5 minute read
Red Rivcr Places Largest Order for Logging Truck Equipment
Westwood, Calif., January 22, 1941.--:lhe purchase of 22
G.M.C. Diesel logging trucks by The Red River Lumber Company is the largest order ever placed for logging truck equipment, according to the statement of F. A. Hoyt, Zone Manager of General Motors Truck and Coach Division. With P. W. trailers, specially designed for this operation, built by Pointer-Willamette, Portland, Oregon, these transportation units require an investment of a quarter million dollars.
The G.M.C.2-cycle Diesel motor is designed on the same principle as the motors that drive streamlined trains, subchasers and busses. Developed by General Motors for heavy duty transportation, they have a high performance and economy and low fire risk. Power is delivered to the two rear axles of the three-axle truck. Trucks and trailers will be equipped with lO-foot bunks for non-public highway haulittg. Average loads will be ten thousand feet with a log weight of 7l lbs. per foot, but a much heavier load is within the truck's capacity.
The Pointer-Willamette trailers incorporate a number of improvements and new features, including lower load suspension, separate wheel spring mountings giving a "kneeaction" effect and improved air-braking.
Each truck and trailer will run on 18 Firestone 11x22 inch tires of the Logger Excavator type.
This equipment will go into service with the opening of the Spring logging season on the Moonlight Canyon tract, east of Westwood and extending through I94l-42 into the Light's Creek tract. The longest haul will be 28 miles and if double shifts are run it is estimated that six trips per day can be maintained, according to Keith Merrill, Logging Superintendent. The Red River Lumber Company is building a24 foot ballasted road to Light's Creek which will probably be oiled. This road has a maximum adverse grade of 3 per cent and a maximum favorable grade of 7 per cent.
For this operation two Osgood Loaders are being built by Six Robblees, fncorporated of Seattle. These are traveling loaders with a boom swinging through 360 degrees to lift logs from both sides of the road. Tractors will deliver logs at any convenient point along the road with no specified landings. This method of loading gives more freedom of movement to the trucks which on this job will be run on a time table schedule.
Special shop facilities and organization are being developed for the maintenance and service of this fleet of trucks.
"This is another step in economical log transportation," said T. S. Walker, Vice President and Manager of the Lumber Division, "based on our experience with trucks both company-owned and contractor-owned. Larger units and better roads reduce logging costs. For the operation in the Light's Creek area comparison of costs favor this type of truck hauling over railroad construction and operation."
By E \[I. Sill
The royal feast was o'er, the king Sought some new sport to banish care, And to his jester cried "Sir Fool Kneel thou, and make for us a prayer t"
The jester dropped his cap and bells And stood that mocking court before, They could not see the bitter smile Beneath the painted sHn he wore.
He bowed his head and bent his knee Upon the Monarch"s silken stool, His pleading voice arose "Oh Lord Be merciful to me, a fool.
No pity, Lord, can change the heart
From red with wrong to white as wool, The rod must heal the sin; but Lord Be merciful to me, a fool !"
"'Tis not by guilt the onward sweep Of truth and right, Oh Ircrd, we stay, 'Tis by our follies that so long, We hold the earth from Heaven away. These clumsy feet still in the mire, Go crushing blossoms without end, These hard, well-meaning hands we thrust Amongst the heart-strings of a friend."
"The ill.timed truth we might have kept, Who knows how sharp it pierced and stung? The word we had not sense to sayWho knows how grandly it had rung? Our faults no tenderness should ask, The chastening stripes must cleanse them all, But for our blindness-Oh, in shame Before the eyes of Heaven we fall."
"Earth bears no balsam for mistakes. Men crown the knave, and scourge the tool That did his will; but Thou, Oh Lord Be merciful to me, a fool !"
The room was hushed. fn silence rose The King, and sought his gardens cool, And walked apart, and murmured low"Be merciful to me,---a fool !"
The teacher said: "Take four out of five, Johnnie, and what do you have?"
And the dentists's son promptly replied: "Pyorrhea, Matam.tt
By Jack Dionne
Take your stanceEasy NowFeet apartYou know howGrab that newClub you boughtGrip correctlyLike you're taughtGet your poiseTake your timeEye and handThey must rhymeConscious strengthSupple gnacc-Joy of confictOn your faceReady nowSlightly smileGoing to knockThat ball a mileStart your swingDon't be hooking(Wonder if thatGal is looking?)
Splendid balanceLeft hand tightSwing it throughAll your mightNothing to itClass will tellOUT OF BOUNDS !OH HELLI
"To my wife I leave her lover and the knowledge that I wasn't the fool she thought f was."
"To my son I leave the pleasure of making a living. For 35 years he has thought the pleasure was mine."
"To my daughter I leave $100,000. She will need it. The only good piece of business her husband ever did, was to marry her."
"To my valet I leave the clothes he has been stealing from me regularly for the past ten years; also my fur coat that he wore last year when f was South."
"To my chauffeur I leave my cars. He has almost ruined them and I want him, to have the satisfaction of finishing the job."
"To my partner I leave the suggestion that he take some clever man in with him at once if he expects to do any business."
Trees and Men
Beaten by the storms of a hundred years, twisted and gnarled, meagrely sustained by the sterile soil in the seams of unyielding rock, with the will to live and live well, the lone Cedar stands on the Canyon rim and windswept plateau, lifting its branches in grateful supplication for the miracle of life.
In the mountain forest, rank on rank, stand stately Pines old, as the lives of men are measured, when the PilAmerica's shores the seeds of fn the silence and loneliness of endless time, keeping a vigil with life measured in units of a thousand years, the Sequoia, in transcendant majesty awaits a destiny yet unrevealed.
Silently they watch and patiently wait as generations of men ceaselessly come and fatefully pass.
For the scientists they hold a picture of the past and a vision of the future; meditation and wisdom for the philosopher; ethereal chords of wondrous harmony for the musician; a temple of intricate beauty for the devout; for all mankind inspiration, shelter and security.
May the fibre of their substance symbolize the bond of enduring friendship and good-will that is ours.
W. D. 'Bill" Austin, manager of the United Lumber Yards, Inc., Oakdale, Calif., announces that they have opened a new roofing department. The new department will not only furnish roofing material but is equipped to put on roofing and make repairs to existing roofs. They are featuring Pabco products.
Tbe uew WIIU ELECTRIC TOOL is the hcndiest power tool ever made. A rugged tool lor power crnd precision work. Drills through % inch iron plcte in 42 seconds or engrqves intriccrte designs. Hqndles any mcrterioi: MetclsWoods-Alloys-Plastics--Glass-Steel-etc. Sqves time. Eliminates lcrlcor. Plug into crny socket AC or DC, Il0 volts. Chuck 7r inch capctcity. Bcrll becning thrust. Power{ul, triple-gecned motor. STANDA8D MODEL, with Normol Speed (uses 200 diflerent crccessories, instcmtly interchcrngecrble). Price only $7.95.
Thc onh DRILL-TOOL with r full yerrrr turrrnlcc.
FREE Accessory outlit (Value $2) includes set of drills, mounted l7z inch grinder, sonding discs, cutting wheels, mounled brush, polishing wheel, ccnving burr, etc. PREE with eqch tool ordered NOW. lYe poy postoge.
Masonite Corporation will hold open house at their enlarged warehouse, 72I East 62nd Street, Los Angeles, Saturday, February 8, 1941. Luncheon will be served at 12 o'clock and will continue through the afternoon. The Los Angeles office has sent out invitations to all the Southern California yards.
The Los Angeles warehouse originally had 12,000 square feet of space, which has been increased to 50,0@ square