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Inuponted under the laws of Califmia
J. C. Dime, Pre. ud Treas.; J. E. MartiD, Vie-Pro; IlL A&m!, Secrctary Publlshed the lst and fsth of each noth at 3lt-19.20 C*ntral Bullding, lOE Wect Sixth Streg Ia Angeh3, Cal., Telephm: V.Andke {516 Entercd a! Seod-clasc natter September 8, 19\ at tta Poet Office at Is Angeler, Califmia, undpr Act of March 3, lt?e.
Subrcriptioa Pricc, $ZlXl pcr Year Single Copier, 25 ccntr cach.
Practically All Boats in Coastwise Lumber Trade Still Tied Up
There is no change in the coastwise steam lumber schoonet situation and no prospect of an eady settlement is in sight. The Shipormers Association of the Pacific Coast on January 29 rqotted, thet 64 coastwise vessels are tied up owing to labor troubles. Four veesels were operating, one of which is expocted to tie up.
The elfect of the tie-up is refected in lumber cargo arrivals at Celifo{rda po,rts. Lumber receipts at Los Angeles harbor for the week ended J.r"u"ry 25 totaled, 4rr54rOOO feet; the week pnevious the receipts were otrly 21596rOO0 f,eet.
Vith coasrwise tonnage practically all tied up, the Califotnia cargo business is being diverted to rail. Orego,n Fir mills have the biggest orde.t files they have had in a long time. Fir rail shipments are coming in frcely to all sections of the state; a Large amoutrt of common has alteady moved into Southern California by rail, and shipmeots of uppers are heavy. Fir commons are up $2.OO to 14.00 in the last three weeks, and the advance on uppenr is about the same. Scarcity and the increasing pdce of Fir clears ig due to shortage of [ogs, and to the ailrca& comlrg into the market for V.G. car siding and car decking. The Red Cedar shingle market is not as strong as two weeks ago.
Eastern and Vestern volume of Redwood orders is holding up. Operating mills are maintaining the increased production recently put into elfect. Slight progress is being made on dry stocks. California shipments are being made by rail on ac. count of the coastwise chipping tie-up.
Redwood shingle prices ale firm and the demand is active. Mills are operating full blast and taking care of their orders. There has been no increase*in
New business boofred at the lumber mills during the week ended January lE was heavier than any previous week since April; production was less than any, ercept holiday weeks, since June; shipments from the mills were heavier than in any of rhe preceding six weeks, according to re.ports to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association from tcgional associations covering opef,ations of leading hardwood and softwood mills.
Duting the week ended January 18, 547 mills produced 184,329rOO0 feet of hardwood and softwood combined; shipped 178,481,000 feet; and booked of 231,091,000 feet.
New business reported to the Vest Coast Lumberments Association for the week ended J^nu ry 18 by 201 mills was 117,611999 feet as against a production of 97,8131929 feet, and shipments of 79,8691153 f.eet.
The Association reports that the increase in sales of 4r000r000 feet the week ending January 18 over the total in the previous week represents 3l per cent and was entirely the result of more buying for delivery to the Vest, Central States and East fo'r shipment by railroad. Chiefy, this movement will be to retail yards and to fill in stoctcs in anticipation of spring demand and use.
As more than 60 per cent of the lumber of the West Coast industry normally moves by water to its market, the immediate future of the industry rests on whether or not water transportetion will be available to serve Califomia and the Atlantic Coast during the coming sixty to ninety days. Should the water strike movement grow and reduce seriously the movement of Atlantic Co"ast shipmeflts, as has occrrred in the Califo,rnia trade, it is only a question of time until the waterfront mills would have to close and so automatically withdraw also from the foreign trade.
