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Sudden et Christenson

Lunber and Shlpptng

7th Floor. Alaska-Commercial Bldg., - 7lO Sansome Street, San Francisco AGBNTS STBAMERS

Amcricen Mitl Co. Abcrdcen' V.rL Ryder Henify

Hoguiam Lumbcr & Shinsfc Co, Hoquiem. Werb Dorothv Cahilt

Hulbert Mill Co. - Aberdecn, Verlr- Jane Chri*enroo

Witlape Herbor Lumber Millr . Reymoad, Varh. Cherler Chrirtenroo

Branch O6ccs:

Sash and Door Wholesalers Play Golf

Glenn Fogleman, The California Door Company, was the winner of the Membership Trophy, donated by the Sampson Company, at the golf tournament held by the Wholesale Sash and Door Association oI Southern California at the Altadena Golf Club, Pasadena, Wednesday afternoon, January 22. This is the third time that Glenn has won the trophy and he now has permanent possession of it.

Ted Lee, The R. J. M. Co., was the winner of the Guest Trophy, donated by the West Coast Screen Co.

The special prize, nearest to the cup on the fifth green in the drive from the tee, was won by Gene DeArmond, Pacific Cabinet Co., and he was presented with a weather coat, donated by the Association.

Vic Gram, W. P. Fuller & Co.; J. W. Mcleod, Cadwallader-Gibson Co., Inc., and "Dave" Davis, Union Lumber Company, were the winners of the blind bogey prizes.

Winners in the various other events were presented with golf balls donated by Frank Gehring, Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass Company, and the Association.

Dinner was served in the Club House at 6:30 p.m. and was followed by the presentation of the prizes by Earl Galbraith, who acted as toastmaster. Bill Sampson, chairman of the Golf Committee, gave a brief talk.

There was a nice turnout, 47 playing golf and 61 present for dinner.

Unusual Uses for Wolmanized Lumber

With its ability to withstand decay and termite attack Wolmanized Lumber has a great variety of uses. Two odd services being performed were recently reported.

In one case it is being used by Warren & Bailey Co. of Los Angeles in the form of spikes to hold together laminated slabs of cork installed in their refrigeration units. Metal fasteners corroded and failed within a short time under the moist condition found in these coolers. and spikes of monel metal or copper being too expensive for this work, wood pegs were tried. These also failed from attacks by moulds and fungi, but a perfect solution was found in the use of Wolmanized wood pegs. These are of different sizes, some as small as ordinary meat skewers, and others up to 10 inches in length and half an inch in diameter. They are used as spikes to hold the insulation in place. No failures have occurred and no further attention to the installations has been necessary.

In the other case the Alderman Company, fnc., Pasadena, has a system of ant control involving the use of many cups containing ant poisons. The cups are nailed to wood stakes. These stakes, being set close to the foundation walls of houses where water is used to irrigate plants and shrubs, caused endless trouble through failure by reason of decay and termite damage. Maintenance being on an annual basis the cost was too high for profitable operation until they began to use Wolmanized stakes, thousands of which are now in service. Cost is now reduced to a minimum through elimination of replacements.

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