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Nfr ]R" LUNfrBERNfrAN HAVE YOU HEARD ???? ABour Corolitn Jdonl,y 6;1"
A Portcrble Displcry Ccrse cs Pictured BelowLocned to You Without Chcrrge-
32 Pieces ,lx4 Terrpered Hcrdbocrd. Four pcrstel colors, scored in cr 6"x6" Tile-like desigrr, with cr beautilul Plcstic tinish.
96 Linecl leet of Stcinless Steel Trim, 4' Lengths. 6 Qucnts ol Wcrterprool Mcstic. 8 Tubes of loint Filler.
INSTBUCfION SIIEEIS. Envelope stuffers
This is cr complete "IfniL" nothing else needed. It is the Icrstest selling item in declers'stocks todcy. The bocnd sells itseU, Customers ccrry these convenient size sheets home in their ccrs, No delivery problem. For further inIormcrtion write or'phone the FIR-IEK olfice serving Your territory. Mcrke this your PROF'IT item.