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Byron "Times" Reprints Advertisement
The December 26th issue of the Byron "Times," I{"tty Ham-o.,d't snappy daily that covers- the Contra Costa --;;t district, tcontained a reprint of the Home Sweet ff"-.'poem used bv Pratt & Warner in their page. ad"".ti..tite"t in the December 1st issue of this journal'
Mr. Hammond, in commenting editorially on the ad' said:
"One of the cleverest advertisements appearing in years sraces the back cover of the December lst issue ot the tuiif"t"i" Lumber Merchant, published in Los Angeles'
"The Dase is in colors, and is by Pratt & Warner, whose "roJ".tJ "?" itt .l*o.t every home, such as disappearing ir""i"g boards, disappearin! breakfast'tables, bathroom ""lin"it, etc., all supiriiea by your local lumber dealer, on orders.
"One Dart of the page was occupied by the following verses, entitled "Hom-e, Sweet llome."- We reproduce !h-eg ""ii"i anv adverti.it e .t.I.t., but to show how INTELLI6BNi pdtticity will"win, il-qlv- l11.-*of endeavor' And t-hisis a'direct ippeal to riuILo-YoUR owN HOME'
"We are sure our readers will agree it is one of the cleverest advertisements of its kind, and shows the way to others' ftt.ti 'will be no objection to this little boost"'
414,000,00 Feet of Lumber are Produced by Coos in 1924
From the "Coos BaY Times"
Coos Bay Lumler Company, Marshfield' .....190,000,000
Stout Lrimber ComPanY, North Ben{'
Coos Bay Logging Company, North Bend ' ' ' ' ' ' Moore Mill & Lumber Company, -Bandon
,Tohnson Lumber Company, Coquille '-' tho-o.ott-Kellv Lumber Company, Marshfield ' Western White-Cedar Company, Millington ' ' ' ' Marshfield Mill Company, Marshfield ' ' ' Smaller mills of the countY.
106,000,000 30,000,000
Total production of county. " "414,000,000
Mr. Frank L. Dietz, of the Excel Shingle Company, fe.attf., tt"t 6e." i" California for -the past two weels, visiting il;;a-";;"nd San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego'
He states that the shingle people are looking for a very good year, in their line. Kiln