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Abbeys Regtster and Tear Book
Western Lunber Inductry 't1r2g Edttton Now Ready
A nlnutr ud accmtc guldc to a"[ branchec o{ tha Lunb6 Indu3try ot Warhingtd, Orega, Calffmia, Idaho, Mmtua, Coldado, Nmda, Arlm' Nw Mexlco, Suth Dakotan Utab, Wyming, Alu&a, Bri".t' Columbia, the Phtlppirca and llawaii.
In paacuel infmtim gim irhdee Prealdent, Mangr, Supcrin- tardeng Salr Muager, Purchadrg Agcnt lDd Marter Mehuic. A Co' pht Ult ti mchirsy and equipmg dally epsctty, ap*ies of wood awed, etc,, enabla thc Seller to tbe Induby to elct Sahc Prcpccte and Luber Buyrs to plae orderg ud inquirlier htallilratb.
Simonds Improves High Speed Steel Knives
Abreast of the advancement in modern mechanics, comes the announcement by the Simonds Saw and Steel Company, Fitchburg, Mass. of a decided improvement in the manufacture and quality of high speed steel machine knives. From its headquarters the Simonds Company to- day releases the story of the successful culmination of experiments and research toward the goal of a greatly improved machine knife, the Chromium Plated "Red Streak" High Speed Steel Planer Knife.
This nerv knife is being installed in plants throughout the wood-using industry and a scientific check on it, made in a number of plants in various sections of the country, establishes the fait that it develops much greater service than the usual run of thin knives. Tests have shown that this new knife, chromium plated, operates with perfect success on kiln-dried stock, giving more than 25-per cent longer life and from 2OO/o to 3N/o longer time between jointings on green lumber. Knives with the cuttingedge back beveled are not affected by Chromium Plating but on al,l other High Speed Steel Knives whether srlid or welded edge the new treatment gives these fast feed knives greatly increased cutting service.
India Wants Clean Up And Paint Up Campaign
The National Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign Bureau isin receipt ofa letter from the "Cal,cutta Municipat Gazette," official organ of the Corporation of Calcuita, India, requesting full information about the method of organizing and conducting a Clean Up and Paint Up Campargn.
The letter, which is from Amel Home, Editor of the "Calcutta Municipal Gazette," includes the following para- graph:
"It would interest us very much to learn about the activities of your organization and to publish in the Gazette from your publications excerpts which, we believe, will aid in suggesting new ideas to Municipal Officers and Councillors in this country who read the Gazette. We shall welcome your allowing us that opportunity."
Full information has been sent to India bv the National Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign Bureau.
-Orr9r fQ0m ltgthss ln thc bok whtch inclu&: Saw, Pladng ud Shtnsb Vttls, lt/oodwrkers, Logging Opcretimr; Box, Vew, Pulp. Paper, Dc, suh' Cr@ Amr, Handler aDd Frmltwc Muufrctrrers, Machine Sho1rq Hotela, Bwding Hrea, Gel*al Storet, ud Cmigcirles operatod -by nllls ud gunc; Cmtr Cmisimqs ln Ca^Efmi+ Orcgon, Washingtoo, Id.ho, md a list oa Eatten hmba Bu1rcrs
Orda thlg valuble refcreue b@k todly. 9g ot lhe firru h thc prc- vlru Gditic elimimted artSy'o rev fims addGd.
510-S45x7Y+ Pager . . Price SZ50
Publiahed by
The Industrlal Servlce Go.
Sherlock Bldg., Portlend, Ore.
Syntron Motorless Elegtric Hamiiers
ttOnly the Piston movestt
Yz to 2-inch Drilling Capacity.
Veights 10 to 20 lbs.
Priced at f 100 and up.
Electrlc Drlllr, All Slzcc
Poctable Gr{nders and Bench Ttrrpcs
Goncrete Surfaccrs
Strand Fledble thafts and Equlpmcnt
Efcctrfc lland Sawr
Sandcm . Pollchcm . Bulters
If a job can be done with an electric tool+e have ie