1 minute read
of California
Manufacturera of Douglaa Fir and Port Orford Cedar
Sawmills, Marehfield, Oregon
Distributing Plant Bay Point
Annual Production
200,(X)0,000 Feet
GENERAL OFFICES, t$,""*3::ijl"
[.os Angeles Office, ff"::,t"':t;ijl
Displays West Coast Woods
Vierv of the principal panels of the exhibit of West Coast rvoods, which ii being displayed at conventions of the State and regional retail lumber dealers' associations by the West Coast Lumber Trade Extension Bureau, Seattle, Washington. The exhibit contains samples of various items of lumber manufactured by the West Coast mills and shows how and where each item is utilized in building. There are also samples of Douglas fir finished in natural color and in stains, paints, and vainishes of different tones and tints. Panels of-the novelty-sandblasted Douglas fi1-a1s al5e included.