1 minute read
Ualike Wcrter, business ccm not be tuned on crnd off at will, like c faucet. Its flow is the result of monentum gcrthered over c long period of time.
To wait, therefore, until this wcr is victoriously ended, belore stqiting cfter business might prove extremely costly. Why, then, not stcrrt building tomorrow's post wcrr business, todcrl'. It is sure to pay. Pcrticulcrly when it's bcsed on well conceived plcns thcrt cne "right down-to-eqrth." Stcrt by keeping c record oI your customers'cnd prospects'Iuture needs. By knowing WHO wcnts WHAT cnd WHERE these buyers cre you wilt be able to obtcin items cnd mcrterials in hecrviest demcnd, when they cne cgcrin crvcrilcrble. Adopt your plcn, todcry.
Blue Dianond C-orporation -----------------------15
Bndley Lunb€r C.o., of Arkanraa
Burnr Lumber Co.
Butler, Seth L. -------------------------------_--'
Crlifornia Builders Supply Co. --------------2o
Celifocnia Door Go., The -----------14
Crtifornie Panel & Veneet Co. ---------3
Crrr & Co., L J. ----------------------2A
C.elotex Corporation, The -------------- |