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American Lumber Popular
(Continued from Page 32) world, thousands of people from the four corners of the earth visit it each year. Efiicient wo.od-using practices as demonstrated in the Canal Zone, therefore, have far-reaching efiects, and a knowledge of them is taken back by the visitors to the countries from which they come. For this leason, and be'cause it realizes that their effect on the consumption of American lumber in foreign countries is bound to be considerable, the National Committee on Wood Utilization is keenly interested in following wood-using methods in the Canal Zone.
Mr. Oxholm is now preparing a report'which will be submitted to the Governor of the Panama Canal,.in which he gives the results of his findings, pointing out how the recommendations of the Cornmittee may be put into practice in the various departments of the Canal. With the splendid cooperation which Mr. Oxholm received from the Governor and his aides, there is no doubt that the Panama Canal will be among the first to take advantage of any developments in efficient wood utilization.
Following the completion of his work in the Canal Zome, Mr. Oxholm held conferences with builders, architects, engineers, and contractors in the Republic of Panama, thiough affangements made by the branch ''office of the U. S.-Department of Commerce in Panama City.' 11 yas the censehsus of opinion of those attending these bonferences that dissemination of knowledge in the foreign field in regard to American wood using practise,F, with particglar relerence to building and construction'inethods, would lead to an increased and more intelligent use of American lumber in those countries.
It was pointed out that few of the consumers in the tropics have any definite idea in regard to American, lumbef grades, and that faulty construction results from the wrong use of various grades. The unanimous opinion was that iJ American exporters would protect the interests of the ultimate consumer abroad by furnishing grade nrarked stocks su,ch as for years have been furnished by European exporters, the consumer would receive greaier satisfaction from the use of our lumber. The use of end-matched southern pine lumberrvas demonstrated by Mr. Oxholm" by means of samples from a shipment made by the Southern Pine Association and the audience expressed itself as keenly interested in the economies ppssible through the use of this stock.
Native woods are used to some extent on the Isthmus, but the cost of getting out the logs is heavy, and in most instances American lumber may be imported at a lower cost. As a curiosity, Mr. Oxholm pointed out that he saw huts in the jungle built of rnahogany framing, with the siding made from discarded American boxes and the whole building whitewashed.
Ptaner Saw
Thir raw will cut quickly and econornicelly on eithcr herd or roft wood. Whcthcr ripping, cutting-ofr or mitering, it will rtand fert hand fccd without rubbing or ovcrheeting. Thc rucccrful pcrformancc of Simonds Sawr, Kniver and Filer ir duc to the fact that they are backed by Sinondr manufacturing crpcriencc of ncarly a century.
When ordcring epccify Simondr Plancr Saw for rmoothcr cutting. Do not acccpt a rubrtitute.
Lor Angeler, Calif. - San Francirco, Calif.
E. T. Robie, Auburn Lumber Co., Auburn, Northerrl District vice-president of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, was a San Franciscr Bay visitor last week.
Hawk Huey In Los Angetes
Hawk Huey, Phoenix, well known Arizona lumberman, spent the Christmas Holidays in Los Angeles. He was accompanied by Mrs. Huey.
Philippine Laminex Door Catalo€ue Beautiful Piece of Work
One of the most attractive pieces of sales literature ever issued by a manufacturer is ihe new Philippine Laminex Door catalogue issued by The Wheeler Osgood Company of Tacoma. Wash.. for distribution to retail dealers who stock Laminex doors.
The book contains illustrations in colors of a number of artistic entrance doors of exclusive design, only a limited number of which will be sold in any one city. The color pictures will be of the greatest assistance to the dealer in selling these high grade stock front doors.
Dealers can obtain specifications and full information cn these door designs from The Wheeler Osgood Company, 1600 E. Washington St., Los Angeles; L.J. Woodson, 112 Market St., San Francisco,':r from the home office of The \Mheeler Osgood Company, Tacoma, Wash.
M. J. "Ben" Byrnes Succeeds Foster Bros. fnc.
Announcement is made by Foster Bros. fnc., San Francisco, that they are retiring from the wholesale lumber business, in order that Paul S. Foster and his brother, A. W. Foster, may devote themselves to their many other interests; and that their wholesale cargo and rail business will be continued by M. J. "Ben" Byrnes, who was vice-president of the original concern.
Mr. Brynes will carry on the business at the same address, 2M California, with the same telephone number, DAvenport 1100, and with the same sawmill connections.
Civil Service Examination For Junior Range Examiner
The United States Civil Service Commission announces the following open competitive examination
.Applications for junior range examiner must be :n file with the Civil Service Commission at Washington, D. C., not later than March 5.
The examination is to fiIl vacancies in the Forest Service and in positions requiring similar qualifications.
The entrance salaries range from $2,000 to 92.500 a year. Higher-salaried positirns are filled through promotion.
The duties of appointees will be in subordinate assignments on such lines of work as rang'e reconnaissance and surveys, range management, and range development in general; ranger district administration; wild life management; and research in range management, silviculture, ecology, forest protection, watershed protection and economics at forest and range experiment stations, or in Washington.
Competitors will be rated on range management, botany, a thesis to be submitted to the examiner on the day of the examination, and on their education and experience.
Full information may be obtained from the United States Civil Service Commission, Washington, D. C., or the Secretary of the United States Civil Service Board of Examiners at the post office or custom house in any city.
Ralph Duncan Visits San Francisco
Ralph P. Duncan, general manager of the Mer'ced Lumber Company, Merced, was in San Francisco last week on a business trip.