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Position Wanted
Wide-awake, all-around man. Now manager of small yard in Southern California. 'Experienced salesman, estimator, credits, bookkeeper, all-around office man. Will accept subordinate position with opportunity. Will go anSrwhere. Age 45, excellent healtlrAddress Box C-835, California Lumber Merchant.
For sale, fully equipped Planing Mill-East Bay District. In live town with plenty of business. Good proposition. $50fi).00 will handle. Address Box C-556 California Lumber Merchant.
Thoroughly Capable
Young, aggressive lumberman with retail, sawmill and wholesale experience seeks connection as mill representative or yard management. Best local references. Address C-862 California Lumber Merchant.
Position Wanted
Lumberman with several years' experience as yard forerrran wants position with retail lumber firm as yard man or front end man. Thorough knowledge of all building materials and mill work. Capable of taking full charge of yard. Married-middle aged. Prefer Southern California. Address Box C-864, California Lumber Merchant.
Salesman Wanted
Wanted-A salesman who can sell. PENBERTHY LUMBER COMPANY, Specializing in Hardwoods, White and Sugar Pine and Spruce.
2055 East 51st Street, Los Angeles Telephone Klmball 5111
(Continued from Page 26) large or small and whatever its normal product, must be known.
"Small plants are quite as capable as their bigger brothers of doing their part for defense production. Primary contractors with defense orders direct from the government should sub-contract more of their work. So should the sub-contractors let out part of their work. Yes, and often portions of the sub-contracts can be again sub-contracted. In this way and in this way only can our total resources be marshaled for defense."
Salesman Wanted
Repu(able San Francisco wholesale firm wants young man with knowledge of lumber as salesman. One with some sales experience preferred but this is not essential. State experience and salary expected. Replies will be treated confidentially. Address Box C-86f Catfornia Lumber Merchant.
Ornners offer 640 acres of best Coast-Range Sugar and Ponderosa Pine, plus some Fir, in California, to small mill owner on attractive terms. Located near San Francisco Bay Metropolitan area, contains good mill site with water, and other timber adjacent and, likely available for cutting. Address Box C-860, California Lumber Merchant.
Wants Position With Wholesale Firm
Experienced lumberman wants position with wholesale lumber company. Has mill, wholesale buying and selling experience. Knows the California retail trade. Address Box C-863, care California Lumber Merchant.
Office Man Wants Position
Lumberman with ten years'wholesale and retail experience wants position. Los Angeles metropolitan district preferred. Can handle general office work, bookkeeping and typing. Last position with Los Angeles wholesale firm. Address Box C-865, California Lumber Merchant.
Lumber Yards For Sale
We have a number of good yards in Southern California for sale. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers,80l Petroleum Building, Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746
Charles R. Broback was married in the Methodist Church, Burlingame, Calif., to Miss Dorothy Potter on January 11. Mr. Broback is with the South City Lumber Co., South San Francisco.
Jack lvey, Los Angeles, field representative for the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, is back from Denver, Colo., where he attended the Mountain States Lumber Dealers' Association annual meeting on January 2O-ZI-22.