The Vestern Pine Association for the week ended January 18, 108 mills re?orting, gave orders as 53r7O4rOO0 feet, shipments 44r8r5rOOO feet, and productiotr 29r377rOOO f.eet. Orders were 82.8 per _c-ent above productiotr and, 19.7 per cent a6ove shipqlgnts. Shipments wete 52.6 per cent above production. Unfilled orders on hand at the end of the week-totaled. 1991016rooo feet'
The California Redwood Association reported production of 12 mills for the week ended January lg e;71469,000 feet, shipments 5rO5Or0(X) feet, and new business 5,628,OO0 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week were 37,438.000 feet.
\(ill Re-enter \(/holesale Business
J. Walter Kelly announces his resignation as general manager of the Consolidated Lumber Co., Wilmington. He plans to re-enter the wholesale lumber business.
Opens Los Ang eles Olfice
B. S. Galleher has opened offices at 438 Chamber of Commerce Building, Los Angeles, where he is carrying on a wholesale hardwood lumber and flooring business under the name of the Galleher Company. They are the exclusive representatives of several well known Northern and Southern hardwood lumber manufacturers, and will specialize in oak and maple flooring.
Mr. Galleher has been in the hardwood business for many years, operating as the Reid-Galleher Company, floor contractors and dealers, in Long Beach and Los Angeles. Mr. Galleher will still maintain a contracting department.
Associated with Mr. Galleher in the Galleher Company is Rollins A. Brown, well known hardwood flooring salesman, who has been connected with the hardwood flooring and lumber business in Southern California for the oast fifteen years.
Redwood Exhibit at Baltimore Housing Show
The attractive exhibit of the California Redwood Association at the Federal Housing Show held in Baltimore, Maryland, January 4 to 11, drew much favorable comment from visitors to the show. The attendance numbered about 45,000.
The accompanying illustration shows the Association booth. This was of modernistic design. The sidewalls were made up of 1x20 inch boards, staggered so that a light concealed behind each board reflected over the face of the board immediately back of it. Lights placed behind each letter of the sign produced an unusual effect.
On the wide board was placed a picture of the house
C. D. Johnson lumber Corporation
tolt Otd Growth Tellow Dougtar Flr end 9ttko Spruce
Mills-Toledo, Oregon. Capacity 47 M pet hour, largest in Oregorj of combined kiln-dried and green lumben Over 50 years' supply virgin timbet.
During the present marine difficulties we are mahing immediate rail shipments to aII Calif ornia points on aII items of Douglas Fir lath,Iumber and timbers.
Let us have your inquiries for quick shipment. Write or wire for special list of stock on hand for immediate ship' ment. Shipments made as promised.
Branch Sales Offices
shown in Chicago. This was loaned by the National Lumber Manufacturers Association. The Redwood trees on each side of the house were cut out of l-inch Redwood boards.
Immediately across from the booth on a space that was unsold a Redwood Log Cabin was erected, and on another space a cross section of a Redwood log was placed. Each of these additional exhibits attracted a good deal of attention.
H. A. Alston of The Pacific Lumber Company, who 'ivas in charge of the exhibit, reports that a 2S-cent charge was made for admission, and that this naturally kept out the type of people who attend exhibits of this nature through mere curiosity.
Now Associated with D. H' Doud
Starting February 1, R. E. (Ed) Fountain, who was for many years Retail Sales Manager of Consolidated Lumber Co., Los Angeles, will become associated with D. H' Doud, who has recently returned to Southern California as exclusive Sales Representative of the Anderson & Middleton Lumber Co.; Polson Lumber and Shingle Co.; Polson Mill Co., and Hart Mill Co.
Many dealers will recall that Mr. Fountain spent several years in the rvholesale department of the Consolidated Lumber Co. before he became Retail Sales Manager.
The above group of mills have made definite arrangements to operate two steam schooners, the S.S. "Quinault" and the S.S. "Claremont". These vessels will be in operation immediately following the settlement of the present seamen's strike.
FR(lilT II(l(lRS
We have several designs of these beautifulfront doors, which we carry in both Douglas Fir and Philippine Mahogany
These are front doors prices.