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L,ltttbermen to Organize New ,1 American Legion Post
A new American Legion Post, to known as "The Lumbermen's Post", is being organized in the Los Angeles district. Anyone interested in joining the new Post may communicate with J. A. Brush, of the W. E. Cooper Lumber Co., 2035 E. 15th Street, Los Angeles, or Leo E. Hubbard, Hayward Lumber & Investment Co., 410 San Fernando Road, Los Angeles.
The first meeting of the Post will be held on Tuesday, January 20,1931.
Pacific Coast Wooden Box Manufacturers to Meet
The first 1931 Tri-monthly Meeting of the Pa,cific Coast Division of the National Association of Wooden Box Manufacturers will be held at the Hotel Sir Francis Drake, San Francisco, California, on Wednesday and Thursday, February 18th and 19th, 1931.
This will be a "round table" meeting to dis,cuss matters of industry, organization, trade promotion, rnerchandising, production methods, etc., etc., and will be similar to previous meetings held by the Pacific Coast Division of this Association. The Association hopes thatthis gathering will bring together the Wooden Box manufacturers from all parts of the Coast.
The first day of the San Francis,co meeting, (February 18th), will be open to all Wooden Box manufacturers and others interested in the industry. The session to be held the second day, (February 19th), will be open only to members of the Association, or their representatives. All motions passed at the February 18th session are subject to ratification by members at the session to be held February 19th.
The Association extends an invitation to all Wooden Box manufacturers. and others interested in the industry, to attend the San Francisco meeting on February 18th and 19th.
Nicolai Takes on "Woodweld" Glue Line
The Nicolai Door Sales Company of San Francisco have been appointed the Northern California representatives for "Woodweld," nationally known glue, manufactured by George H. Osgood at Tacoma. A complete stock of this glue is carried in the San Francisco warehouse. It is put up in various size packages, ranging from ten pounds to two hundred and fifty pounds.
According to Larue Woodson, manager of the Nicolai Door Sales Company in San Francisco, their glue sales have exceeded all expectations.