3 minute read
By Jack Dionne
not guarunteed---Some I have told
for 20 years---Some lecs
Not Much o[ a Change?
These two men were arguing furiously over something, and one of them said:
"Listen, Bill. You don't agree with anything, or any, body. I'll bet you don't even indorse the Ten Commandments."
The other one said, casually: "Well, you make one small change in them and I'll go right along with them.,'
The first one said: "What small change do you lvant made?"
And the pessimist said: ,'Just strike out that word "NOT'all the way through.
Roy Barto Tells How Filipinos Painted Al Koehl's Sagh and Door Schedule Knots on Their Finest Cabinet \7oods has Come Into General Use for to Make it LookLike Douslas Fir Figuring Millworlc Prices
Roy Barto, President of Cadwallader-Gibson Company, of Los Angeles, tells a delightful story of how far the Filipinos will go to emulate American things. Some Philippine capitalists built a very delightful hotel at a watering resort about sixty miles from Manila, and they trimmed it, and built its many pillars out of the most valuable wood that grows on the Islands, Narra. Narra is heavier, stronger, costlier, and more beautiful than almost any other Island wood. But after they got all this clear, marvelouslygrained cabinet wood in place, they proceeded to paint knots all over the exposed portions, to make it look like that wonderful Douglas Fir. And there it is today, with the knots in plain sight.
To imitate something from America they took one of the most beautiful and valuable of woods and painted it to look like common softwood building material. And, as Mr. Barton says: "Life's like that."
Roy Bleecker Visits San Francisco
G. R. "Roy" Bleecker, formerly in the lumber business in San Francisco, and now of the Portland office of the Western Lumber Co., Westfir, Ore., left San Francisco for PortIand January 4 after spending several days in the Bay district on business.
E. S. Canton, Canton Lumber Sales Co., Minneapolis, was a recent visitor to the Pacific Coast. He called on a number of mills in the Northwest, and visited the operations of The Pacific Lumber Co. at Scotia, Calif., and their main office in San Francisco.
Frank Adams In San Francisco
Frank R. Adams, of Chicago, Eastern sales manager of The Pacific Lumber Company, has arrived in San Francisco for a visit to the company's main of;fice and their plant at Scotia, Calif.
Al Koehl, owner of the firm of Jno. W. Koehl & Son, Los Angeles, derives much satisfaction in the realization that his pet business hobby, his Koehl 335 Sash & Door Schedule, has come into general use for figuring door and millwork prices all over Southern California.
Fifteen years ago Mr. Koehl began working on this system for figuring door and millwork prices. He put in a wealth of time and effort on the proposition, and in LSZS he issued his first edition of the book. Little by little its worth became understood by his fellow manufacturers of doors and millwork, until today about 75 of these detailed and interesting books are in constant use by makers of millwork in Southern California, with a scattered few in the northern part of the state. He hopes to see it come into general use all over the state because of the wizardry with which it figures door and millwbrk prices, almost at a glance.
Mr. Koehl reports that the business volume of his own concern, Jno. W. Koehl & Son, increased 75% in 1935 over 1934,and is still on the up grade. They make a specialty of the highest class of special built doors and millwork.
Returns From Eastern Business Trip
R. A. Simeral of Portland, Ore., general manager of FirTex Insulation Board Co., was a recent visitor at the company's Los Angeles office where he conferrecl with Stanley Moore, their Southern California representative. He had just completed an extensive business trip through the Middle 'West, East and Southern states. He also visited the plants of the Insulite Co., International Falls, Minn.; Wood Conversion Co., Cloquet, Minn.; Oswego Board Co., Oswego, N. Y.; Armstrong Cork Products Co., pensacola, Florida; and the Celotex Co,, New Orleans.
L. W. MacDonald, MacDonald & Bergstrom, Inc., Los Angeles, was a recent San Francisco visitor on business.