2 minute read
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722 Sourn GRrrrrru AveNue LosANceles. Caur roRru r e
His Application
A big business house had a cashier's job vacant, and received an application from a man who listed his assets and pUitities for the prospective employer as follows: f "Assets: A wife and three children, a home in the coun[ry without a mortgage, $2,000 cash in savings bank, $3,200 lt iberty Bonds, $+,OOO other securities, $20,000 insurance, fbmber of a local churth, a good temper, habit of getting up early, good health,age 42, never been in court for anything.
"Liabilities: Lost my last job for taking a certain stand on too much efficiency when an efficiency man was brought into our midst; believe strongly in the human equation in business: rather self-opinionated; spend a bit too much on clothes; like a good drrink of liquor when I can get it."
They say he got the job.
Make This A Day
Make this a day. There is no gain In brooding over days to come; The message of today is plain, The future lips are ever dumb.
The work of yesterday is goneFor good or ill, let come what may; But now we face another dawnMake this a day.
Though yesterday we failed to see
The urging hand and earnest face That men call Opportunity; We failed to know the time or place For some great deed, what need to fret?
The dawn comes up a silver gray And golden moments must be metMake this a day.
The day is come; the time is now; No better hour was ever hereWho waits upon the when and how Remains forever in the rear.
Though yesterday was wasted stufr, Your feet may yet seek out the way, Tomorrow is not soon enoughMake this a day.
Perform on promises. It six minutes to disappoint a customer. and six mont get him back again.
John On Fellowshtp
"He that loveth his abideth in the light, and there is none occasion of ing in him.
"But he that his brother is walketh in and knoweth not in darkness, and whither he goeth, because that da has blinded his eyes.
"That which we seen and heard declare we unto you that ye may also have fellowship with us."
"Your daughter recites nicely," the professor's wife said to Mrs. Malaprop at the church social.
"I'm goin' to give her a.course in electrocution," said Mrs. Malaprop. "Sort of finish her off, you know?"
"Idleness is the Dead Sea that swallows all virtues. Be active in business that temptation may miss her aim. The bird that sits is easily shot."
A Vice President Y
A family moved from the big were told that they should get a to'the subudbs and h dog to guard their premises at night. So they ht the largest dog they could get for sale at a kennels.
was entered and robbed, Shortly afterward their while the big dog slept. he housekeeper went to the dog dealer and told him
"Well, what dog to wake no\trr," said the dealer, "is a little big dog."
Preparedness I
In youth acquire that which you requir{for the deprivations of old age; and if you are mindful |hat old age has wisdom for its food, you will so en€q1 ylurself in youth that your old age will not lack sustenanc\lAs a well spent day brings happy sleep, so a liie well used brings h"ppy death.-Da Vinci.