3 minute read


Tuerday, Jan. 6, l93l

C. F. Messinger New President of Chain Belt Co.

Ilappy New Year, folks, may ev€ry hour of your life in 1931 be a haPPY one. We wish that sin' cerely.

In our first edition of this page for this Year we want you to know that we are better Prepared to serve your building needs than we have been in the past. In the first Plac€ we have an added Year of experience. We have been in this business for twenty-six years and are still learning. We don't claim to know it all yet but we should be able to assist you in working out y;ur building prcblems'

We have bought a new truck. It isn't iu service yet but will be smn with rollers'n everything. The driver will be the same one who has been so accommodating for the last several years,

I{e'll crank your Ford or he'll hold your baby' He tries to give service and we don't mean maybe.

We have put down a nice oak flmr in our o{fice. It isn't one of the most expensive grades, either, but polished and waxed, it lmks rich. We have nrade other changes and improvements to our old office space to make it a regular building store.

We have put in a line of paint. PABCO is the brand, made by an old established company with a reputation. They guarantee satisfaction or your rnoney back.

Corona Lumber

Est. 1904

The cans have at right pretty label on the outside and made a nice display on the shelves. You won't be disappointed when you have used the contents, -either.

We have had a little builder's hardware for some time llut lots ol people didn't know it. We have added to the stock and put it out where it can seen.

Clifford F. lVlessinger, formerly vice-president and general manager of the Chain Belt Company, of Millvaukee, rvas elected president at the l)ecemlter lneeting of the Board of Directors, succeeding his l>rother C. R. Messinger, who resigned to become presiderlt of the Oliver Farm E,quipment Company, January l. C. Il. Messinger was elelcted Chairman of the Board of the Chain l3elt Company.

G. K. Viall, lVorks lVlanager since 1929, and connectecl rvith Chain Belt Compan)' since 1921, r'r'as electecl a vicepresident.

C. F. Messinger has been with the Chain Belt Company since 1911, when he graduated fronr the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University. In the same year. he entered the Chain Belt organization as a sttldeltt apprentice-he lr'ent through the regular apprentice course, serving in all shops ancl departments of the company. In 1913, he was macle Advertising Manager, and in 1916, Sale.s Manager of the Construction Equipment Division. He became General Sales Manager i; 1920, Vice President in 1922, and General Manager in 1930, a position in rvhich he continues.


We have spent all extra moneY at a when we didn't have to in order to give the building public an added service and to make it nrore convenient for them to get what they want with less trouble. We have Iaith in Corona and her future.


E. D. Kingsley, president of the West Oregon Lutnber Co., Linnton, Ore., recently paid a short business visit to San Francisco, where he conferred rvith t-he WendlingNathan Co., California agents forthis firn'r's rvell-knorvn West Oregon Super Finish.

Mr. Kingsley reported that the West Oregon Lumber Co. has resumed logging operations in their tract of fine old grorvth yellow Douglas fir timber, and that the first logs taken out this year are among tl,e finest he has ever seen'for the manufacture of high-grade fir finish.

Sinie 1927, he also has been president of The Stearns Conveyor Company, a wholly owned subsidiarl' of the Chain Belt Company. He is a <lirector. of the Chain Belt Company as well as of the Sivyer Steel Casting Company, the inteistate Drop Forge Companv, the Fecleral MalieabLe Company, and the National Bank of Commerce. The regular quarterly dividend of 621 cents per share on the cor-r-rmoli stock was also declared at this rneeting pa1'able February l5 to stockl-rolders of record Fellruarv l.

Simonds Representative Uses Airplane

F. A. Diekhoff, foreign representative for the Simonds Sarv & Steel Company, called on the saw mills in Northern Mexico last November in his new Stinson Cabin Monoplane. The ship is specially built so that it is interchangeable with wheel landing gear and floats. Wliile in the Orient, Edo Floats rvill be used.

After completing his trip through Mexicq, he rvill fly to San Francis.co, and then ship the plan'e to Japan. From Japan, he will fly to China, Philippine Islands, Borneo, Java, Sumatra, F.M. S., Siam, Burma, and British East India. Later he will make a trip through Central and South America.

Desire, determination and consistent efiorts are necessary applications in acquiring homes.

HOME-a great character founded on love, contenftnent and protection, and Real Planned Homes ate a joy forever.

This wonder home refects so much attractiveness and contains such ideal division of rooms as to command your earnest considetation. It would be equally as attractive in brick, shingles or siding.

Surely you could not help but be proud of a home constructed from this plan.

There is an air of prosperity about a well planned home that refects independence and comfort within.

Plans for this attractive home can be furnished by the Lumbermen's Service Association

Fay Building, Los Angeles

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