, where they will carry on a wholesale lumber business. The' new company includes C. R. Buchanan, W. S. Russell, E. C. Graves, and R. C. Turner, who have all had a long experience in the lumber business and are well known to the lumber trade of California.
Mr. Graves is leaving for the east in a few weeks, where he will spend about three months calling on the trade in the eastern states. Mr. Turner will act as their representative in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valley Districts, while Messrs. Buchanan and Russell will cover the trade in the Bay District.
The Buchanan Lumber Co. will act as the representatives of the Dant & Russell Lumber Co. of Portland, Oregon.

I{omer Maris, San Francisco, well known distributor of Douglas Fir and Hardwood Panels, is in the Northwest on a business trip. He will visit the Coos Bay and Portland Districts. IIe represents in Northern California, the Coos Veneer & Box Co., Marshfield, Oregon, and the Emerwood Panel & Top Co., of Portland, Oregon.
E, G. McCann Addresses Hoo Hoo Club No.9
E. G. McCann, of the Pacific Gas & Electric Co., San Francisco, was the speaker of the day at the Hoo-Hoo Club No.9 luncheon held at the Palace Hotel on Thursday, January 8. His subject was "Man Power and Industry" and his address was very interesting and instructive. Bob Grant of the California Door Co. was the Chairman of the Day.
An excellent entertainment was given by the Moore Sisters, who are accomplished vocalists and musicians, with Miss White acting as accompanist at the piano. Parker Stewart won the Attendance Prize. President Rod Hendrickson presided over the business session. He announced that Milton V. Johns, of the Redwood Sales Co., would be the Chairman of the Day at the meeting on January 23.
Central California Lumbermen's Club Meet at Stockton
L. H. Elliott announces that the Central California Lumbermen's Club will meet at Stockton on Saturday, January 10. Luncheon will be served at L2:30 sharp at Wilson's. .\M. H. Falconbury, of the Falconbury Lumber Co,, the newly-elected president will preside at the meeting and has suggested the following subjects for discussion: "Ethics among Retailers" and "Ethics between Wholesalers and Retailers." This being the first meeting of the Club in the new year, a large attendance is expected
We wish to announce to the LUMBER TRADE of NORTHERN CALIFORNIA that we have been appointed the exclusive sales agents of the GERLINGER 'LUMBER CO., Portland, Oregon, a4d the METROPOLITAN REDWOOD CO., Metropolitan, California. We will be pleased to receive your inquiries.